Al Gore

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Rumor Mill: Biden Considers One-Term Presidency

To appease concerns about his age if he decides to run

(Newser) - Speculation about Joe Biden entering the 2016 race has been heating up of late, and Politico adds a new wrinkle: The 72-year-old is reportedly considering a run as a one-term president. "One thing that I keep hearing about Biden is that if he were to declare and say, because...

Today's 2016 Chatter: Will Al Gore Run?

Buzzfeed's sources say it's under discussion, Gore's rep says no

(Newser) - At 5pm yesterday, Buzzfeed published a report claiming supporters of Al Gore were "getting the old gang together" to discuss a possible run for the White House, chatter that Andrew Kaczynski wrote signaled some Democrats' doubts about their frontrunner. Kaczynski's report was certainly restrained. He writes, "A...

7 Pairs of Celeb Roommates
 7 Pairs of Celeb Roommates 

7 Pairs of Celeb Roommates

You may not have known these stars lived together

(Newser) - Want to live with a celebrity? Try being a celebrity yourself. The Stir rounds up celebrity pairs you probably didn't know lived together:
  • John Cusack and Jeremy Piven: They were childhood friends in Evanston, Illinois, and lived together in Chicago. But when asked later what happened when Cusack became

Gore Blasts NSA's 'Crimes Against the Constitution'

He predicts NSA will be forced to rein in 'absurd' surveillance practices

(Newser) - Al Gore is definitely not among those buying the line that US surveillance practices are above-board and business as usual. Among the words he used to describe the methods unveiled by Edward Snowden in a speech last night in Canada: "absurd," "outrageous," "crimes against the...

Inside Al Gore&#39;s Crazy Riches
 Inside Al Gore's Crazy Riches 
in case you missed it

Inside Al Gore's Crazy Riches

He may have as much money as Romney. Here's why

(Newser) - If it's not polite to talk about one's money, then Al Gore had quite the rude Monday. His riches (which, at an estimated $200 million, definitely qualify as riches) were the subject of both a Bloomberg piece (for which he declined to be interviewed) and a New York ...

Lawsuit: Gore Was Against Al Jazeera Deal

Man claims he was the mastermind of Current TV sale

(Newser) - A media consultant is suing Al Gore and Current TV, claiming that he was the mastermind behind Al Jazeera's buyout of the struggling network, and was cut out of the deal. John Terenzio alleges that he came up with the idea, approached Al Jazeera, and presented a "step-by-step...

It&#39;s Ridiculous to Complain About Fox News
It's Ridiculous to Complain About Fox News 
Howard Kurtz

It's Ridiculous to Complain About Fox News

Howard Kurtz: Obama, in particular, needs to stop whining

(Newser) - President Obama and Al Gore have been whining about Fox News lately, and Howard Kurtz has had enough. Dislike the network all you want, but it's successful where Gore's Current TV wasn't. "Isn't that the free market at work?" writes Kurtz for CNN . But the...

9 Hypocritical Stars
 9 Hypocritical Stars 

9 Hypocritical Stars

Do as they say, not as they do

(Newser) - When environmental crusader Al Gore sold Current TV, much was made over the fact that he basically sold the network to big oil. Even Jon Stewart had to admit Fox News had a point in its complaints on the matter. But Gore is far from the only hypocritical VIP—as...

Stewart on Current TV Sale: Fox Has a Point

But Fox News is also a massive hypocrite, says 'Daily Show' host

(Newser) - Jon Stewart took a moment on last night's Daily Show to weigh in on Al Gore's deal to sell Current TV to Al Jazeera—or, more specifically, Fox News' reaction to it. "Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have our first Fox boner alert of 2013,"...

Cable Companies Eager to Dump Al Jazeera

Al Gore strong-armed them into keeping it, but they want to renegotiate

(Newser) - Cable companies aren't thrilled about the idea of Current TV turning into Al Jazeera America, and might have dropped the network the moment the deal was announced —if Al Gore hadn't strong-armed them into keeping it, the New York Times reports. Gore personally lobbied distributors, reminding them...

Boring Current TV Won&#39;t Help Boring Al Jazeera
Boring Current TV Won't
Help Boring Al Jazeera
Michael Wolff

Boring Current TV Won't Help Boring Al Jazeera

Michael Wolff thinks the Qatari network is too dull to defend

(Newser) - What to do if your cable network has all the money in the world, but pretty much no ability to draw American eyeballs? If you're Al Jazeera, apparently you buy Al Gore's crappy cable network . Sure, Current TV hasn't made much of an impression on viewers either,...

Al Jazeera Buys Al Gore's Current TV Channel

Pan-Arab news agency will get a foothold in American TV market

(Newser) - Goodbye Current TV, hello Al Jazeera America. Al Gore's struggling cable network has been bought by the pan-Arab news agency, which will get a long-sought "pathway into American living rooms," reports the New York Times . The changes probably won't take effect for about 3 months, at...

The Sad Death of Green Tech
 The Sad Death of Green Tech 
David Brooks

The Sad Death of Green Tech

David Brooks laments the fall of the bipartisan green revolution

(Newser) - Back in 2003, green technology looked like the future, and a bipartisan consensus was forming around it. David Brooks recalls getting a ride in Prius from a conservative foreign policy hawk, who touted it as an antidote to foreign oil dependency. "From that date on, the story begins to...

Al Gore Made How Much in Green Tech?!

Assets have gone from $2M to $100M since 2001: Washington Post

(Newser) - Al Gore may well be the loudest voice on the subject of climate change, and he has been handsomely rewarded for his efforts. A lengthy Washington Post profile today has this nugget:
  • "Just before leaving public office in 2001, Gore reported assets of less than $2 million; today, his

Gore Blames Obama's Whiff on Altitude

He didn't get to Denver in time, says former VP

(Newser) - You know you did terrible in a debate when your defenders start playing the ... altitude card? From Al Gore on Current TV, floating a theory last night on President Obama's lackluster performance, as per Mediaite :
  • "I’m going to say something controversial here. Obama arrived in Denver at

Meet Al Gore's New Girlfriend

Elizabeth Keadle is a longtime Democratic donor

(Newser) - Almost two years after Al and Tipper Gore announced their split, the former vice president has a new serious girlfriend. Elizabeth Keadle, called Liz, is a Democratic donor with a passion for the environment. And the Washington Post makes her sound like quite the catch, describing her as "independently...

Influential Climate Change Scientist: I Was an 'Alarmist'

James Lovelock says global warming isn't happening as quickly as he thought

(Newser) - James Lovelock, a favorite of environmentalists ever since he originated the "Gaia" theory that views the planet as a single organism, admits today that he may have overreacted a bit when it comes to climate change. In recent years, Lovelock hypothesized that billions of us would die within the...

Olbermann's $70M Lawsuit Accuses Current TV of 'Blackmail'

Current calls suit 'false, malicious'

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann has filed a $70 million lawsuit against Current TV accusing his former employer of "blackmail," and blasting co-founders Al Gore and Joel Hyatt as "dilettantes." The angry 43-page complaint claims that Gore and Hyatt wooed him with promises that he would be his own...

Current TV Leaks Unflattering Email on Olbermann

It recounts on-set temper tantrum; former host files suit

(Newser) - The Keith Olbermann chronicles continue: The Daily Beast got hold of an internal email from a Current TV staffer relaying a little temper tantrum Olbermann reportedly had on set. It's not all that dramatic—he got angry over tech problems and threw a mug that shattered against a wall,...

Olbermann Going on Letterman Next Week

Newly fired Current TV host scheduled for Tuesday

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann will appear on David Letterman's show next week, giving him a chance to explain his side of the story and/or take some more public jabs at his former bosses at Current TV. Olbermann, who got fired yesterday amid a feud with network founders Al Gore and Joel...

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