tax returns

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IRS Makes Free Tax-Return Program Permanent

Agency wants all states to join in after pilot program on e-filing

(Newser) - The IRS said Thursday it will make permanent the free electronic tax-return filing system that it experimented with this year and is asking all 50 states and the District of Columbia to help taxpayers file their returns through the program in 2025, per the AP :
  • The pilot: The IRS tried

Here's How Much Bidens Paid in Taxes Last Year

Their annual tax return is out

(Newser) - The Bidens marked Tax Day on Monday by releasing their latest annual tax return, which revealed that last year the president and first lady earned an adjusted gross income of $619,976 and paid $146,629 in federal income tax. Their Delaware state income tax bill was $30,908, and...

Hunter Biden Sues the IRS Over Tax Reveals

Complaint by president's son alleges 2 whistleblower agents violated his privacy

(Newser) - Just days after Hunter Biden was indicted on federal firearms charges, the president's son is pushing back on separate allegations about his taxes with a lawsuit against the IRS. The AP reports that Biden filed his complaint Monday, accusing two whistleblower IRS agents, Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, of...

Bidens' Tax Return Is Out
Tax Return
Is Out

Bidens' Tax Return Is Out

They paid 23.8% taxes on $579,514 earnings

(Newser) - President Biden and his wife, Jill, made $579,514 last year and paid $137,658 in federal income taxes. That works out to a 23.8% tax rate, more than the average of roughly 14% for all US households, the AP reports. The Bidens' earnings have trended slightly downward over...

Trump Reacts to Release of His Tax Returns

Claims Dems have 'weaponized' his financial records, warns of 'dangerous 2-way street'

(Newser) - Six years' worth of tax returns for Donald Trump were publicly released Friday, and the former president isn't waiting for analyses to come in from all of the eyes poring over the documents. In a statement released via a short Twitter thread by spokeswoman Liz Harrington, Trump defended the...

Trump's Tax Returns Just Dropped. The Pros Are Ready

Tax experts will look for charity donations, real estate income and losses

(Newser) - Earlier this month, the Democrat-controlled House Ways and Means Committee voted to release a report on Donald Trump's tax returns. That day has now come: On Friday, the panel publicly released those returns, "pulling back the curtain" on six years' worth of tax records (2015-2020) for the former...

Trump Wants Supreme Court to Keep Returns From House
Shields Trump
Tax Returns,
for Now

SCOTUS Shields Trump Tax Returns, for Now

Chief Justice John Roberts grants temporary stay; House committee must respond to concerns

(Newser) - Update: It's a temporary win for Donald Trump. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts on Tuesday put a temporary hold on the handover of the former president's federal income tax returns to a congressional committee, the AP reports. The order gives the House Ways and Means Committee until...

Trump Asks Court to Block Release of Tax Returns

His lawyers say he's being targeted because of his 'political beliefs'

(Newser) - The legal wrangling over Donald Trump's tax returns outlasted his presidency—and it appears set to continue for much of President Biden's administration. Trump's lawyers have asked a federal court to permanently block the Treasury Department from handing his tax returns over to investigators and order an...

Still Waiting for a Tax Refund? The News Isn't Great

After 'unprecedented' tax season, IRS has backlog of 35M returns

(Newser) - If you're wondering why your tax refund still hasn't arrived, you're in good company. After the "most challenging filing season taxpayers, tax professionals, and the IRS have ever experienced," the agency is currently trying to work its way through a backlog of 35 million tax...

Manhattan DA: We've Got Trump's Tax Returns

Sources say Cy Vance's office has 'millions of pages' of documents

(Newser) - A Supreme Court decision earlier this week handed Donald Trump a "significant" defeat, ruling that prosecutors in New York be given eight years' worth of the former president's tax returns and other financials. The ball seems to be quickly rolling on that front: On Thursday, a rep for...

Supreme Court Hands Trump a Big Defeat

Justices clear the way for New York prosecutors to get his tax returns

(Newser) - The Supreme Court handed former President Trump what the AP calls a "significant" defeat on Monday, ruling that Trump must hand over eight years of tax returns and financial records to prosecutors in New York. The decision means that Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. will get valuable information...

NYT : Trump Hated 'the Swamp'— and Built His Own
NYT: How
Trump Made 
Millions by
Being Our

NYT: How Trump Made Millions by Being Our President

The New York Times takes another deep dive into Trump's finances

(Newser) - Donald Trump promised to "drain the swamp" when he ran in 2016—but Mar-a-Lago and other Trump properties have become their own swamp of lobbyists, business moguls, religious groups, and foreign politicians seeking his favor as they spend millions of dollars that he turns into profits, the New York ...

NYT Sees 'Highly Unusual' Trump Windfall in Tax Returns
NYT Sees 'Highly Unusual'
Trump Windfall in Tax Returns

NYT Sees 'Highly Unusual' Trump Windfall in Tax Returns

$21M from his Vegas hotel came when his 2016 campaign needed it badly

(Newser) - The New York Times is out with an another story on President Trump's tax returns, and this time it's focusing on what is described as a "highly unusual" windfall of more than $21 million Trump received in 2016—just when his campaign needed it most. The money...

Biden Just Released His Latest Tax Returns

Campaign calls it a 'historic level of transparency'

(Newser) - Joe Biden has ensured that only one candidate in Tuesday night's debate is likely to face questions about not releasing tax returns. Biden released his 2019 tax returns Tuesday, hours ahead of the debate, showing that he paid just under $300,000 in federal tax for the year, the...

Trump Fires Back at Report on Finances

President says he paid 'many millions' in taxes but was entitled to credits

(Newser) - President Trump is doubling down on his initial dismissal of a damning New York Times story about his finances as "totally fake news." In a series of tweets Monday, Trump again pushed back, insisting he has paid "many millions of dollars in taxes." However, CNBC points...

Critics Worry About Trump's Looming Debt
Trump's Looming Debt
Called a 'Time Bomb'
the rundown

Trump's Looming Debt Called a 'Time Bomb'

He appears to be personally on the hook for hundreds of millions in next few years

(Newser) - One big takeaway from the New York Times report on President Trump's finances is that he has paid very little federal income tax in recent years, reportedly because his businesses are doing so badly. But another aspect of it also is drawing attention: The president's looming debt. Coverage:...

Democrats Seize on a Theme Over Trump Tax Returns
Democrats Seize on a Theme
Over Trump Tax Returns
the rundown

Democrats Seize on a Theme Over Trump Tax Returns

He paid less in taxes than his blue-collar supporters, according to report

(Newser) - Democrats are moving quickly to try to take advantage of the bombshell report about President Trump's finances in the New York Times. The big takeaway is that while Trump as a billionaire might be expected to pay millions in taxes, he paid just $750 the year he became president...

Trump's Tax Returns Are Out —With All the Sobering Details

The president appears to be facing a mountain of debt and huge losses

(Newser) - The most sought-after documents in America have finally surfaced: President Trump's tax returns. And what they reveal is sobering. Trump, a self-described master of the deal, appears to be taking in hundreds of millions of dollars a year while suffering huge losses that he uses to pay little or...

Trump Loses Battle Over Tax Returns

But an appeal means they likely won't be released before the election

(Newser) - President Trump lost another legal battle in regard to his tax returns Thursday, but it remains unlikely they will be released before the November election, reports the Hill . In the latest setback for Trump, a federal judge in New York ruled that Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. is entitled...

Trump Blasts Supreme Court After Rulings on His Records

Court says Manhattan prosecutor can pursue his tax returns, but Congress is rebuffed for now

(Newser) - The Supreme Court on Thursday gave President Trump some good news (at least temporarily) and some bad news in his fight to keep his financial records private. But the upshot of both rulings is that it's unlikely any of Trump's financial information will be made public before the...

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