Little Rock Nine

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Little Rock Desegregation Heroes Mark New Era

Former students who helped pave way for Obama presidency to attend inauguration

(Newser) - Five decades ago, nine teenagers walked into their new high school through screaming mobs who spat at them and shouted racist abuse. They were the first black students to desegregate Central High School in Little Rock, Ark., and became known as the Little Rock Nine. Seven of them will attend...

Civil Rights Icons Return to Little Rock

Nine trailblazers observe 50th anniversary of Central High desegregation

(Newser) - The Little Rock Nine returned to Central High today to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the school's integration. Once escorted by soldiers from the 101st Airborne, they arrived by limousine to a school that's now 52% black, the AP reports. "They didn't ask to be a part of history,...

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