mental health

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NYC's Plan: Up Involuntary Hospitalizations for Mental Illness

New directive relies on expanded enforcement of existing law

(Newser) - Citing a "moral obligation" to address a mental health crisis that is visible on his city's streets, NYC Mayor Eric Adams announced Tuesday that first responders have been directed to hospitalize more people who are mentally ill involuntarily. The New York Times reports the announcement represents a change...

Trial Raises Hope for Psilocybin as Depression Treatment

Regulatory approval could come 'potentially within a few years' time'

(Newser) - One or two doses of psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms, has been found to help people with cancer , alcohol problems , anxiety, and depression , and now those with a severe, treatment-resistant form of depression, according to researchers. A phase 2 randomized, double-blind clinical trial involving 233 people with treatment-resistant...

A Patient&#39;s Lawsuit Shook the Field of Psychiatry
A Patient's Lawsuit Shook
the Field of Psychiatry

A Patient's Lawsuit Shook the Field of Psychiatry

Book excerpt explores how case pitted psychoanalysis vs. new world of antidepressants

(Newser) - In 1979, a 41-year-old kidney doctor named Ray Osheroff checked into the renowned Chestnut Lodge psychiatric institution in Maryland because he was suffering from depression. As Rachel Aviv recounts in her book Strangers to Ourselves: Unsettled Minds and the Stories That Make Us—excerpted in the Guardian —there was...

Panel: Most Adults Should Get Screened for Anxiety

Recommendation for all adults under 65 comes after pandemic toll on Americans' mental health

(Newser) - In April, the US Preventive Services Task Force recommended health screenings for kids and teens ages 8 to 18. Now, the independent panel of experts is making that same call for all adults under the age of 65, in what HealthDay News notes is a nod to the fact that...

After a Simple Switch, Suicide Hotline Sees a Huge Increase

Last month, contacts with the hotline were up 45% compared to year prior

(Newser) - Update: Since July 16 when 988 became the new suicide prevention hotline number in the US, the amount of people reaching out to it has increased and wait times have decreased, according to a statement from the Department of Health and Human Services released last week. In August of this...

Jonah Hill Won't Be Out Promoting His New Film

'Superbad' actor is latest star to step back from social media for his mental health

(Newser) - Tom Holland isn't the only celebrity of late to ditch social media he finds "overwhelming." Superbad and Wolf of Wall Street actor Jonah Hill deleted his Instagram last week, around the same time he announced he's been suffering from anxiety attacks for almost two decades and...

Survey: 1 in 7 Doctors Uses Alcohol or Drugs at Work

Almost half of health care workers are approaching 'breaking point'

(Newser) - America's doctors are so stressed out that many of them can't make it through their working day without using alcohol or drugs, according to a survey from mental health company All Points North . The company says its survey of 1,000 health care workers found more than a...

Actor Taking Break From 'Overwhelming' Social Media

Tom Holland of 'Spider-Man' fame says he needs the hiatus for his mental health

(Newser) - Even superheroes get anxious from social media. Just ask Spider-Man star Tom Holland, who announced over the weekend that he's been taking a break from social media to protect his mental health. Elle notes that the 26-year-old UK actor has deleted his Instagram in the past, but this time...

She Forged a Path for Psychedelics in Mental Health
Pioneer of Psychedelics
in Therapy Dies at 91

Pioneer of Psychedelics in Therapy Dies at 91

Ann Shulgin, along with late husband Alexander, was psychotherapy pioneer

(Newser) - Ann Shulgin, who together with her late husband, Alexander Shulgin, pioneered the use of psychedelic drugs in psychotherapy and co-wrote two seminal books on the subject, has died at the age of 91. Shulgin had been in ill health due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, daughter Wendy Tucker said. She...

Another Star Steps Away to Tend to Mental Health

Singer Shawn Mendes postpones 3 weeks' worth of concerts: 'I've hit a breaking point'

(Newser) - Shawn Mendes is a singer, but he's just joined the likes of such athletes as tennis phenom Naomi Osaka , gymnastics star Simone Biles , and Atlanta Falcons receiver Calvin Ridley in stepping away from his job to protect his mental health. "I've hit a breaking point," the...

Teen's Sudden Mental Collapse Ended in a National Park

Ty Sauer's New Jersey family tracked him to Virginia with an app, but he couldn't be saved

(Newser) - Ty Sauer was “acting strangely.” On a Monday, the 18-year-old texted his mom to ask why she had sent aliens to his job at a discount store. The next day, he told someone he was talking to his deceased grandfather. On Wednesday, he fell into a catatonic state,...

Biden: Americans Are 'Really, Really Down'

In interview, president says recession isn't inevitable

(Newser) - President Biden said Thursday that the American people are "really, really down" after a tumultuous two years that included the coronavirus pandemic, volatility in the economy, and surging gasoline prices that are slamming household budgets. In an interview with the AP in the Oval Office, the president also said...

Mental Health Equivalent of 911 Goes Live in July

988 will connnect people to crisis counselors

(Newser) - From July 16, Americans experiencing mental health crises will only have to remember a three-digit number to get help: 988. Bipartisan legislation signed by then-President Donald Trump in 2020 established the equivalent of 911 for mental health emergencies. People who call, text, or contact the number online will be connected...

There's a New 'Bible' on the Bestseller List

It's the DSM-5, and that's not necessarily great

(Newser) - Mental illness is on the minds of many, who are apparently looking to diagnose themselves. Long known as psychiatry's bible, the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders has become a surprise bestseller since its fifth version—the first in a decade—was released in...

Starbucks Reconsiders Bathroom Policy

CEO says mental health crisis poses a danger to employees, customers

(Newser) - Public access to Starbucks bathrooms, a point of contention in the past, might be shut off again. CEO Howard Schultz put the issue in a mental health context, saying at a forum Thursday that the number of people allowed in stores who aren't customers might have to be limited,...

Researchers Say They Know How to Stop Mass Shootings

They say suicide prevention could be more likely than armed guards to prevent shootings

(Newser) - Two researchers detailed the life histories of 180 mass shooters dating back to 1966, and they discovered striking similarities that they say can help stem the problem, if only politicians will listen. Politico interviewed psychologist Jillian Peterson and sociologist James Densley, whose findings are revealed in a new book. They...

Police Took Shooting Suspect for Evaluation Last Year

Police say he made a threat about carrying out a shooting at his high school

(Newser) - Police became aware of the suspect now being held in the mass shooting Saturday at a Buffalo supermarket last year, after they said he threatened an attack at his high school. State troopers were called to Susquehanna Valley High School in Conklin, New York, last June, the AP reports. They...

With No Options, Suicidal Teens Sleep in Emergency Rooms

Increasing demand for inpatient services and declining capacity shut at-risk adolescents out

(Newser) - Even before the coronavirus arrived, mental health disorders were increasing among the nation's adolescents, and the options for residential treatment care were declining. The pandemic compounded the problem, the New York Times reports. "Demand went up, supply went down," says Lisette Burton of the Association of Children’...

Survey of LGBTQ Youth Has Big Suicide Finding

45% of them seriously considered it in 2021, Trevor Project says

(Newser) - A shocking proportion of young LGBTQ people seriously considered suicide last year, according to a new survey from the Trevor Project . The mental health nonprofit says rates of suicidal ideation have risen for the third year in a row and 45% of LGBTQ youth considered suicide in 2021. The figure...

Naomi Judd Was Open About Mental Health Struggles

Late country star battled depression for years

(Newser) - "We lost our beautiful mother to the disease of mental illness," is how daughters Ashley and Wynonna Judd put it in announcing the death of their mother, Naomi , at age 76. For those with only a passing acquaintance of the country star, that might have come as a...

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