tribal rights

4 Stories

Onondaga Nation Takes Land Fight to International Panel

Case seeks return of some New York territory sold in 1788, a claim once rejected by President Washington

(Newser) - The Onondaga Nation has protested for centuries that illegal land grabs shrank its territory from what was once thousands of square miles in upstate New York to a relatively paltry patch of land south of Syracuse. It took its case to President George Washington, to Congress and, more recently, to...

SCOTUS Denies Penobscot Nation's Appeal Over River

Chief says case involves the 'core identity of the Penobscot Nation'

(Newser) - The US Supreme Court on Monday declined an appeal by the Penobscot Indian Nation in its fight with Maine over ownership and regulation of the tribe’s namesake river. It was a bitter defeat for the tribe that sued a decade ago, claiming the Penobscot River is part of its...

Hunters' Quota Was 119 Wolves. They Blew Past It

Wisconsin's quota was exceeded by 82%

(Newser) - The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources approved 1,547 permits to kill a quota of 119 wolves during a weeklong hunt. What happened instead: 216 wolves were killed in less than 60 hours, per the New York Times . That's 82% more than the limit allowed, and conservationists are furious....

5 Held in Whale Shooting
5  Held in Whale Shooting

5 Held in Whale Shooting

Makah machine gun marine mammal off Washington coast

(Newser) - Five members of Washington's Makah Tribe were being held today after a harpooned California gray whale died as it headed out to sea. The AP reports that yesterday the tribesmen harpooned and shot the animal mammal with a .50 caliber machine gun. While the tribe has exercised its whaling rights...

4 Stories
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