Seth MacFarlane

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Kevin Spacey's Apology Is Only Making Things Worse
House of Cards
Is Done After
Next Season
the rundown

House of Cards Is Done After Next Season

But move may not be related to the Kevin Spacey controversy

(Newser) - After actor Anthony Rapp made his explosive accusation that Kevin Spacey attempted to have a sexual encounter with him when Rapp was just 14, Spacey quickly apologized . But that apology itself has been under withering criticism all day, with the main complaint being that Spacey also used his note to...

'He's Big and Fat, So I Had to Be Forceful to Resist Him'

New Harvey Weinstein accusers emerge

(Newser) - Harvey Weinstein, facing the implosion of his career and his marriage amid a flood of sexual assault and misconduct allegations, says he's seeking help. "I gotta get help, guys," he told reporters outside his 22-year-old daughter's Los Angeles home Wednesday, per TMZ , which reports that he...

Daniel Craig Is 'Genius' in Logan Lucky
Daniel Craig
Is 'Genius' in
Logan Lucky

Daniel Craig Is 'Genius' in Logan Lucky

'It's like we're seeing him for the first time,' says one critic

(Newser) - Before he returns to the screen as James Bond , Daniel Craig can be seen in Logan Lucky alongside a star-studded cast of Channing Tatum, Adam Driver, Seth MacFarlane, Katherine Waterston, Katie Holmes, Hilary Swank, and more. The film follows three Logan siblings from West Virginia as they attempt to rob...

Critics in Love-Hate War Over Ted 2

 Critics in Love-Hate 
 War Over Ted 2 

Critics in Love-Hate War Over Ted 2

Some say it's hilarious, others couldn't stand it

(Newser) - A court declares a 2-foot-tall talking teddy bear is, um, not human. So starts Seth MacFarlane's Ted 2, in which Ted and his faithful buddy John recruit a pot-smoking lawyer to plead his case while cracking jokes about black penises. What do critics have to say?
  • Will everyone love

Seth MacFarlane Donates $1M to Reading Rainbow Kickstarter

He'll match pledges on Kickstarter for new web series

(Newser) - Actor LeVar Burton's campaign to make Reading Rainbow available in classrooms has gotten a big push from Seth MacFarlane. The Family Guy creator has pledged to match donations up to $1 million on Burton's Kickstarter page , reports AP . Burton hosted the beloved PBS show until its cancellation in...

Tyson Shines in Cosmos Reboot

 Tyson Shines 
 in Cosmos 

Tyson Shines in Cosmos Reboot

Miniseries follows Carl Sagan's 1980 classic

(Newser) - Tonight sees the reboot on Fox of what the New York Times calls "arguably the most successful popularization of science since Albert Einstein roamed Princeton without his socks": the miniseries Cosmos, originally hosted on PBS in 1980 by Carl Sagan. Now, Neil deGrasse Tyson leads us on a tour...

Family Guy Pulls Off a Resurrection

 Family Guy 
 Pulls Off a 
Spoiler alert

Family Guy Pulls Off a Resurrection

Seth MacFarlane was offering fans a 'lesson'

(Newser) - After a few weeks in the afterlife , Brian the dog is back on Family Guy. ABC News explains the resurrection: With help from a Christmas wish to save his best friend, baby Stewie travels back in time and pushes Brian out of the way of an oncoming car. Briefly, the...

Family Guy Hints at Big Changes
 Family Guy 
Hints at Big 
Spoiler alert

Family Guy Hints at Big Changes

Future episodes suggest Brian's resurrection

(Newser) - Spoiler ahead: The apparent death of a favorite Family Guy character may not have marked his end. Brian the dog is set to appear in future episodes, Entertainment Weekly reports, including one Dec. 15 in which "Stewie devises a master plan to get the one and only thing he...

Tragedy Strikes on Family Guy

See below for surprising spoiler

(Newser) - Major spoiler alert: A member of the Family Guy family died in last night's episode, and apparently it wasn't a joke. Brian the dog was hit by a car during a street hockey game with baby Stewie, the Huffington Post reports. His last, not-so-funny words: "You’ve...

31 Celebrity Atheists
 31 Celebrity 

31 Celebrity Atheists

Daniel Radcliffe, Keira Knightley, and other stars who don't believe in God

(Newser) - Not all celebrities are thanking God when they practice their Oscar acceptance speeches. CNN rounds up 31 famous atheists:
  • Daniel Radcliffe: "I'm an atheist, but I'm very relaxed about it. I don't preach my atheism, but I have a huge amount of respect for people like

Family Guy's Boston Marathon Episode Yanked

Tasteless mashup appeared on Internet

(Newser) - A Family Guy episode that aired in March featured some now-unfortunate scenes: In one, Peter Griffin drives drunk over Boston Marathon runners so he can win the race; in another scene unrelated to the race, an extremist planning to blow up a bridge gives him a cellphone, which he calls,...

Don't Blame Seth, Blame Hollywood

He didn't create its sexist culture, he just ridiculed it: Victoria Brownworth

(Newser) - The criticism of Seth MacFarlane's Oscars gig just keeps on coming , with a familiar theme: He's a vile, sexist man, and the Academy should never have stooped so low. But at the Advocate , Victoria Brownworth wonders whether these critics were watching the same show she was. Take the...

MacFarlane's 'Boobs' Song Celebrates Rape Scenes

These films should never have been played for laughs: Katie McDonough

(Newser) - Seth MacFarlane's Oscar song, "We Saw Your Boobs," was immature and sexist—but worst of all, it celebrated rape, writes Katie McDonough in Salon . MacFarlane listed instances in which the world saw actresses' breasts, and four of the films he listed "featured nudity during or immediately...

Meandering, Boring Oscars 'Didn't Work'

 Boring Oscars 
 'Didn't Work' 
oscars 2013

Meandering, Boring Oscars 'Didn't Work'

Seth MacFarlane showed off 'fake edginess'

(Newser) - Some critics took offense at Seth MacFarlane's Oscar jokes—but the more universal complaint was that the show dragged, perhaps even more than usual. Among the reactions:
  • "Well, that didn't work," writes Mary McNamara in the Los Angeles Times , calling the show "long, self-indulgent, and

MacFarlane's Most Offensive Oscar Jokes
 Most Offensive 
 Oscar Jokes 
oscars 2013

MacFarlane's Most Offensive Oscar Jokes

Boos, groans mixed with laughs for rookie host

(Newser) - Academy bosses must have known Seth MacFarlane would come to the Oscars armed with a few bad-taste jokes—and the Family Guy creator did not disappoint. Some of the rookie host's more controversial moments, as per Entertainment Weekly and the Huffington Post :
  • Django Unchained "is the story of

Michelle Obama Presents Best Picture Oscar to Argo

Plus Academy Award wins for Jennifer Lawrence, Daniel Day-Lewis, and more

(Newser) - And they're off! After a rousing opening monologue by Seth MacFarlane , Christoph Waltz won the first award of the night: Best Supporting Actor for Django Unchained. Stick with us for live updates throughout the show:
  • Best Animated Short went to Paperman, and Best Animated Feature Film went to Brave.

Seth MacFarlane Opens Oscars in Song: 'We Saw Your Boobs'

Oscar host tries to class things up a bit

(Newser) - Host Seth MacFarlane wasted no time getting to the edgy jokes at tonight's Oscars : Shortly after MacFarlane started his opening monologue, William Shatner appeared as Captain Kirk to warn MacFarlane that he's destined to be panned as the "worst Oscar host ever." Why? Well, thanks in...

Lincoln Leads Oscar Noms With 12

Notable Academy Award snubs: Kathryn Bigelow, Ben Affleck, Tom Hooper

(Newser) - Lincoln ruled at this morning's Academy Award nominations announcement, scoring nods in the Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Director, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Adapted Screenplay categories. In all, the Steven Spielberg drama leads with 12 nominations, the AP reports. Eight other Best Picture nominees were...

Boy Band Makes Barbara Walters' 'Most Fascinating'

List also includes '50 Shades of Grey' author

(Newser) - Barbara Walters continues her trend of choosing some pretty fluffy people for her annual "Most Fascinating" list: Last year , the Kardashians, Pippa Middleton, Donald Trump, and Katy Perry made the cut; this year, she selected UK boy band One Direction, Fifty Shades of Grey author EL James, Ben Affleck,...

And the Oscar Hosting Gig Goes to...

Seth MacFarlane will host Academy Awards

(Newser) - The Oscars just may be filled with dirty jokes this year, because Family Guy and Ted creator Seth MacFarlane is hosting. "My two thoughts upon hearing the news were, 1) I will do my utmost to live up to the high standards set forth by my predecessors and 2)...

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