Democratic Rules and Bylaws Committee

4 Stories

Mich., Fla. Get Full Delegations
 Mich., Fla. Get Full Delegations

Mich., Fla. Get Full Delegations

But compromise shouldn't endanger Obama

(Newser) - The much-contested delegations from Michigan and Florida will receive full voting rights at the Democratic National Convention tonight, the Washington Post reports. Michigan and Florida’s primaries favored Hillary Clinton, but adjustments have been made in Obama’s favor, and Clinton seems poised to release her delegates to vote as...

Democrats to Settle Score on Fla., Mich.

Committee likely to seat half of delegates, a blow to Clinton

(Newser) - The Democratic rules committee has begun a daylong meeting to try to settle the dispute over the seating of Florida and Michigan’s delegates, chosen in violation of party rules. Many Dems expect half the delegations from each state to be seated, the Washington Post reports, which would do little...

DNC Lawyers: Only Half of Fla., Mich. Can Be Seated Saturday

Rules committee not allowed to go further

(Newser) - By Democratic Party rules, the long-awaited committee meeting on Saturday is authorized to re-seat no more than half of the outlaw delegations from Florida and Michigan, party lawyers have advised in a new memo. The Rules and Bylaws Committee is required to maintain a penalty for the leapfrogging states that...

Obama to Fans: Don't Protest Rules Meeting

Campaign stays with unity message on Mich./Fla. decision

(Newser) - Barack Obama is urging supporters not to demonstrate at Saturday’s meeting of the Democrats' rules committee, hoping to keep the event from becoming a cable-news circus, the Hill reports. Clinton supporters have pledged to gather outside the meeting, where party bigs will decide whether, and how many Florida and...

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