state law

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Texting While Driving? Ariz. to Nail You for, Uh, Speeding

Using loophole, crackdown to begin in January

(Newser) - Arizona hasn't outlawed driving while texting, but it's come up with a strategy to deal with those who do use their phones while on the road: Slap them with a speeding ticket, the Pheonix New-Times reports. The crackdown will begin in January, and if you're wondering how...

6 States Defy Pentagon on Gay Military Benefits

Couples being forced to travel to federal bases to get ID card needed for benefits

(Newser) - In 44 states, the gay spouse of an active-duty National Guard member can register for a military spouse ID card at his or her partner's base and begin getting federal marriage benefits. But in six states, it's not so easy. As the New York Times explains, bases in...

Nurses, Midwives Can Now Perform Abortions in Calif.

Meanwhile, many abortion clinics in Virginia may be forced to close

(Newser) - With its latest bill, California has joined Washington, Montana, Vermont, and New Hampshire in allowing non-physicians to perform aspiration abortions, a common form of the procedure. But California's bill, signed yesterday, goes a bit farther than those states: Despite opposition from state Republicans , the bill allows not just nurse...

It's July 1: Hundreds of New Laws Go Live

On everything from drones to tanning to Election Day drinking, and more

(Newser) - The Jersey Shore is about to get a little paler. As of today, minors in the state won't be allowed to use tanning beds—and anyone under age 14 won't even be able to get a spray tan there. It's July 1, the day hundreds of of...

Alabama About to Put Its Abortion Clinics in Jeopardy

New restrictions go to governor today

(Newser) - Alabama's state legislature has passed a bill placing tough new restrictions on abortion providers, and critics say it's intended to shut down the five clinics in the state, the New York Times reports. The bill is headed for Gov. Robert Bentley's desk today, and he's said...

Thousands of New Laws in Effect, Some of Them Odd
Thousands of New Laws in Effect, Some of Them Odd
welcome, 2013

Thousands of New Laws in Effect, Some of Them Odd

If you live in Kentucky, don't even think about releasing a wild hog

(Newser) - While everyone fretted about the fiscal cliff , thousands of new state laws quietly took effect at midnight. The Christian Science Monitor , the Washington Post , and Mediaite run down a few notable ones, from the weird (feral hogs?) to the more conventional:
  • Caylee's Law: Legislation named after Caylee Anthony took

Poll: If State Legalizes Pot, Feds Should Be Cool With It

But Americans still split on legalization itself

(Newser) - It's now legal to smoke pot while watching a Lord of the Rings marathon in Washington state, but questions persist over how the pot-prohibiting federal government should react. A new USA Today /Gallup poll clarifies how Americans feel about two of the biggies: Respondents remain split on the issue...

Colo., Wash. Face Showdown With Feds Over Legal Pot

New state measures fly in face of federal law

(Newser) - Colorado and Washington state are now chill with citizens having a little pot—but the drug is still very much illegal in Uncle Sam's eyes, leaving states to chart a difficult path. When it comes to medical marijuana, the feds have tended to crack down on large operations and...

Obama Endorses State Measures for Gay Marriage

Backs ballot efforts in Maine, Maryland, Washington

(Newser) - After announcing his support for gay marriage in May, President Obama is putting his weight behind ballot measures to make those unions a reality. Obama is supporting measures in Maine, Maryland, and Washington state to legalize same-sex marriage, the AP reports. "Washington's same-sex marriage law would treat all...

Doctors, Patient Groups Split Over New Mammogram Laws

Physicians fear required warnings could prompt unneeded worry

(Newser) - Doctors' groups and patient advocates are facing off over new state laws that require health professionals to warn women when mammograms reveal dense breast tissue. Density—the result of higher proportions of connective or glandular tissue—can make it more difficult to detect cancer, since both the tissue and tumors...

Rapists Can Assert Child Custody in 27 States

New York, Minnesota among states that offer no protection to victims

(Newser) - Think Todd Akin's comments about "legitimate rape" were medieval? Even scarier, and less-discussed, is the fact that many US states allow alleged rapists to apply for parental rights of children conceived by sexual assault, write Dana Liebelson and Sydney Brownstone at Mother Jones. "It sounds unfathomable,"...

40K New State Laws Kick In for 2012

Includes abortion restrictions and voter identification laws

(Newser) - The new year has brought us about 40,000 state laws ranging from abortion and voter restrictions to golf cart requirements and a ban on happy hours. MSNBC runs down a few of them:
  • Several states will require employers to confirm the legality of workers through a federal system called

GOP Election-Law Rewrites Pose Threat to Dems

Minorities, young people targeted in new rules, say voting-rights groups

(Newser) - Pennsylvania’s Republicans aren’t the only ones instituting voting laws likely to hurt Democrats. Some 12 states have begun requiring voters to carry picture ID; Florida and Ohio have reduced early-voting time; and Florida has cracked down on ex-felons voting, the Washington Post reports. Republicans say they want...

5 Things You Can No Longer Do in 2011

Sorry, K2 addicts...

(Newser) - As we rang in the new year, we also rang in about 31,000 new state laws. The Week rounds up five you should know about:
  • In California: If you were planning on, say, creating a fake Facebook profile for your mortal enemy, think again. Impersonating someone online is now

Did Chatty Michelle Break Voting Laws?

Conservative watchdog slams first lady's 'technical violation'

(Newser) - Michelle Obama may have violated Illinois election laws by seeking support for her husband’s agenda at a Chicago polling station, holds the Daily Caller . The first lady was talking with voters, and reportedly urged them to support said agenda—but state laws ban political discussion near polling places, the...

Calif. Will Honor Harvey Milk

'Day of significance' commemorates gay rights pioneer

(Newser) - Reversing his position on a bill he vetoed a year ago, Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed off on bill making May 22 an annual day of recognition in  honor of gay rights pioneer Harvey Milk. The San Francisco supervisor, who was assassinated in 1978, was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom...

Advocates Push for Rear Seatbelt Laws

They reduce fatalities by up to 73%

(Newser) - Highway safety advocates are pushing for a federal transportation bill to include incentives for states to make safety belts mandatory for all passengers, but opponents say the move would set a precedent for the government to tell citizens what to do, USA Today reports. Though studies show that rear seatbelts...

NH Legalizes Gay Marriage
 NH Legalizes Gay Marriage 

NH Legalizes Gay Marriage

Gov. Lynch expected to sign it today

(Newser) - New Hampshire became the sixth state to allow same-sex marriage when Gov. John Lynch signed legislation this afternoon shortly after it was approved by lawmakers, the AP reports. Legislators hammered out a new version clearly spelling out that churches and religious groups would not be forced to officiate at gay...

Obama Overrules the Overruling of State Laws

Bush policy protected business interests in the states

(Newser) - President Obama is rewriting another set of rules inherited from his predecessor. This time, the Washington Post reports, it’s President Bush’s policy of overriding state laws with federal regulations, known as “preemption.” Says an activist, “It's environmental law, it's drug law, it's mortgage law, it's...

NYC Charges Working Homeless Shelter Rent

(Newser) - New York City has quietly begun to enforce a 1997 state law requiring homeless shelter residents who have jobs to contribute to the cost of their temporary housing, the New York Times reports. The move, which follows a 2007 audit that forced the city to return funding to the state,...

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