Porta Potty

2 Stories

300 Porta-Potties Set Ablaze by New Year's Fireworks

Fire started in grass, spread to rental business

(Newser) - A New Year's fireworks display went extremely awry last night, when investigators say the fireworks sparked a blaze that ultimately destroyed 300 porta-potties. The San Antonio fire started in the grass and spread to a rental business, News 4 reports. No one was injured except one firefighter who stepped...

Porta-Perv 'Blessed by Goddesses'

Portapotty peeping Tom says he finds 'gold' in 'muck'

(Newser) - The yoga fan caught curled up in the tank of a Portapotty to peep on women attending a Colorado festival has admitted his crime, saying he was "blessed" to be able to spot so many "goddesses." Luke Chrisco, 30, admits he was "at the yoga festival,...

2 Stories
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