presidential primaries

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Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What
Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What
election preview

Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What

Mitt Romney basically has 4 of the 10 states in the bag

(Newser) - Tomorrow is looking good for Mitt Romney, who will likely take more of the 422 delegates up for grabs in Super Tuesday contests than his opponents (an additional 15 super delegates aren't bound to tomorrow's wins). He may even walk away with a delegate majority, writes Nate Silver....

Is Newt Gingrich the Next Barry Goldwater?
 Is Gingrich 
 the Next 


Is Gingrich the Next Goldwater?

If party elites can't stop Newt, it could be disastrous for GOP: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - If Newt Gingrich manages to defy party elites and score the nomination, it's pretty much "suicide" for Republicans: "Everything about Newt Gingrich screams 'general election disaster,'" writes Steve Kornacki in Salon , from his "personal and ethical baggage" to his "arrogance." Indeed,...

Governors Have a Big Advantage in Primaries
Governors Have a Big Advantage in Primaries
Nate Silver

Governors Have a Big Advantage in Primaries

Nate Silver breaks down the statistics

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom states that governors have an advantage over senators in presidential primaries—but Nate Silver decided to run the statistics just to be sure. The result? “The advantage may be even more powerful than you think,” he writes on his FiveThirtyEight blog at the New York Times....

States Weigh Delaying Primaries to Save Cash

Some consider switching to caucuses

(Newser) - With money tight, some states may push their presidential primaries later, or even cancel them and hold party-run caucuses instead, skipping out on the race for visitors and media attention. Resigned to the influence of states like New Hampshire and Iowa, some lawmakers are making financial concerns their priority, Politico...

Republican Hopefuls for 2012 Taking It Slow

Don't expect formal candidates until February at the earliest

(Newser) - Five Republicans had filed to run for the presidential nomination at this time four years ago; right now, there isn’t one. We can’t expect any formal declarations until February at the earliest, reports the Wall Street Journal . Why? For one thing, the first primaries won’t happen until...

Palin in Iowa, Sparking 2012 Speculation

Former governor could be gearing up for presidential bid

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will deliver the keynote address at the Iowa Republican Party's Ronald Reagan Dinner tonight, an engagement widely seen as a possible step toward a 2012 presidential bid, the Washington Post reports. The dinner is an early hurdle for prospective GOP candidates, and Palin's influence is at a high...

Palin Will Be the 2012 Nominee
 Palin Will Be the 2012 Nominee 

Palin Will Be the 2012 Nominee

Winner-take-all primaries favor unpopular Palin

(Newser) - She may be hugely polarizing, but Sarah Palin’s the odds-on favorite to win the GOP presidential nomination in 2012, thanks to the party’s winner-take-all primary system. The party establishment may not want Palin, but if she can maintain, say, 35% support in a multi-candidate field, she could win...

Biggest Media Gaffes of 2008
 Biggest Media Gaffes of 2008 

Biggest Media Gaffes of 2008

(Newser) - Politico runs down a list of some of the worst media mistakes of 2008:
  • New Hampshire primary: Just about everyone predicted Hillary would lose by double digits, ending her campaign. Not even close.
  • McCain-Iseman: The long-awaited New York Times story alleging an improper relationship between McCain and a lobbyist had

5 Things to Watch in Puerto Rico

Island doesn't vote in primaries, but today its Democratic delegates are up for grabs

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is banking on a sizable victory today in Puerto Rico to bolster her argument that she’s received more votes than Barack Obama and is a stronger draw for Latinos. Key points to keep an eye on:
  1. The second wave: While many Puerto Ricans sleep in, it's going

Which Party Has Better Primaries?
Which Party
Has Better Primaries?

Which Party Has Better Primaries?

NYT columnists debate merits of GOP, Democratic systems

(Newser) - Which system is better, the ruthless Republican winner-takes-all primary system, or the Democrats’ kindergarten-inspired everyone-gets-a-prize process? New York Times columnists David Brook and Gail Collins banter on just that point. Brooks thinks the Republicans' swift, clean process is superior, while Collins notes that it’s the results that matter. If...

'I'm More Determined Than Ever'

Clinton insists she's the stronger candidate after win in West Virginia

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton said tonight she is "more determined than ever" to continue her campaign for the White House after what she termed an "overwhelming" victory in West Virginia, NBC reports. "I believe I'm the strongest candidate," she told supporters in Charleston after romping in nearly all-white...

Exit Polls Show Big Divisions Among Democrats

Clinton supporters are just as likely to vote for McCain as Obama

(Newser) - Early exit polls in West Virginia suggest that Democrats have much healing to do when the primary season ends, CNN reports. Only 25% of Hillary Clinton supporters said they would be satisfied if Barack Obama won the nomination, and only 38% of Obama supporters said they'd be satisfied with Clinton...

Clinton Wins Big in W. Virginia
 Clinton Wins Big in W. Virginia 

Clinton Wins Big in W. Virginia

She wins by a wide margin, hoping to slow Obama's momentum

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton won a decisive—and expected—victory tonight in West Virginia, the Charleston Gazette reports. With 95% of returns in, Clinton led 67% to 26%, and her camp hopes a big margin of victory will raise new doubts in superdelegates' minds about Barack Obama's ability to win over white...

Obama: It Ain't Over Til First Lady Sings

Says he's not nominee yet, calls VP talk 'presumptuous'

(Newser) - Just about every political bigwig is calling the race for Barack Obama—but not the Democrat himself. "We've still got some work to do," he told CNN today, making sure to heap praise on Hillary Clinton. Asked whether she could be his running mate, he said it would...

Hillary Vows to Go 'Full Speed' to White House

She appeals for campaign money, sounds triumphant note

(Newser) - Though she lost in North Carolina and was locked in a race too close to call in Indiana, Hillary Clinton remained unbowed tonight while addressing supporters, NBC reports. Noting that Barack Obama predicted she'd win Pennsylvania, he'd win North Carolina, and that Indiana would be a "tie-breaker," she...

Superdelegates Should Hold Superprimary: Tenn. Gov.

Superdelegate says Democratic party needs to settle nomination soon

(Newser) - Democrats should hold a superdelegate superprimary to settle the race before the summer, says Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen. “You’re going to spend this whole summer—and lots of money and time and effort—trying to convince people that whoever isn’t eventually nominated, isn’t electable,” says...

Primary Do-Over Chances Collapse in Michigan

Hopes for a new primary vanish as Senate adjourns

(Newser) - Chances of a new primary being held in Michigan all but disappeared today as the state Senate adjourned without taking action, the Detroit Free Press reports. Senate leaders said it was pointless to take up the plan because the Clinton and Obama camps disagreed on how to go about it....

Clinton Revives Campaign With Wins in Texas, Ohio

She also won in Ohio to snap Obama's winning streak

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton brought her campaign back from the brink tonight with primary wins in Texas, Ohio, and Rhode Island, NBC reports. "For everyone who's ever been counted out but refused to be knocked out, this one's for you," she told jubilant supporters in Columbus. Obama won Vermont in...

McCain Clinches; Huckabee Out
McCain Clinches; Huckabee Out

McCain Clinches; Huckabee Out

Front-runner racks up four easy wins to secure the GOP nomination

(Newser) - John McCain officially clinched the Republican nomination for president tonight, the Washington Post reports. Mike Huckabee conceded after McCain racked up easy wins in Texas, Ohio, Vermont, and Rhode Island to surpass the necessary number of delegates—1,191. He is expected to go to the White House tomorrow to...

Obama, McCain Win in Vermont
Obama, McCain
Win in Vermont

Obama, McCain Win in Vermont

Critical contests ahead later tonight in Ohio and Texas

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain won their primaries in Vermont tonight, the Burlington Free Press reports. For Obama, it's his 12th straight political victory over Hillary Clinton, though the bigger focus comes later tonight when voters in Ohio and Texas weigh in. Rhode Island also votes. McCain, meanwhile, edges closer...

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