Diana Taylor

2 Stories

Bloomberg's Galpal Eyes Gillibrand's Seat

Diana Taylor well-qualified, has the clout

(Newser) - It appears pretty much everyone in New York thinks Kirsten Gillibrand's Senate seat is there for the taking—the latest in the long line of would-be contenders is Mayor Mike Bloomberg's longtime girlfriend, former state banking superintendent Diana Taylor. "She was asked to consider it," a Republican insider...

Ivanka Tops Best-Dressed List
 Ivanka Tops Best-Dressed List 

Ivanka Tops Best-Dressed List

She and Michelle Obama lead the way, but list is heavy on royalty

(Newser) - Vanity Fair’s International Best-Dressed List holds few surprises. True, it includes David Beckham while omitting his wife, Victoria, but overall the roster is rich with royals and light on poor people. The top 10:
  1. Heiress and exec Ivanka Trump
  2. Would-be American first lady Michelle Obama
  3. French first lady and

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