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Controversial Oscar Change Walked Back After Outcry

Crowd-pleasing films won't be getting their own 'popular' category—at least not yet

(Newser) - And the winner is … not the new Oscars category. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced a slew of changes last month to its annual awards show, among them a new "outstanding achievement in popular film" category meant to reward films perhaps not critically acclaimed but...

There's Still Time to Overthrow 2017's Most Popular Album

Drake comes in at No. 1 (so far) with 'More Life'

(Newser) - The year's not yet over, but inquiring minds are already wondering if Lorde has managed to trump Lana and whether it's Jay-Z's tunes or the surprise return of his hyphen that continues to capture people's attention (it appears to be the former). 24/7 Wall St. has...

Study: High-School Popularity Doesn't Guarantee Happiness

Better to have a few close friends, researchers say

(Newser) - Good news, nerds: Popularity in high school isn't predictive of long-term happiness, at least according to a study published Monday in Child Development . ABC News reports the study followed 169 high-school students for a decade starting when they were 15 years old. Researchers found high-schoolers with a few good,...

Trump's Popularity Has Spiked
Has Spiked

Trump's Popularity Has Spiked

Welcome to the 'honeymoon phase'

(Newser) - Twitter wars apparently aren't putting a dent in voters' opinion of Donald Trump. His popularity has soared since the election, according to a poll from Politico and Morning Consult . The national survey conducted Wednesday to Friday shows 46% of voters have a favorable opinion of Trump with a...

3 Stars People Used to Love and Now Hate

Over the past two years, there's a trio that has sustained epic falls from grace

(Newser) - Twice a year, Q Scores compiles stats for how popular celebrities are—as well as how unpopular they may be. The Hollywood Reporter took those figures, crunched the numbers between 2013 and 2015, and came up with the top 10 stars who've fallen from grace the hardest (i.e....

Study: Teenage Popularity Fades by Age 22

Cool kids are more likely to later get into drugs, alcohol, criminal activity

(Newser) - The cool kids don't exactly win in the end: Teens who try to be cool by acting older than they are may be setting themselves up for future problems, according to a new study in the journal Child Development . Researchers followed 184 Southeastern teens from ethnically diverse backgrounds in...

Country We View Most Positively Is...

...Germany, according to a BBC poll

(Newser) - When it comes to the country we view most positively, Germany gets the most thumbs up, at least according to the BBC's annual Country Ratings Poll . Some 26,000 people were asked whether they view a country's world influence as "mainly positive" or mainly negative" (they were...

High School Outcasts Rule the World
High School Outcasts
Rule the World

High School Outcasts Rule the World

So let's stop treating them like misfits: Alexandra Robbins

(Newser) - High school graduation feels more like the end of a prison sentence for far too many students, writes author Alexandra Robbins in the Los Angeles Times . But here's some solace for the outcasts: "The differences that cause a student to be excluded in high school are often the...

Believe It or Not, America Fell Out of Love With Reagan

Kornacki: Conservative whitewashing obscures Gipper's real legacy

(Newser) - Republicans sometimes bristle at the comparisons between Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama because of their midterm troubles. A favorite conservative theme about Reagan is that the "love fest" between him and the American people continued during and after his presidency, writes Steve Kornacki at Salon , who singles out this...

Half of 6-Year-Old Brit Girls Wish They Were Skinnier

In study, 50% would like to be 3 sizes skinnier for popularity

(Newser) - Half of the 6-year-old girls in Britain would like to be a lot skinnier than they are. That’s the conclusion of a Cambridge study that asked the pint-size participants to choose an ideal body from digitally altered photographs of themselves. Fifty percent went with the skinniest image, which was...

Facebook Tops Yahoo as Web's No. 2 Site

Social network and search giant switched spots over New Year's

(Newser) - Facebook has felled another Internet giant, surpassing Yahoo in January to become the second most visited website in the US. In December, Facebook had 132.1 million unique visitors to Yahoo’s 133.4 million. But last month the tables were turned, Mashable reports, with Facebook garnering 133.6 million...

Animal Collective's Rise Is Well Deserved

They brilliantly mix 'accessible' and 'avant-garde'

(Newser) - The rise of Animal Collective in 2009 is often attributed to concessions to accessibility, Jonah Weiner writes. “Going by the blurbs alone, you might assume that, in a few years, Animal Collective will complete its career-long metamorphosis into ABBA.” But that’s just not the case. The quirky...

World Thinks Better of US With Obama at Helm: Poll

(Newser) - President Obama’s election has increased America’s standing in the world, new polling shows. Global attitudes toward the US have been bolstered by Obama’s election to levels not seen since the Clinton administration, the New York Times reports. In Indonesia, for instance, where the president spent part of...

Mouthy Cheney Gains Popularity: Poll

He and Bush more popular now than when leaving office

(Newser) - A new poll shows that Dick Cheney, currently making headlines for his stance on torture, is gaining popularity. 37% of those polled by CNN hold a favorable opinion of the former vice president, up 8% from when he left office; 55% still view him unfavorably. Former president Bush, who’s...

US Wild About Obama's 100 Days

President enjoying 'Reagan-like' levels of popularity as early milestone is reached

(Newser) - Today marks President Obama's hundredth day in the job and he's more popular than his two immediate predecessors were at this point, according to an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll. Over half of those polled said Obama is off to a good—or great—start, 61% approve of the job he...

Economy Saps Sarkozy's Approval Ratings
Economy Saps Sarkozy's Approval Ratings

Economy Saps Sarkozy's Approval Ratings

'Action-man president' looks powerless on crisis

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy should be well positioned to gain political capital from the global recession, having warned against capitalist excess years before the crisis quashed pro- deregulation argument. But the French president’s approval rating keeps dropping, the Economist reports. It fell another 2% in April, to 36%. As the crisis...

Michelle Is Even More Popular Than Hubby

Her transformation is 'remarkable:' Smith

(Newser) - Americans like Michelle Obama even more than they like her husband, a new Gallup poll shows. Nearly three-quarters view her favorably, compared to 69% for the president. And while Barack's ratings have fluctuated, the first lady's keep rising. "Her transformation in the public eye is one of David Axelrod's...

Hillary Reprises Star Role in Her Third Act

First lady, senator duties prepared her well for State job

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton showed off her "substantive and unspectacular" side on her trip to the Middle East this week, writes David S. Cloud in Politico. Hearkening back to her early days in the Senate, she impressed colleagues by chipping away at details, figuring out how to play her new role....

Obama's Popularity Still Strong

(Newser) - The economy is sinking, but President Obama's popularity is rock solid, the Wall Street Journal reports. A new poll by NBC and the Journal puts his approval rating at 60%, even though 70% of Americans are dissatisfied with the economy. What's more, the number of Americans who say the nation...

Wallflower or Life of the Party? It's in Your Genes

Study of twins finds genetic link to social position

(Newser) - Whether a person becomes a wallflower or social butterfly and what group of friends they develop is apparently significantly affected by their genes, National Geographic reports. Scientists examined social groupings of more than 1,000 pairs of teenage twins and discovered that identical twins, who share the same genes, were...

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