Sean McManus

2 Stories

CBS Sports: Use of 'Redskins' Up to Announcers

Well, probably

(Newser) - CBS Sports announcers will likely be able to use the term "Redskins"—or, if they'd rather, not—during the upcoming NFL season, chairman Sean McManus says. "Generally speaking, we do not tell our announcers what to say or not say," McManus tells the Hollywood Reporter...

Couric in Iraq: Lousy Ratings, Good Journalism

Despite anchor's road trip, 'Evening News' ties record ratings low

(Newser) - Katie Couric's trip to Iraq and Syria was a failure as a ratings gimmick but pretty good journalism, say critics. The "CBS Evening News" tied a record low of 5.5 million viewers last week, which the network blames on US Open coverage. And Harvard journalism prof Marvin Kalb...

2 Stories
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