Smashing Pumpkins

10 Stories

Smashing Pumpkins' Ad for New Guitarist Is a Smash Itself

More than 10K applicants are interested in the slot left empty by departing guitarist Jeff Schroeder

(Newser) - Jeff Schroeder recently left the Smashing Pumpkins after more than 15 years, leaving the rock band short one guitarist. They certainly have plenty of people interested in the gig, however: After putting out a call for a new band member earlier this month, the group has been inundated with applications,...

Billy Corgan Welcomes Secret Kid

Hello, Augustus Juppiter. Wait, Juppiter?

(Newser) - Billy Corgan welcomed his first child last month without the public at large having any idea he was expecting a child. Corgan's rep confirmed the news to the Chicago Tribune Tuesday. As one might expect from the Smashing Pumpkins frontman, the baby boy was given an interesting name: Augustus...

Billy Corgan Starts Feud With Radiohead Over 'Pomposity'

Smashing Pumpkins frontman is not afraid to dish it out

(Newser) - Nothing like a feud between aging rockers to start your Wednesday right: While promoting upcoming Smashing Pumpkins album Oceania in Antiquiet , frontman Billy Corgan took it upon himself to start up a feud with Radiohead. Explaining how he's "both embraced and pissed on rock" over the years, Corgan...

Jessica Simpson Snags Billy Corgan
 Jessica Simpson 
 Snags Billy Corgan 

Jessica Simpson Snags Billy Corgan

Yes, Smashing Pumpkins frontman and the one who married a boy-bander

(Newser) - Jessica Simpson has finally moved on from her breakup with Tony Romo, and is now dating…Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins fame. Yes, sources confirm that the bald rocker and the pop-starlet-turned-country-singer are indeed an item, difficult as that may be to believe. “She has fallen hard and is...

Corgan Picks 19-Year-Old as Pumpkins' Next Drummer

(Newser) - After the departure of longtime—well, come-and-go—Smashing Pumpkin Jimmy Chamberlin and the audition of 1,000 hopefuls, frontman Billy Corgan has named a new drummer, the Chicago Tribune reports. And the kid’s 19. Oregon native Mike Byrne played with local groups before receiving the honor from the Chicago-based...

Rock's Worst Comebacks
 Rock's Worst Comebacks 

Rock's Worst Comebacks

(Newser) - Some bands just shouldn’t—or couldn’t successfully—get back together. The Independent takes a look at the 10 most ill-conceived rock reunions.
  • The Sex Pistols: Sure, the punk progenitors honestly named their 1994 comeback tour "Filthy Lucre," but still "tarnished their own lawless chapter in

Fading Radio, Recording Outfits Clash Over Royalties

(Newser) - The recording industry and radio-station owners are clashing in Washington over the issue of royalties, Bloomberg reports. Both sides have spent tens of millions on lobbying, and contributed to the campaigns of legislators of both parties. At present, radio stations pay royalties to songwriters and publishers, not artists. “This...

Pumpkins Want 20th Anniversary to Be a Smash
Pumpkins Want 20th Anniversary to Be a Smash

Pumpkins Want 20th Anniversary to Be a Smash

Corgan hopes to be seen as more than a 'reunion band'

(Newser) - The re-formed Smashing Pumpkins start their 20th-anniversary tour next month, shrugging off the blasé reception that met their 2006 tour. Frontman Billy Corgan—who admits the group's breakup in 2000 was "a total mistake"—tells Rolling Stone that fans who attend multiple shows in some cities will be...

Pumpkins' Single to Debut on Guitar Hero

Bands seeking new ways to market music in tougher market

(Newser) - The Smashing Pumpkins will release their next single, G.L.O.W., as a download for the video game Guitar Hero: World Tour, reports the  ChicagoTribune. Band front man Billy Corgan will also appear within the new version of the popular game, which is due out in a few weeks....

Smashing Pumpkins Sue Virgin Over Pepsi Ads

Pepsi Stuff promotion violated contract, undermines artistic integrity: rockers

(Newser) - The Smashing Pumpkins are suing Virgin Records, claiming the company illegally used the band's name and music in ads for Pepsi and, the Guardian reports. The rockers' contract does not allow using the band in promotional campaigns such as the Pepsi Stuff ads, and members would “never...

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