Texas Supreme Court

9 Stories

Plaintiff 'Outraged' After Texas Supreme Court Abortion Ruling

State Supreme Court rejects challenge to law that would've forced clarification on medical exemptions

(Newser) - The Texas Supreme Court on Friday rejected a challenge to one of the most restrictive abortion bans in the US. The unanimous ruling from the court, whose nine justices are all elected Republicans, is the latest decision to uphold Texas' abortion ban, which critics say doesn't offer enough clarity...

Court Weighs Damages for Pregnancy by Negligence

Texas Supreme Court mulls Grissel Velasco's suit against OB-GYN she thought had tied her tubes

(Newser) - Grissel Velasco paid to have her tubes tied at the same time she delivered her third child at the age of 31. Staff at Sun City Women's Health Care in El Paso, Texas, had told her it would be risky to have more births by cesarean section, and Dr....

After Top Court Blocks Abortion, Texas Woman Leaves State

Kate Cox has 'been in and out of the emergency room and she couldn't wait any longer'

(Newser) - A pregnant Texas woman who sought court permission for an abortion in an unprecedented challenge to one of the most restrictive bans in the US has left the state to obtain the procedure, her attorneys said Monday. The announcement came as Kate Cox, 31, was awaiting a ruling from the...

Texas Court Blocks Order Resuming Abortions

Houston judge had allowed procedures 3 days earlier

(Newser) - The Texas Supreme Court has blocked an order that had briefly allowed some clinics to resume abortions in the state, the latest development in legal scrambles across the US since Roe v. Wade was overturned. The court on Friday night stopped a three-day-old order by a Houston judge who said...

Texas Clinics: Abortion Law Fight Is Over

State Supreme Court rules against lawsuit

(Newser) - Texas abortion providers on Friday conceded a final blow to their best hope of stopping the nation's most restrictive abortion law after a new ruling ended what little path to legal relief the US Supreme Court had left for clinics. The decision by the Texas Supreme Court, which is...

Texas High Court: Bosses Can Lie to Workers

Judges side with DuPont chemical co.

(Newser) - Employees in Texas, take note: Your boss can lie about your future in the company and get away with it, Main Street reports. A Texas Supreme Court ruling supports the way E.I. du Pont de Nemours (known as DuPont) apparently let go of workers—by getting them to join...

Texas Lawyers Fight Divorce-by-Form

State Supreme Court insists on making divorce process cheaper, easier

(Newser) - Divorce lawyers in Texas regularly charge $100 or more an hour, and the state Supreme Court wants to give couples looking to end their marriages a cheaper option: fill-in-the-blanks forms, made easy enough that they often eliminate the need for lawyers entirely. Unsurprisingly, Texas lawyers are fighting the move, reports...

Texas Court Upholds $5 Strip Club Entrance Fee

Judges say small charge not an improper restriction on nude dancing

(Newser) - Texans headed to a strip club tonight will indeed have to pay a $5 entrance fee. The state's all-Republican Supreme Court overruled lower courts today and deemed the so-called "pole tax" constitutional, the AP reports . The fee has been levied since 2007 on clubs that both serve booze...

Sect Kids Aren't Going Home
 Sect Kids Aren't Going Home 

Sect Kids Aren't Going Home

Lawyer objects at last minute to release of 460+ children

(Newser) - The parents of children taken from a polygamist ranch in Texas will not see their kids on Monday after all. At the last minute, a lawyer objected to the state's deal with the sect and stopped the judge from ordering the children's release. Now the judge plans to get them...

9 Stories