data breach

Stories 61 - 68 | << Prev 

Here's Why You Should Freeze Your Credit Reports

It's the only way to stop criminals from opening new accounts in your name

(Newser) - Freeze your credit reports before you get burned. That's the message from security experts, consumer advocates, and some state attorneys general. They say more people should consider a credit freeze as a way to block identity thieves from opening new credit cards and other accounts in your name. They...

Personal Info Stolen From 15M T-Mobile Customers

Hack apparently did not affect payment card or banking info

(Newser) - Hackers have stolen personal information belonging to about 15 million T-Mobile wireless customers, including Social Security numbers, home addresses, birthdates, and other personal information. The hackers got the information from credit reporting agency Experian, which T-Mobile uses to check the credit of its customers. Experian said T-Mobile customers who applied...

HIV Clinic Reveals Patient Names in Mass Email

London clinic faces 'outraged' patients and potential fines over data breach

(Newser) - A major HIV clinic in London revealed the names and email addresses of approximately 780 patients yesterday when it forgot to hide the recipients of its monthly e-newsletter, BuzzFeed reports. Patients at 56 Dean Street—BuzzFeed calls it "Europe's busiest sexual health center"—say they're "...

Motive for Historic Hack: Blackmail?

Beijing may now have lists of US officials' contacts

(Newser) - Hackers made off with information on around 4 million past and present federal employees in what could be the biggest-ever breach of government data —but experts suspect they may only be interested in their Chinese contacts. The Office of Personnel Management data breach involved security clearances and background checks...

New Hack May Be Biggest US Government Breach Ever

China suspected as records of 4M workers are compromised

(Newser) - In what might be the biggest breach of government data in history, the Department of Homeland Security says hackers busted into the computers of the Office of Personnel Management and the Interior Department, reports the AP . The New York Times quotes the president of the American Federation of Government Employees...

BlueCross BlueShield Plan Hit by 'Sophisticated' Hack

CareFirst says 1.1M names, ID numbers were breached in June

(Newser) - In the latest cyberattack against a health insurer, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield says that attackers gained access to a database that included the names of 1.1 million people. The company said yesterday that the breach happened in June after a "sophisticated cyberattack." The attackers got into a database...

Aussie Autofill Error Leaks World Leaders' Private Info

Passport numbers for Obama, Putin, Merkel emailed to soccer group

(Newser) - You'd think if you had charge of the passport numbers of the planet's elite leaders you'd be pretty careful. But a hapless employee of Australian's immigration agency relied a little too much on autofill—and mistakenly sent an email with the passport numbers, visa info, and...

Confirmed: Hackers Breached Home Depot

Home-improvement company doesn't divulge many details

(Newser) - Home Depot admitted today that hackers really did breach the company's payment systems in US and Canadian stores and may have been breaking in since April, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Atlanta-based home-improvement chain said it investigated the hack with banks, law enforcement, and tech security companies like...

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