Lisa Murkowski

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Murkowski: I've Decided About My Barrett Vote

The Alaska Republican explains her rationale

(Newser) - Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett won crucial backing Saturday when one of the last Republican holdouts announced her support for President Trump's pick ahead of a confirmation vote expected Monday, the AP reports. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, said during Saturday's session that while she opposed her party'...

Murkowski: 'My Position Has Not Changed' on Court Vacancy

The Alaska Republican opposes drive to fill Ginsburg's seat before Nov. 3

(Newser) - First, Sen. Susan Collins . Now Sen. Lisa Murkowski says she's also against filling the Supreme Court vacancy before the election—a hotbutton issue that has America's political temperature in the red, the New York Times reports. "For weeks, I have stated that I would not support taking...

Another Big Republican Won't Vote for Trump

Carly Fiorina is OK voting for Biden instead

(Newser) - Carly Fiorina voted for Donald Trump in 2016 after running against him in the GOP primary, but he won't be getting her vote in 2020. "I've been very clear that I can't support Donald Trump," she tells the Atlantic . She was then asked if that...

Trump Pledges to Campaign Against GOP Senator

'Get any candidate ready, good or bad, I don't care'

(Newser) - President Trump says he will support any candidate "good or bad" against Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski when she is up for re-election in 2022. The president fired back Thursday after the Alaska senator agreed with former defense chief Jim Mattis' criticism of the president and said she "was...

GOP's Murkowski: This Criticism of Trump Is 'Overdue'

Alaska senator praises Jim Mattis' comments about the president

(Newser) - President Trump now has a critic among Republican senators whose name isn't Romney . Alaska's Lisa Murkowski on Thursday praised former defense chief Jim Mattis' strong condemnation of Trump's actions in response to the George Floyd protests, reports the Hill . “I thought General Mattis’ words were true...

Will Bolton Testify? 3 Key Senators Are Noncommittal

Moderates including Mitt Romney not saying whether they'd join vote to subpoena him

(Newser) - John Bolton shook up the in-limbo impeachment process Monday by saying he would testify in a Senate trial if subpoenaed. A day later, we have little clarity on whether that will actually happen. By the math at Politico , Democrats would need four moderate Republicans to join them in voting for...

GOP Senator Is 'Disturbed' by Leader's Trump Trial Remarks

Murkowski says she will be impartial juror

(Newser) - Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski thinks the process that led to the impeachment of President Trump was rushed and flawed—but she also has serious concerns about how his trial in the Senate will be conducted. The Alaskan senator tells KTUU that she was "disturbed" by Senate Majority Leader Mitch...

Here&#39;s Where Kavanaugh&#39;s Chances Stand
Kavanaugh Now Looks
Like a Lock for Court
the rundown

Kavanaugh Now Looks Like a Lock for Court

Democrats' hopes of stopping the nominee just took a major hit

(Newser) - The smart money now says Brett Kavanaugh will be the next Supreme Court justice. That became evident Friday afternoon when the Democrats' last big hope, Republican Susan Collins, announced that she would vote yes on confirmation, reports the Washington Post . After her announcement, Democrat Joe Manchin, another swing vote, said...

Brett Kavanaugh Just Passed a Big Hurdle

He gets enough votes in crucial Senate procedural test

(Newser) - Brett Kavanaugh just passed a crucial hurdle in the Senate, though his ascension to the Supreme Court is still not assured. Kavanaugh's nomination passed a procedural vote that allows it to move forward, reports Reuters . The count was 51-49. The final vote on whether to confirm Kavanaugh is expected...

3 Key Senators Have Problem With Trump's Ford Imitation

Sens. Flake, Murkowski, and Collins respond

(Newser) - Three senators on Wednesday publicly criticized President Trump's imitation of Christine Blasey Ford on Tuesday night, and they're senators who matter. GOP Sens. Jeff Flake, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski, all "critical Republican swing votes," as CNN puts it, shared their reaction to Trump's account...

Kavanaugh's Prospects Just Got Much Brighter

GOP's Jeff Flake will back him, making approval likely in Senate committee Friday afternoon

(Newser) - After Thursday's high drama , the Senate Judiciary Committee looks poised to advance Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination to the full Senate. The vote is scheduled for 1:30pm Eastern, reports NPR . Going into the day, the main suspense had been whether Republican Jeff Flake of Arizona would side...

Some States Will Be Big Winners Under ObamaCare Repeal Bill

But there will be 31 losers, according to federal report

(Newser) - There will be some big winners and plenty of losers under the latest effort at ObamaCare repeal, according to a Trump administration internal report. The federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services predicts that reallocation of funding in the bill from Republican Sens. Bill Cassidy and Lindsey Graham will cause...

Alaska Senator Is Latest to Incur Trump's Wrath

Trump disappointed with Lisa Murkowski's 'no' votes Tuesday

(Newser) - President Trump scored a victory Tuesday when a motion to proceed on the healthcare debate passed the Senate 51-50, but that doesn't mean he's willing to overlook the two votes from Republicans in opposition. In a tweet Wednesday, Trump singled out Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska—who cast...

GOP Plan to Repeal ObamaCare Looks Doomed
GOP Plan to Repeal
ObamaCare Looks Doomed
the rundown

GOP Plan to Repeal ObamaCare Looks Doomed

3 Republican senators balk, one more than Mitch McConnell could afford

(Newser) - And just like that, Mitch McConnell's plan to repeal ObamaCare with a two-year delay appears to be doomed. McConnell announced the revised strategy Monday night, and he could afford only two GOP defections. Already, he's got three: Sens. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Susan Collins of Maine,...

Obama Moves to Ban Drilling in Chunk of Alaska

Alaskan senators outraged by 'lawless' proposal

(Newser) - In a move that has the state's Republicans boiling with rage, President Obama has moved to seek protection for a vast wildlife habitat in Alaska. The president says he plans to ask Congress to preserve the "amazing wonder" of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by declaring 12 million...

Jobless Bill Clears Key Senate Vote in Squeaker

Republicans cross aisle for unexpected success

(Newser) - A bill to revive extended unemployment benefits squeaked through its first procedural vote 60-37, a narrow win that outlets including Politico are characterizing as a surprise. Six moderate Republican senators voted with Democrats to renew the recently expired benefits: Kelly Ayotte, Susan Collins, Dan Coats, Dean Heller, Lisa Murkowski, and...

GOP Senator No. 3 Endorses Gay Marriage

But Lisa Murkowski says religious freedom must 'remain inviolate'

(Newser) - Lisa Murkowski today became the third Republican senator to endorse gay marriage, following the lead of Rob Portman and Mark Kirk . In a statement on her website , the Alaska senator recalls nominating a military family as "Angels in Adoption" for opening their doors to four siblings in need of...

Goodbye Flip-Flopping, Hello 'Evolving'

Howard Kurtz: It's too late for John Kerry, but now all the cool kids are doing it

(Newser) - John Kerry once got nailed for saying he voted for a measure "before I voted against it"—he was called a flip-flopper. But that was the old days. Now, politicians have a "linguistic escape hatch" to avoid such accusations, writes Howard Kurtz at the Daily Beast : They...

2nd GOP Senator Might Embrace Gay Marriage

Lisa Murkowski says her views 'evolving'

(Newser) - Plenty of Senate Democrats have announced their support of gay marriage in recent weeks, but so far only Rob Portman has done so on the Republican side. That might soon change: Alaska's Lisa Murkowski tells the Chugiak-Eagle River Star that her view is "evolving." Murkowski has voted...

Why Rove&#39;s Move Will Backfire
 Why Rove's Move Will Backfire 
Nate Silver

Why Rove's Move Will Backfire

Nate Silver explains the flaw in his logic

(Newser) - Conservative activists and Nate Silver haven't always seen eye-to-eye, but they agree on one thing: Karl Rove's new super PAC backing establishment Republican candidates over Tea Party challengers is a bad idea. Of course, Silver's argument isn't ideological, it's mathematical. The problem, he points out...

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