Tropical Storm Fay

8 Stories

Mother Nature Puts Crimp in Trump Rally Plans

Saturday campaign event in Portsmouth, NH, to be rescheduled, thanks to Tropical Storm Fay

(Newser) - President Trump's campaign staffers have had their eye for some time on New Hampshire as a state they could flip in November, after Trump barely lost there in 2016. That's why an upcoming rally in New Hampshire over the weekend was viewed as an important one, but it'...

Haitians Starving in Hanna Hell
 Haitians Starving in Hanna Hell

Haitians Starving in Hanna Hell

Survivors stranded on rooftops beyond reach of aid workers

(Newser) - Impoverished Haiti is reeling from the devastation of a series of tropical storms and hurricanes, with refugees starving on rooftops in flood-ravaged areas, reports the Guardian. Faced with washed-out roads and winds too strong for helicopters, UN aide workers are using inflatable boats to reach at least some survivors. The...

4 Fla. Counties Declared Disaster Zones

Rising rivers threaten sunshine state

(Newser) - Florida's governor warned today that floodwaters may worsen as President Bush declared four state counties disaster zones, the St. Petersburg Times and the AP report. Gov. Charlie Crist, touring areas hard-hit by Tropical Storm Fay, said cresting Panhandle rivers and water pouring in from Georgia and Alabama could heighten the...

Fay Heads West After 4th Fla. Landfall

Tropical Storm blamed for 11 deaths in Florida, 1 in Georgia

(Newser) - Tropical Storm Fay made a record fourth landfall in Florida today, bringing the state’s death toll to at least 11 before heading west to Georgia and possibly New Orleans, the AP reports. At least one person, a 10-year-old boy, has already drowned in Georgia under Fay's heavy rainfall. Officials...

Fay Sets Course for Florida Panhandle
Fay Sets Course
for Florida Panhandle

Fay Sets Course for Florida Panhandle

6 deaths tied to storm

(Newser) - Tropical Storm Fay is heading west across Florida, having pummeled the southern part of the state with flooding from 20-inch rainfalls and soaked areas farther north, the Tallahassee Democrat reports. Authorities have linked the storm to the deaths of six Floridians, including a 21-year-old woman who drowned while swimming in...

Fay Brings Floods—and Gators
 Fay Brings Floods—and Gators  

Fay Brings Floods—and Gators

(Newser) - Florida residents bailing out amid four days of relentless rain from Tropical Storm Fay now have a more hair-raising worry: alligators and snakes. The storm has dumped about 30 inches of rain on the state this week, sending gators and others critters into flooded streets and neighborhoods in search of...

Weakening Fay Soaks Florida
 Weakening Fay Soaks Florida

Weakening Fay Soaks Florida

Feared hurricane fails to develop, but state warns of flood, tornado danger

(Newser) - Tropical Storm Fay made landfall in southwestern Florida early this morning but did not develop into a hurricane as feared, the Miami Herald reports. Heavy rain and 60mph winds have hit the state, but Fay is expected weaken as it moves inland. Officials warn that the storm could spawn flooding...

Fla. Keys Unfazed by Fay
 Fla. Keys
 Unfazed by Fay

Fla. Keys Unfazed by Fay

Residents dismiss storm that scares off tourists

(Newser) - Tropical Storm Fay has scared off tourists but left laid-back Florida Key residents unconcerned, the AP reports. "We're not worried about it. We've seen this movie before," said one Floridian who was stocking up on food and whiskey today. The storm that killed at least eight in Haiti...

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