Time magazine

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Time Person of the Year Is Who You Think It Is

Donald Trump gets the cover

(Newser) - Time is out with its Person of the Year, and it's none other than Donald Trump. "The revolution he stirred feels fully American, with its echoes of populists past, of Andrew Jackson and Huey Long and, at its most sinister, Joe McCarthy and Charles Coughlin," writes...

11 Notable Names on Time's 'Most Influential' List

Leo makes the list, as do Bernie, Trump, and ... PewDiePie

(Newser) - What do Angela Merkel, Adele, and Internet star PewDiePie have in common? They've all made Time magazine's annual "100 Most Influential People" list . Divvied up into five categories—pioneers, titans, leaders, artists, and icons—the magazine's picks each have a profile written by another notable person:...

Time's Person of the Year: Angela Merkel

German chancellor beats out Donald Trump, others on short list

(Newser) - Donald Trump may be the loudest person of the year, but Angela Merkel is officially the Person of the Year in the eyes of Time magazine. The German chancellor beat out Trump and others on this year's short list—including ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi—for the honor, Managing...

Bernie Nabs Historic Win in Time's Person of the Year Poll

Too bad he didn't even make the editors' short list

(Newser) - He beat Malala, the pope, and even his biggest competition for the Democratic nomination. Voting for Time magazine's annual Person of the Year award ended Sunday at midnight, and Bernie Sanders emerged as the victor with 10.2% of reader votes, pulling off what the Daily Dot observes is...

Time: No, We Didn't Give Hillary Horns

Magazine explains it's just an optical quirk

(Newser) - If you weren't sure the media was obsessed with Hillary Clinton, reaction to the new Time cover might cinch things. The silhouette appears to give Clinton horns, and political reporters quickly spotted it and began tweeting in earnest, reports Politico . Turns out, it was "entirely coincidental," explains...

Christie on Time Cover: Who Cares?
 Christie on 
 Time Cover: 
 Who Cares? 


Christie on Time Cover: Who Cares?

It's 'not the first weight joke thrown my way'

(Newser) - Chris Christie hit four of the five major talk shows today, squarely tackling that whole elephant-in-the-room controversy thusly: "Who cares, I mean, seriously. I'm on the cover of Time magazine, you know?" he said on Fox News Sunday, as per Politico . "It is certainly not the first...

Time Puts Fat Joke on Christie Cover

Refers to him as the 'Elephant in the room'

(Newser) - Chris Christie's landslide reelection win has landed him on the cover of Time —and that cover has landed Time in hot water. That's because over a silhouette of the governor, the magazine went with the headline "The Elephant in the Room." Which, Mediaite notes, is...

Photos Capture the Chilling Reality of Domestic Abuse

Photojournalist Sara Naomi Lewkowicz's project takes a turn

(Newser) - Photojournalist/grad student Sara Naomi Lewkowicz set her sights on a pretty sobering subject last fall: the experience of being an ex-convict in American society. She was following the experience of Shane, a 31-year-old who had "spent much of his life incarcerated," and his girlfriend of one month, 19-year-old...

Time Warner May Sell Off People, Other Magazines

It would keep Time, Sports Illustrated

(Newser) - Time Warner is contemplating a big shakeup of the marquis magazines under its Time Inc. publishing division, reports Fortune and the New York Times . The media conglomerate is expected to sell People, InStyle, and Real Simple magazines to Meredith Corporation, which already publishes Better Homes and Gardens and Ladies Home ...

Obama &#39;Shuns&#39; Fox at Press Conferences
 Obama 'Shuns' 
 Fox at Press 
study says

Obama 'Shuns' Fox at Press Conferences

ABC gets called on the most: study

(Newser) - Does President Obama play favorites with the press? A new study shows certain media outlets getting a healthy dose of attention at news conferences, while others—notably Fox News—receive less, Politico reports. Smart Politics finds that Fox is "still shunned" at the events; its reporters, the study says,...

Time Person of the Year: Barack Obama

'The architect of this new America'

(Newser) - The commander-in-chief has another feather to add to his cap: He's now the two-time winner of Time's Person of the Year (and the second after George W. Bush to get the nod in both the year of his election and re-election). In a lengthy look at Barack Obama'...

Time, CNN Announce Zakaria's Return

Suspended journalist's plagiarism seen as 'isolated'

(Newser) - Fareed Zakaria will soon return to both Time and CNN after his suspension for admitted plagiarism . Time says it's "entirely satisfied that the language in question in his recent column was an unintentional error and an isolated incident." CNN says it conducted a "rigorous" review of...

Time Suspends Fareed Zakaria for Plagiarism

He apologizes for lifting part of 'New Yorker' story on gun control

(Newser) - Time suspended columnist Fareed Zakaria for plagiarism today after he apologized for swiping parts of a New Yorker piece by Jill Lepore on gun control, reports the Huffington Post . "I made a terrible mistake," Zakaria wrote in a statement published at Atlantic Wire . "It is a serious...

Newsweek Strikes Back With 'Gay President' Cover

Tina Brown tries to one-up Time's breastfeeding cover

(Newser) - Take that, Time magazine. A week after Time's controversial breastfeeding cover , Newsweek has fired back with a cover article on President Obama's support for gay marriage—with the headline, "The First Gay President," and a rainbow-colored halo over Obama's head, Politico reports. Apparently Newsweek editor...

Time's Nursing Mom: I Expected the Uproar

Jamie Lynne Grumet says it's 'not the way we breastfeed at home'

(Newser) - The brouhaha over Time magazine's breastfeeding-mom cover came as no surprise to the cover-mom herself: I "knew what we were getting into," Jamie Lynne Grumet tells the Today show. Grumet says she understands Time's decision to run the image, which doesn't represent "the way...

Time's Breastfeeding Cover Causes a Ruckus

Reactions to controversial cover are generally shocked

(Newser) - The latest issue of Time is sure to catch your eye when it hits newsstands Friday, as it shows a 26-year-old woman breastfeeding her 3-year-old son—who is standing up. At least two commentators have expressed shock that this is Time, rather than one of Tina Brown’s predictably controversial...

Time's Person of the Year: the Protester

He is once again a 'maker of history'

(Newser) - In 2010, Time's Person of the Year was someone who united millions of people. This year, the magazine has chosen to honor ... those millions of people. Time today announced that "the protester" is its 2011 Person of the Year. Writing for the magazine, Kurt Andersen presents a world...

Osama is Time's (Dead) Man of Year

Bin Laden becomes 4th to get red X treatment

(Newser) - In death, Osama bin Laden will be joining Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, and Abu Musab al Zarqawi. Time magazine is putting out a special issue Thursday with a red 'X" over the terror kingpin's face on the cover, making him only the fourth such cover star, reports the...

Sarah Palin Warms to 'Lamestream' Media

Politico piece may have prompted work with NYT , ABC

(Newser) - Though the “lamestream media" has long been her punching bag, it appears Sarah Palin is ready to embrace it—selectively. Palin, who has largely relied on Fox News, Facebook, and Twitter to air her thoughts and grievances, is now turning to outlets her supporters have been critical of in...

Mark Zuckerberg Is Time's 'Person of Year'

...for connecting half a billion people, and some other stuff

(Newser) - Lest you be too jealous of wunderkind Mark Zuckerberg, take solace: The Facebook founder may be Time's "Person of the Year" for 2010, but at 26, he's only the second youngest to clinch the title (that honor goes to Charles Lindbergh, Time's first selection). Highlights from its explanation of...

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