
Stories 21 - 35 | << Prev 

Denim's Back, But Denim-on-Denim Is Pushing It

Jeans are back in the spotlight, but how much is too much?

(Newser) - Thanks in part to the recession, denim is all the rage—but the growing tendency to layer denim on denim (on, sometimes, even more denim) might be too much. “It can look silly, too contrived,” a video producer tells the Wall Street Journal . Nonetheless, the look is everywhere,...

Say Goodbye to $600 Jeans
 Say Goodbye to $600 Jeans 

Say Goodbye to $600 Jeans

Thanks to the recession, premium denim comes at a lower premium

(Newser) - If you couldn't afford a pair of "premium jeans" last year, maybe you can now. Though the basic components of jeans haven't changed in decades, prices skyrocketed early in the decade—but thanks to the recession, designer denim that might have gone for more than $300 two years ago...

Now in Halls of Power: Jeans

 Now in Halls of Power: Jeans 

Now in Halls of Power: Jeans

Denim goes from workwear to choice of the business classes

(Newser) - Jeans used to be the uniform of teen rebels but they're now the pants of choice for world leaders and top execs trying to signal that they're serious but modern. "Dad jeans" and stonewashed denim are still no-nos in the halls of power, but crisp, pressed "power jeans"...

New CK Jeans Give You the Back—or Front —You Want

Designer gives butt a lift and fly a boost

(Newser) - Good news for the flat-bottomed: Calvin Klein’s Body jeans do for your lower half what a push-up bra does for your upper half, the New York Post reports—and both men and women can get a lift from the new line. The ladies get a rounder, more flattering look...

New Gap Jeans Compete With Designer Denim

But for about a quarter of the price

(Newser) - Gap is taking on the reigning kings of designer denim with its new jeans revamp in an effort “to reinvent Gap as a place of authority on denim,” the company's president says. Gone are the old designs—all of them. In their place are six new styles that...

Obama on The Jeans: 'I'm a Little Frumpy'

Prez makes no apologies for All-Star get-up: 'I'm not 20'

(Newser) - President Obama will go to bat for his health care plan, but he won’t defend his pants. Asked on NBC’s Today Show about the “dad jeans” he wore at last week’s All-Star Game, Obama punted. “I’m a little frumpy,” he confided. “I...

Skinny Jeans Craze Puts the Squeeze on Guys

Style trumps comfort as trend hits not-so-hip

(Newser) - The market for skinny jeans is expanding, as more and more men looking to show off their assets are pouring themselves into tight fitting styles, the Wall Street Journal reports. But as they target a crowd beyond the usual hipsters, skaters, and hip-hoppers, manufacturers are giving customers a bit of...

Calvin Klein Yanks 'Orgy Ad' After Gripes

(Newser) - Calvin Klein has ditched a controversial Manhattan "foursome" billboard after angry New Yorkers complained that the ad was too much even for them, reports the New York Daily News. The ad, showing a teenage girl wearing only her Calvins making out with two stud muffins on a couch, as...

Skinny Jeans: Health Hazard
 Skinny Jeans: Health Hazard 

Skinny Jeans: Health Hazard

(Newser) - Skinny jeans might be crushing nerves in the very thighs they’re supposed to flatter, MSNBC reports. Experts say they’ve seen a spat of young women suffering from meralgia paresthetica, or “tingling thigh syndrome,” caused by wearing ridiculously tight jeans. It occurs whenever constant pressure is applied...

Designer Jeans Thrive in Tight Times

Pants provide 'affordable luxury'

(Newser) - The economy may be tight, but consumers aren’t cutting their pricey denim loose, the Los Angeles Times reports. Sales of premium brand jeans climbed 17% in 2008 and continued a smaller increase into this year—one of the few bits of good news for retailers. A new “focus...

Hipster Jesus Unveiled
 Hipster Jesus Unveiled 

Hipster Jesus Unveiled

Jesus given jeans and a trim for British church's new statue

(Newser) - A Catholic church in Britain has given Jesus a 21st century makeover, the Daily Telegraph reports. Uckfield Catholic Church's "Jesus in Jeans" sculpture, to be hoisted to the top of its bell tower this week, depicts a rockin' Jesus with a trim haircut and sporting baggy jeans. The design...

Why Jeans Are Evil
 Why Jeans Are Evil 

Why Jeans Are Evil

(Newser) - Across America, men, women, and children are wearing the same pants: jeans. Not only a sartorial crime, the trend is an “obnoxious misuse of freedom,” rails George Will of the Washington Post. Levi Strauss set out to make tough pants for 49ers who spent all day in the...

Saggy-Pants Debates Just Hot Air

 Debates Just 
 Hot Air 


Saggy-Pants Debates Just Hot Air

'Legislative tailors' have their way across America

(Newser) - Legal battles against sagging pants are being waged across the US at an absurd rate, writes Greg Beato in Reason. Detractors argue that exposing large “swathes of underwear” should be banned, particularly because the  style emulates prison attire and to wear them is “to embrace criminality.” “...

Denim Detective Unzips Fake Jeans Biz

Designers hire PI's to protect their bottom lines

(Newser) - Chris Johnson likes collecting women's jeans, but he doesn't wear them—he's one of hundreds of fashion detectives hired by designers to spot knockoffs, the Los Angeles Times reports. Johnson trolls stores and Internet sites for clients like True Religion who want to put counterfeiters out of business. The fakes...

Levi Strauss Bets on One-Size-Fits-All

Jeans maker goes global with single fit for its 501 jeans

(Newser) - Levi Strauss is revamping its signature button-fly 501 jeans with a one-size-fits-all philosophy and launching its first global marketing campaign, the Wall Street Journal reports. No longer will jeans in, say, Hong Kong, fit differently than those in New York. The company, which says the jeans are sold in 110...

Stories 21 - 35 | << Prev