Twisted Sister

6 Stories

Dee Snider to Kari Lake: 'Write Your Own Damn Song'

Twisted Sister singer says 'We're Not Gonna Take It' is a 'pro-choice anthem'

(Newser) - Twisted Sister singer Dee Snider hasn't been happy about Kari Lake's campaign using "We're Not Gonna Take It"—and it was apparently the last straw when the Arizona Republican's campaign tweeted some of the lyrics Sunday, tagging him in the post. "HEY IDIOTS!...

Twisted Sister Singer Has Message for Anti-Maskers

Dee Snider calls their stunt 'moronic'

(Newser) - Twisted Sister singer Dee Snider took to social media to condemn anti-maskers who went into a Florida Target store blaring the group's hit "We're Not Gonna Take It" while ripping off their masks, the AP reports. In a tweet Wednesday, Snider called the stunt "moronic,"...

As Teachers Walk Out, an 'Unofficial Anthem' Emerges

Protesters in multiple states adopt 'We're Not Going to Take It' by Twisted Sister

(Newser) - Many schools were expected to be closed Tuesday throughout Oklahoma as teachers there continue their walkout for higher pay for a second straight day, reports CNN . Teachers in Kentucky also protested Monday—following the lead of their colleagues in West Virginia earlier this year—but most schools were expected to...

Twisted Sister Drummer Dead at 55

AJ Pero apparently suffered heart attack

(Newser) - AJ Pero, the drummer for the heavy-metal band Twisted Sister, died today at age 55. The band said Anthony Jude Pero died of an apparent heart attack while touring with Adrenaline Mob, a group with which he played in between engagements with Twisted Sister. Jay Jay French, Twisted Sister guitarist,...

Twisted Sister Not Gonna Take Ryan Using Its Song

Dee Snider denounces use of metal anthem

(Newser) - In yet another campaign music clash, Twisted Sister has told Paul Ryan's campaign that it's not gonna take Ryan's use of its 1984 hit "We're Not Gonna Take It." Frontman Dee Snider has demanded Ryan stop using the heavy metal anthem at rallies, reports...

Ronnie James Dio of Black Sabbath Dead at 67

Heavy metal legend also fronted Rainbow, Heaven & Hell

(Newser) - Ronnie James Dio, the legendary heavy metal singer who replaced Ozzy Osbourne as Black Sabbath's frontman, died today. He was 61 or 67, according to the LA Times , and suffered from stomach cancer. "Many, many friends and family were able to say their private good-byes before he peacefully passed...

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