
6 Stories

Memorial Trees at Ex-Nazi Camp Chopped Down

A 'deliberate attack on remembrance,' says group that runs Germany's Buchenwald memorial

(Newser) - The Buchenwald concentration camp memorial says that seven trees dedicated to the memory of victims of the Nazi camp in eastern Germany have been chopped down. The foundation that runs the memorial tweeted on Wednesday that the trees near the site were apparently attacked the previous day, per the AP...

Buchenwald Survivor Dies in Russian Attack

Boris Romantschenko, 96, was killed by Russian shelling of Ukrainian city

(Newser) - A 96-year-old Ukrainian who survived imprisonment in four concentration camps during the Nazi Holocaust has been killed by a Russian attack on his home in the eastern city of Kharkiv. Boris Romantschenko died Friday during a Russian shelling of the neighborhood where he lived in an apartment building, his family...

Germany Wants to House People in Old Nazi Camp

'Tasteless' Schwerte plan condemned

(Newser) - A rise in the number of people seeking asylum in Germany has led to huge anti-immigration rallies —and left one local authority so short of accommodations that it says it has to house asylum seekers in a former outpost of the Buchenwald concentration camp. Authorities in Schwerte in western...

Philadelphia Man, 89, Held on Nazi War Crimes

Johann Breyer was a guard at Auschwitz

(Newser) - An 89-year-old Philadelphia man may be headed back to Germany to face charges that he helped the Nazis slaughter Jews at Nazi death camps, reports the Philadelphia Inquirer . Johann Breyer, a native of the former Czechoslovakia, was arrested yesterday at his home by federal authorities and now faces an extradition...

Obama Rips Holocaust Deniers at Buchenwald

(Newser) - President Obama blasted Holocaust deniers today on a tour of a Nazi concentration camp, Reuters reports. At Buchenwald, Germany, the president called Holocaust denial “baseless, ignorant and hateful.” Obama did not mention Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by name, but after Iran's president called the Holocaust a "great deception" ...

Obama Visits Buchenwald
 Obama Visits Buchenwald 

Obama Visits Buchenwald

Great-uncle helped free Buchenwald

(Newser) - President Obama toured the Nazi concentration camp Buchenwald today, the BBC reports. “These sites have not lost their horror with the passage of time,” said Obama, accompanied on his visit by German chancellor Angela Merkel and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel. Obama noted that his great-uncle, part of the...

6 Stories
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