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Hawley to Vote Against Letting Sweden, Finland Into NATO

GOP senator argues US should focus less on Europe, more on China

(Newser) - Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said last week that the US "would be fortunate to have two new treaty allies as impressive and capable as Finland and Sweden." On Monday, one of his Republican colleagues said he won't support the two countries joining NATO, per the Hill...

First 2 Countries Ratify Finland, Sweden NATO Bids

Canada, Denmark legislatures approved historic move

(Newser) - All 30 NATO members have formally signed off on Sweden and Finland's historic bid to join the alliance , and the next step is expected to be a time-consuming one—but not in Canada. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the country has become the first to ratify accession protocols for...

NATO to Make Its Biggest Expansion in Decades

Finland and Sweden are formally invited to join

(Newser) - Sweden and Finland are one big step closer to joining NATO, which on Wednesday formalized its invitation to the two countries. The next step is for the 30 member states' parliaments and legislatures to ratify the decision, which is expected to move forward quickly, though the full process could take...

Turkey Drops Objection to Finland, Sweden Joining NATO

Alliance leader hails 'historic decision'

(Newser) - Update: Turkey agreed Tuesday to lift its opposition to Sweden and Finland joining NATO, ending an impasse that had clouded a leaders’ summit opening in Madrid amid Europe’s worst security crisis in decades, triggered by the war in Ukraine. After urgent top-level talks with leaders of the three countries,...

'In an Unpredictable World,' US Leads NATO Exercise

Sweden, Finland take part in 7K-personnel drill

(Newser) - NATO kicked off nearly a two-week, US-led naval exercise on the Baltic Sea on Sunday with more than 7,000 sailors, airmen, and marines from 16 nations, including two aspiring to join the military alliance, Finland and Sweden. The annual BALTOPS naval exercise, initiated in 1972, is not held in...

Path of 3K-Year-Old Ring Winds Back to Greece
Greece Has Ancient Ring Back

Greece Has Ancient Ring Back

Swedish museum turns over gold piece stolen during World War II

(Newser) - A gold signet ring more than 3,000 years old that was stolen from an Aegean island in World War II, crossed the Atlantic, was bought by a Nobel Prize-winning Hungarian scientist, and ended up in a Swedish museum has found its way back to Greece. It was the latest...

Finland, Sweden Officially Want Their NATO Cards
Finland, Sweden
Apply to Join NATO

Finland, Sweden Apply to Join NATO

Spurred by Russian invasion of Ukraine, countries make big move

(Newser) - NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Wednesday that the military alliance stands ready to seize a historic moment and move quickly on allowing Finland and Sweden to join its ranks, after the two countries submitted their membership requests. The official applications, handed over by Finland's and Sweden's ambassadors...

Sweden Ends 200 Years of Neutrality, Knocks on NATO&#39;s Door
Sweden: We Want
to Join NATO, Too

Sweden: We Want to Join NATO, Too

Government, like Finland's, will apply for membership

(Newser) - Sweden's prime minister announced Monday that Sweden will join Finland in seeking NATO membership in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a historic shift that comes after more than 200 years of military nonalignment in the Nordic country, per the AP . The move, which is likely to...

Finland Makes Bid for NATO Official

Sweden's ruling party reverses on opposition to joining alliance

(Newser) - NATO moved closer to expansion on Sunday, as Finland confirmed its intention to apply for membership and Sweden's ruling party dropped its opposition to that nation joining. Both countries have long been militarily nonaligned, and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said their joining the organization will constitute a "...

It's Looking More Likely That Finland, Sweden Will Join NATO

Finland's decision is expected 'within weeks'

(Newser) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned Finland and Sweden not to join NATO , but both countries are edging closer to the military alliance even so. Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin said a decision on whether to apply is expected "within weeks," the BBC reports, and if Finland decides...

Don't Join NATO, Russia Warns Finland, Sweden

Both nations are conducting reviews in light of the invasion of Ukraine

(Newser) - With polls showing public support for the move has nearly doubled in both countries since the invasion of Ukraine, Sweden and Finland are talking about joining NATO. Don't do that, Russia warned Monday. "The alliance remains a tool geared towards confrontation," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters,...

Crows Trade Butts—the Cigarette Kind—for Food

Sweden testing litter cleanup program

(Newser) - Some crows in Sweden will literally work for food now. A company based in suburban Stockholm is testing a program that sees trained crows pick up cigarette butts in the city in exchange for food, the Guardian reports. For each butt a crow places into a special machine, the bird...

'Gross Drunkenness at Sea' Suspected in Deadly Collision

1 crew member is killed, another missing after British, Danish ships crash

(Newser) - Two people were arrested after cargo ships collided in the Baltic Sea near Sweden, causing the smaller one to capsize. The body of one crew member of the capsized Danish boat, the Karin Hoej, was found inside. The other crew member is missing. A distress call was made around 3:...

After Historic 7-Hour Tenure, She Is Prime Minister Again

Magdalena Andersson is Sweden's first female prime minister

(Newser) - Update: Magdalena Andersson is now prime minister of Sweden again—and if she is still in the post at nightfall, her second stint as PM will be longer than her first. Andersson, who became the country's first female PM Wednesday but resigned after seven hours when her coalition fell...

Before Concert's Start, Man Falls to Death, Kills Another

It happened at a concert hall in Sweden where an ABBA tribute concert was to begin

(Newser) - Wednesday was supposed to be the day ABBA released a trailer promoting its "highly anticipated comeback tour," reports NPR . Tour organizers tweeted Wednesday that they were holding off in light "of the tragic news at the tribute concert in Sweden last night." That was a reference...

Murder of Star Rapper Is a Stunner in Sweden

Einar, 19, was shot to death in what is believed to be a gang-related shooting

(Newser) - An award-winning 19-year-old Swedish rapper was shot to death in southern Stockholm in an incident that media reports on Friday said was likely to be gang-related, per the AP . The case has shocked the Swedish entertainment world and highlighted what officials said was the urgent need to deal with growing...

Artist Under Police Protection for 14 Years Dies in Accident

Lars Vilks received death threats, was targeted over his 2007 sketch of Muhammad

(Newser) - Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who had lived under police protection since his 2007 sketch of the Prophet Muhammad with a dog’s body brought death threats, has died in a traffic accident, police said Monday. He was 75. Vilks and two plainclothes police bodyguards were killed in a head-on crash...

During Pandemic, This Nation's Economy Takes Top Billing

Switzerland is No. 1 on WIPO's Global Innovation Index for 132 economies around the world

(Newser) - To get through something like a pandemic, countries have had to innovate—especially when it comes to keeping their economies humming. And there are "reasons to be optimistic" on that front, according to one of the editors of the World Intellectual Property Organization's annual Global Innovation Index , which...

After 561 Days, Pandemic Rules End in Norway
Norway Drops
Pandemic Rules

Norway Drops Pandemic Rules

Handshakes are permitted again, health minister says

(Newser) - New coronavirus infections in Norway have dropped by half in the past two weeks. New hospitalizations have leveled off. And University of Oxford data show that 67% of the population is fully vaccinated, while 10% has had its first shot. So the government canceled its pandemic restrictions on Saturday, the...

Swedish Parents Lose Request to Name Their Son After Putin

Government agency doesn't say why it rejected the couple's choice

(Newser) - Sweden's government has told new parents that they can't name their little bundle of joy after the president of Russia. A couple from the town of Laholm had submitted "Vladimir Putin" for approval as their son's name. The nation's tax agency has to approve the...

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