school uniforms

7 Stories

Girl Gets 'Uniform Infraction' at School —Over 'Jihab'

Teacher who wrote up 8th-grader misspelled 'hijab' on dress code violation form

(Newser) - A Massachusetts school is taking heat after a teacher wrote up an eighth-grader there for wearing a hijab in class. NBC Boston reports on the incident at Mystic Valley Regional Charter School, where the girl was dinged for a "uniform infraction" for donning the religious head covering worn by...

Grade School's Armani Uniforms Are a Mere $730

Japan grade school causes a ruckus with ritzy new duds

(Newser) - A Tokyo public school has adopted Giorgio Armani uniforms for students, triggering criticism in a country where hefty school fees are already burdening young parents. Taimei Elementary School in Tokyo's upscale Ginza shopping district has announced plans to introduce the new uniform option, which costs more than $730 for...

After Shorts Ban, British Schoolboys Don Skirts

They're enjoying 'nice breeze' in heat wave

(Newser) - Despite the hottest June temperatures in more than 40 years, the head teacher at Isca Academy in Devon, England, told boys shorts were not an acceptable part of the school uniform—but she didn't ban skirts. To keep cool and protest the ban, dozens of boys at the secondary...

At One Private School, Boys Could Soon Wear Skirts

London school is considering gender-neutral uniforms

(Newser) - Last year, a group of boys in the UK made headlines when they wore skirts to school after they were disciplined for wearing shorts on a very hot day. Now the private Highgate School in north London is considering a plan that would allow boys to do just that, reports...

School: Wear 'Modest' Clothes to Deter Pedophiles

Letter to parents sparks outrage

(Newser) - Parents in King’s Park, Scotland, are outraged over a local school’s suggestion that the way their children dress might attract sexual predators. In the wake of the arrest of an alleged local predator, the school has sent out a letter telling parents that “an appropriate school uniform...

Mom: Bible Says Kids' Shirts Can Be Untucked

Wins daughter's school dress-code battle after citing verse to board

(Newser) - Battling a school for her daughter’s right to attend with an untucked shirt, a Texas woman cited the Bible, which calls for women to “adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation,” the Dallas Morning News reports. “I don’t want her behind showing,”...

Court Backs Public School Uniforms

No more T-shirts in Nevada district

(Newser) - In a decision that could impact several states, a federal court has upheld a Nevada school district's right to require public school student to wear uniforms. The Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against students who objected to wearing uniforms—including one who was suspended for wearing a T-shirt...

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