
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Man's 'Quest for Discovery' in National Park Isn't Ending Well

Rodrick Dow Craythorn pleads guilty to digging up Yellowstone cemetery for Forrest Fenn prize

(Newser) - A man accused of digging up a Yellowstone National Park cemetery in his search for a famous buried treasure has admitted to his crimes. The New York Times reports that, nearly four months after he was indicted by a federal grand jury, 52-year-old Rodrick Dow Craythorn of Utah entered a...

Feds: Man Spent 8 Months in Cemetery Digging for Treasure

Now Rodrick Dow Craythorn has been indicted after his alleged search for Forrest Fenn booty

(Newser) - We still don't know who found Forrest Fenn's famous treasure in Wyoming's Rocky Mountains, but it apparently wasn't Rodrick Dow Craythorn. What Craythorn got instead, per NBC News : a federal grand jury indictment for allegedly digging in a Yellowstone National Park cemetery searching for the long-elusive...

SS Officer's Diary Points to Billions in Looted Gold

Owners of Polish palace plan to search for buried well

(Newser) - Rumors of a Nazi gold train in Poland resulted in nothing . But a new gold rush could be coming with the airing of a 75-year-old diary written by an SS officer in charge of transport, who describes 11 locations where Nazis hid gold, jewels, priceless paintings, and religious artifacts. The...

They Were Searching the Sand. The Metal Detectors Went Crazy

Florida men find 22 silver coins from 1715 shipwreck, could be worth $7K

(Newser) - They set to work with metal detectors on Florida's appropriately named Treasure Coast and are now the proud owners of 22 silver coins thought to be 300 years old. Jonah Martinez, who's been hunting treasure in South Florida for 24 years, says he and fellow treasure hunter Cole...

He Thinks He Found $55M in Gold. There&#39;s a Problem
He Thinks He Found $55M
in Gold. There's a Problem

He Thinks He Found $55M in Gold. There's a Problem

Joe Pennisi can't attempt to retrieve the possible treasure

(Newser) - Around 2am one September night in 2014, Joe Pennisi started screaming in bed. His wife woke up, and he explained what had spurred the outburst: Video taken by GoPro cameras he had attached to the fishing net he used to trawl the seafloor off the California coast had captured a...

Archaeologists Are Bitter About Cadbury

They say treasure hunt campaign advocated looting

(Newser) - Cadbury has pulled an advertising campaign that archaeologists say encouraged children to dig for treasure—illegally. Naming archaeological sites around the UK and Ireland where jewels, gold, and silver have been found, the Treasure Island ads encouraged kids to "grab your metal detector and go hunting for Roman riches"...

Treasure Hunter Changes Mind on Returning Gold

Thompson now says he has no idea how to obtain coins

(Newser) - An imprisoned treasure hunter has taken back a pledge to turn over 500 missing coins minted from gold found in a shipwreck off the South Carolina coast, the AP reports. Tommy Thompson agreed last week to deliver the coins to a court-appointed receiver by Sunday to settle a lawsuit brought...

Shipwreck Rumored to Hide $132B in Gold Is Found
Shipwreck Rumored to Hide
$132B in Gold Is Found

Shipwreck Rumored to Hide $132B in Gold Is Found

Seoul-based Shinil Group spots possible 'treasure boxes'

(Newser) - Days after finding a sunken Russian battleship rumored to have gone down with what would now be $132 billion in gold, a South Korean treasure-hunting team is teasing a big reveal. Shinil Group this week announced the discovery of the Russian Imperial Navy cruiser Dmitrii Donskoi, which is believed to...

New Details on &#39;Holy Grail of Shipwrecks&#39; Revealed
Distinctive Cannons 
Confirmed Find of
'Holy Grail of Shipwrecks'

Distinctive Cannons Confirmed Find of 'Holy Grail of Shipwrecks'

US team helped detect sunken Spanish galleon

(Newser) - With treasure worth up to $17 billion still at the bottom of the sea, experts aren't ready to disclose the exact location of a Spanish galleon sunk during a battle in 1708—but they did have other details on the "holy grail of shipwrecks" to reveal this week....

He Thought It Was a Cable Box. Inside Was Treasure

A big find on Staten Island

(Newser) - Treasure was found in May, not buried on a deserted island but languishing on Staten Island. The Staten Island Advance has the story of Matthew Emanuel, who hired a company to rip up his damaged arborvitae trees and replace them with bamboo. But when the trees were uprooted, a box...

UN Worried About Legendary Treasure Off Colombia&#39;s Coast
Potential Billion-Dollar Treasure
Triggers a Letter From the UN

Potential Billion-Dollar Treasure Triggers a Letter From the UN

UNESCO fears Colombia plans to commercially exploit the wreck of the San Jose

(Newser) - The United Nations cultural agency on Friday called on Colombia not to commercially exploit the 300-year-old wreck of the Spanish galleon San Jose, which is believed to contain a cargo worth billions of dollars. A UNESCO experts' body protecting underwater cultural heritage on Friday sent a letter to Colombian Culture...

Treasure Tied to King Bluetooth Found on German Island
Teen Stumbles on
Treasure Tied to
King Bluetooth

Teen Stumbles on Treasure Tied to King Bluetooth

Pearls, jewelry, coins unearthed by archaeologists in weekend dig

(Newser) - "Bluetooth" may strike you as an entirely modern word, but it's one found in the pages of history by way of Danish king Harald Gormsson, or "Harry Bluetooth", as he was known—and treasure connected to him has reportedly just been found. The Guardian reports 13-year-old Luca...

Legendary Lost Gold May Have Been Found
Legendary Lost Gold
May Have Been Found
in case you missed it

Legendary Lost Gold May Have Been Found

FBI overseeing dig in Pennsylvania, where a Civil War fortune might be buried

(Newser) - It's the stuff of legend: A wagon from the Union Army supposedly lost a huge cache of gold bars while en route from Wheeling, West Virginia, to the US Mint in Philadelphia in 1863. More than 150 years later, the FBI is overseeing a dig in a Pennsylvania state...

His Son Died Looking for Treasure. Now He Wants 'Eric's Law'

Eric Ashby's body was pulled from Arkansas River in July

(Newser) - He went in search of gold and jewels and, like others that came before him, died in pursuit. Authorities have confirmed 31-year-old Coloradan Eric Ashby is at least the third person to die in search of Forrest Fenn's $2 million treasure , which the art collector claims is hidden somewhere...

His Buried Gold Could Still Be Hidden Around the Bay Area

Thank the 'scatter-brained' Granville P. Swift

(Newser) - On the heels of a renewed hunt for treasure in a tiny French village comes the tale of buried treasure in California. The San Francisco Chronicle takes a look back at one of the state's colorful historical figures: Granville P. Swift, the great-nephew of Daniel Boone who came to...

Hole in French Village Means One Thing: Treasure Hunters
Hole in French Village Means
One Thing: Treasure Hunters
in case you missed it

Hole in French Village Means One Thing: Treasure Hunters

Rennes-le-Château has dealt with this for decades

(Newser) - As the story goes, in the small French village of Rennes-le-Château a priest named François-Bérenger Saunière managed to accumulate an unlikely sum of money, giving birth to a legend that he had found buried treasure. It was said that he himself buried what he didn't...

Searching for a Foundation, They Found a Treasure Trove Instead
Searching for a Foundation,
They Found Treasure Instead

Searching for a Foundation, They Found Treasure Instead

'I thought how I'd never again see something like it'

(Newser) - They were searching for an old infirmary. What they uncovered was an "exceptional and extremely rare treasure": 2,200 silver coins, 21 gold coins, a gold signet ring, gold foil, and a circular object also made of gold. It's a collection unlike any ever found, according to French...

500-Year-Old Navigational Tool Discovered in Shipwreck

Mariners used astrolabes to determine position of sun, stars

(Newser) - The world's earliest known navigational tool used by Vasco da Gama's fleet was discovered in a shipwreck off the Oman coast, NPR reports. Called a marine astrolabe, it's believed to date from 1495 to 1500. Unlike the Game of Thrones intro astrolabe, sailors used this one to...

Pastor Goes Missing in Search for Treasure Chest

While fellow treasure-hunters seek to help police in their search for Paris Wallace

(Newser) - The search for a Colorado pastor continues in northern New Mexico four days after Paris Wallace was reported missing while hunting for the elusive Forrest Fenn treasure . The Daily Sentinel reports tips from fellow treasure hunters, including Wallace's friend Wendell Smith, helped police locate the Chevrolet Tahoe Wallace was...

$18K Permit Stands Between Man and $130M Treasure

John Cruise-Wilkins isn't giving up his father's quest

(Newser) - It's known as the Holy Grail of pirate treasure—a haul of gold, silver, and jewels worth an estimated $130 million—and John Cruise-Wilkins says he knows where it is. So why is the man not yet swimming in diamonds and rubies? Well, getting to the treasure is not...

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