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Diana Ross Says She Felt 'Violated' at Airport

She can 'still feel' screener's hands

(Newser) - Diana Ross says she felt "violated" by an airport screener who touched her between her legs after she performed at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. In a series of tweets on Sunday, the Motown legend says she blames the Transportation Security Administration for a screening at the...

TSA Agent Plunges Into Airport Atrium

Police say it was likely a suicide

(Newser) - An off-duty TSA worker fell to his death Saturday at Orlando International Airport in Florida in an apparent suicide, USA Today reports. The man in his 40s apparently jumped from a balcony at the Hyatt Regency Hotel after 9:30am and fell into the airport's "atrium area,"...

Thanks, Shutdown: This Airport Has Worst Wait Times

Minneapolis tops TSA's list at 46 minutes

(Newser) - With no end in sight to the government shutdown and TSA experiencing higher than normal absence rates , how are the security lines at airports? Not too bad, according to a press release from the agency that notes "national average wait times are within normal TSA times of 30 minutes...

TSA Absence Rate Hits Record High
TSA Absence Rate
Hits Record High

TSA Absence Rate Hits Record High

10% of screeners missed work Sunday

(Newser) - The percentage of TSA airport screeners missing work hit a record 10% as the partial government shutdown stretched into its fifth week. The Transportation Security Administration said Monday that Sunday's absence rate was up from 3.1% on the comparable Sunday a year ago. The workers who screen passengers...

You Can Buy a Furloughed Worker a Beer

It's one way people are helping out those not getting a paycheck

(Newser) - At airports around the country, donations of everything from diapers to boxes of Ramen noodles are being dropped off to help TSA workers cope without a paycheck, reports the AP . That's in part because these airport screeners are typically paid less than other government employees, with most making between...

TSA Workers, It&#39;s Time to Take Action
TSA Workers,
It's Time to
Take Action

TSA Workers, It's Time to Take Action

A New York Times op-ed calls for a 'good old-fashioned strike'

(Newser) - Thousands of TSA officers are calling in sick as the government shutdown enters week four, but is that protest enough? Maybe not: "TSA workers should use last year's teachers' strikes as a model," Barbara Ehrenreich and Gary Stevenson write in the New York Times . "They were...

Traveler Gets Through TSA Checkpoint in Atlanta With Gun

Carries it all the way to Japan

(Newser) - As TSA workers across the nation call out sick (or work without a paycheck ) amid the partial government shutdown, a passenger carried a gun on his flight out of Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. TSA confirmed the Jan. 2 incident with ABC News , saying in a statement that "...

TSA Screeners Are Calling in Sick
TSA Screeners Are
Calling in Sick

TSA Screeners Are Calling in Sick

Absences increase at airports as employees are asked to work without pay

(Newser) - TSA screeners currently working at airports across the country are doing so without collecting a paycheck, thanks to the government shutdown. And it appears that an increasing number of them aren't having it anymore. The New York Times and CNN report that the number of screeners calling in sick...

Sorry, German Shepherds: TSA Wants Floppy Ears

They're 'not as intimidating' as pointy ones, which will soon see their numbers dwindle

(Newser) - Call it doggy discrimination: The Transportation Security Administration says it'll transition away from pointy-eared dogs over the next several years, in favor of less-intimidating canines with floppy ears. "We find the passenger acceptance of floppy-ear dogs is just better. It presents just a little bit less of a...

TSA Officer, Boy Have a Dance-Off
At TSA Screening, the
Last Thing You'd Expect

At TSA Screening, the Last Thing You'd Expect


(Newser) - Things aren't always so serious during TSA airport screenings. When Transportation Security Administration officer Joshua McCall complimented a boy's dance moves as his family was screened at Newark Liberty International Airport, the kid then challenged McCall to a dance-off, reports NJ.com . McCall accepted, and the ensuing video...

One US City Will Now Scan Its Subway Commuters

Devices in LA Metro will 'quickly and unobtrusively screen individuals for concealed threats'

(Newser) - All humans emit body waves, but if they're concealing an object under their clothes, that object blocks the waves—exactly what the Transportation Security Administration is banking on with the installation of the country's first body scanners in a transit agency. The subway system getting the first crack...

TSA: $300M Savings Could Reduce Screenings, Marshals

CNN gets its hands on internal TSA document

(Newser) - Hate airport security lineups? The Transportation Security Administration is offering to eliminate screenings entirely at small and medium-sized airports in a new cost-saving effort, CNN reports. An internal TSA document outlines the proposed $300 million budget slash, including fewer federal air marshals ($39 million), cuts at TSA headquarters ($26 million),...

Security Lines Could Get Much Shorter at Some Airports

A TSA proposal would eliminate screenings at smaller hubs

(Newser) - The TSA is reportedly mulling over a proposal to eliminate screenings at some airports, which would mark a major departure from the pricey, time intensive and often headache-inducing security measures put in place post-911. CNN reported Wednesday that the move would lift the requirement at 150 small and some medium-sized...

Belong to 'Quiet Skies'? Better Hope Not

It's a TSA domestic surveillance program in which marshals keep a close eye on passengers

(Newser) - It's called "Quiet Skies" and sounds for all the world like the name of some airline PR initiative. But as the Boston Globe reveals, "Quiet Skies" is actually the name of a TSA domestic surveillance program that has been operating on the down-low. It's not entirely...

NFL Player: TSA Spilled My Mom's Ashes

AJ Francis called out the agency on Twitter

(Newser) - New York Giants player AJ Francis says a TSA employee spilled his mother's ashes while performing a bag check on his checked luggage, ESPN reports. The defensive lineman called out the agency on Twitter Monday, posting a picture of ash-covered clothing along with a profanity-laced tweet that read in...

False Positive at US Airport Sparks Trouble for Canadian

Navdeep Bains accepted apology from US officials after he was asked to remove turban

(Newser) - The Trump administration has apologized to a Canadian cabinet minister who was repeatedly asked to remove his turban at a Detroit airport. Minister of Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Navdeep Bains, who's religiously obligated to wear a turban as a Sikh, publicly discussed the April 2017 incident on Thursday,...

Busiest US Train Station to Start Looking for Suicide Vests

TSA testing suicide-vest detectors at Penn Station

(Newser) - The Transportation Security Administration will begin testing new suicide vest-detection technology at New York City's Penn Station starting Tuesday, Sen. Chuck Schumer says. Schumer pushed for the technology to be tested in New York City after a Bangladeshi immigrant injured himself setting off a crude pipe bomb strapped to...

TSA Issues Order Over 'Persistent Threats to Aviation'

Affects flights headed to the US from 5 Mideast countries

(Newser) - US authorities issued an emergency order Monday requiring additional screening of cargo on flights departing for the United States from five Mideast countries, citing a threat of terrorism. The Transportation Security Administration order is aimed at preventing terrorist attacks in response to "persistent threats to aviation," TSA said...

TSA: Alleged TV Crew Tried to Create 'Mass Panic' at Airport

At least 7 arrested in Newark after being accused of trying to pass fake bomb through security

(Newser) - Authorities say at least seven people who claimed to be working for a TV network were arrested at a New Jersey airport after they tried to film themselves passing a fake explosive device through a security checkpoint. Transportation Security Administration spokeswoman Lisa Farbstein says it happened at Newark Liberty International...

Report: Christie Learned Hard Way About Loss of Airport Perk

He's now New Jersey's ex-governor

(Newser) - Chris Christie has lost one of the perks he enjoyed as New Jersey governor, and sources tell Bloomberg that he found out the hard way. Christie, who left office on Tuesday, tried to use a VIP entrance at Newark Liberty International Airport with his state police detail Thursday morning and...

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