
5 Stories

Ad for PJs With Butt Flaps Becomes Internet Phenom
Ad for PJs With Butt Flaps
Becomes Internet Phenom
the rundown

Ad for PJs With Butt Flaps Becomes Internet Phenom

A perfect storm of circumstances seems to have led to a proliferation of the online pajamas ads

(Newser) - So, it's not the most burning question in the year 2020, but it's out there nonetheless. "Why Is This Woman's Left Ass Cheek Following Me Around the Internet?" reads the headline at Vice above a story by Kate Dries. And Dries is not alone. It seems...

Lena Dunham: No, This Wasn't a Halloween Photo

The writer-actor has Ehler-Danlos syndrome

(Newser) - Lena Dunham wants to explain her whole pajamas-and-cane look—which, sadly, had nothing to do with Halloween, USA Today reports. "The truth is just: This is what life is like when I'm struggling most with chronic illness," she wrote on Instagram alongside a recent paparazzi pic of...

People Are Really Upset Over Shoppers in Pajamas

'It's bloody disgusting,' says one complainant

(Newser) - A rep for British retailer Tesco tells the BBC that wearing pajamas in its stores is "not a big issue," but that's not at all the impression you would've gotten from perusing the company's Facebook page recently. In a since-deleted post (screenshot here ), a...

Irish Welfare Office Bans Pajamas
 Welfare Office Bans Pajamas 

Welfare Office Bans Pajamas

If you look like you snooze, you lose in Dublin

(Newser) - Irish welfare officials aren't asleep at the switch—and they've got a wake-up call for their clients. Dubliners have been a bit too chill when they turn up to collect their welfare checks, so the agency is banning pajamas in the office. "Pajamas are not regarded as...

Shanghai Bans Wearing Pajamas in Public

City wants to curb trend before hosting World Expo

(Newser) - Shanghai wants to look its best when it hosts the 2010 World Expo in a few months, so it's spreading the word to residents: Pajamas are for inside the house. Concerned about the popular habit of wearing boldly colored PJs on city streets, officials have launched a public campaign to...

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