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Saudis Are Pushing Ahead With Desert Megaproject

But sources say plans for 105-mile-long city have been scaled back in the medium term

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia is pushing ahead with a project so big that merely building housing for construction workers will cost an estimated $5 billion—but the Neom project is not going entirely smoothly. The Wall Street Journal reports the megaproject is losing momentum amid rising costs and major blunders, including one...

Russia Unleashes 'Massive' Attack on Ukraine's Power Grid

Russia sent barrage of missiles and explosive drones overnight

(Newser) - Russian forces unleashed a nighttime barrage of 55 missiles and 21 explosive Shahed drones at Ukraine's power grid on Wednesday, in what President Zelensky called a "massive" attack. The Ukrainian air force said it managed to down 39 of the missiles and 20 of the drones, but the...

Ukraine: Russia's Overnight Strike Targeted Energy Sites

Ukraine's air force says it shot down 21 of 34 missiles fired

(Newser) - Russia launched a barrage of missiles against Ukraine overnight, in attacks that appeared to target the country's energy infrastructure. Meanwhile, Russia said its air defense systems had intercepted more than 60 Ukrainian drones over Russia's southern Krasnodar region. Ukraine's air force said Saturday that Russia had launched...

Overflowing Texas Water Tower May Be a 'Worrisome Escalation'
In Texas, an
Water Tower
Points to Russia
in case you missed it

In Texas, an Overflowing Water Tower Points to Russia

Russian hackers have claimed responsibility, in what may be nation's first attack on US water

(Newser) - A water tower in a small Texas town overflowed in January, spilling tens of thousands of gallons into the streets. Now, Google-owned cybersecurity company Mandiant says the incident in Muleshoe may be the first hack into US water systems by Russia after infiltrators tied to one of that country's...

Russia Accuses Ukraine of Massive Drone Strike

Moscow says 50 drones were shot down over 8 Russian regions, with 2 people reportedly killed

(Newser) - Ukraine launched a barrage of drones across Russia overnight, the Defense Ministry in Moscow said Saturday, in attacks that appeared to target the country's energy infrastructure. Fifty drones were shot down by air defenses over eight Russian regions, including 26 over the country's western Belgorod region close to...

Alaska Has a Rock Shortage
Alaska Has a
Rock Shortage

Alaska Has a Rock Shortage

Infrastructure projects are on hold in its northern reaches as the state struggles to find gravel

(Newser) - Alaska has a gravel problem, and it's affecting development in a region that needs it most. Per High Country News , long-term infrastructure projects in remote North Slope, the northernmost borough along the Arctic Ocean, are experiencing delays as the state struggles to find usable rock in the area. "...

Earthquakes Will Hit These States Worst in Next Century

New model says 75% of the US could have damaging earthquakes in the coming decades

(Newser) - Updates to the National Seismic Hazard Model predict a whole lot of shakin' will be going on in the United States over the next century. Though they currently cannot predict the exact timing of earthquakes, the Washington Post notes, studying past events and seismic faults allows experts to model risks...

Florida Is Ready to Pave Roads With Radioactive Substance

Critics of the bill worry toxic phosphogypsum could taint local waterways

(Newser) - Lawmakers in Florida have proposed legislation that could change the fabric of the state's infrastructure, reports NPR . The controversial proposal aims to use radioactive material, specifically a waste substance produced by the fertilizer industry called phosphogypsum, as a component in pavement on the state's roads. Bill advocates argue...

It's a Holy Place —and It's Sinking
It's a Holy Place
—and It's Sinking

It's a Holy Place —and It's Sinking

Environmentalist: What looks like development in Joshimath, India, 'is actually devastation'

(Newser) - For months, the roughly 20,000 residents of the holy town of Joshimath, burrowed in the Himalayas and revered by Hindu and Sikh pilgrims, have watched the earth slowly swallow their community. Multistoried hotels slumped to one side; cracked roads gaped open. More than 860 homes were uninhabitable, splayed by...

Power, Water Knocked Out Again Across Ukraine

Critical infrastructure hit by Russian missile strikes in Kyiv, Kharkiv; 80% in capital without water

(Newser) - A massive barrage of Russian strikes on Monday morning hit critical infrastructure in Kyiv, Kharkiv, and other cities, knocking out water and power in apparent retaliation for what Moscow alleged was a Ukrainian attack on its Black Sea Fleet over the weekend. The mayor of Ukraine's capital said 80%...

These Are the 'Ticking Time Bombs' of US Infrastructure

AP analysis finds that the number of dams in dangerous condition is on the rise

(Newser) - Constructed four generations ago, the massive rock and clay dam at El Capitan Reservoir is capable of storing over 36 billion gallons of water, enough to supply every resident in San Diego for most of a year. Today, it's three-quarters empty, intentionally kept low because of concerns it could...

After Bridge Collapses, a Human Chain Forms

10 suffered minor injuries early Friday in Pittsburgh

(Newser) - Ten people suffered minor injuries when a two-lane vehicle bridge collapsed in Pittsburgh early Friday, hours before President Biden was due to visit the city to discuss a $1 trillion infrastructure plan . The bridge, which stretches over a wooded ravine and creek in the Point Breeze neighborhood's Frick Park,...

House Democrats Pass Biden's $2T Social Package

But changes await in the Senate

(Newser) - A marathon speech by House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy delayed but could not stop the inevitable: The House on Friday passed a nearly $2 trillion spending plan for social programs and the environment sought by President Biden, reports the AP . The vote was along party lines, save for a lone...

Biden: 'Your Life Is Going to Change for the Better'

He signs $1T infrastructure bill

(Newser) - President Biden signed his $1 trillion infrastructure deal into law Monday on the White House lawn, hailing it as an example of what bipartisanship can achieve. The president hopes to use the law to build back his popularity and says it will deliver jobs, clean water, high-speed internet, and a...

Virginia Beach Votes to Up Taxes to Fend Off Rising Seas

Residents OK $568M bond to pay for infrastructure projects

(Newser) - Voters in Virginia Beach have approved one of the larger bonds in the US to pay for infrastructure projects to guard against rising seas and intensifying hurricanes, suggesting that more Americans are finally willing to spend tax dollars to adapt to climate change. Tuesday's "yes" vote earned nearly...

Buttigiegs' Halloween Post Brings Both Smiles, Concern

2-month-old Joseph August, who was a traffic cone for Halloween, was in hospital for the holiday

(Newser) - A Halloween surprise from the Buttigieg family drew both likes and expressions of support after an Instagram post by the transportation secretary's husband. "Happy Halloween from these #twinfrastructure safety advocates!" Chasten Buttigieg wrote , with one of his accompanying pictures showing Pete Buttigieg as he held one of...

Biden Betting the Farm on Manchin, Sinema

Getting them on board with his $3.5T package is key for infrastructure bill, too

(Newser) - "Biden bets it all on unlocking the Manchinema puzzle" is Politico's assessment of the fate of the president's $3.5 trillion package to expand the social safety net. CBS News explains why: The bill has zero support from Republicans, meaning it can only pass via a budgetary...

Pelosi: House Will Hold Off on Infrastructure Bill Vote

House Dems will wait until larger $3.5T package has also cleared Senate

(Newser) - A $1 trillion infrastructure passed the Senate with bipartisan support Tuesday—but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is resisting pressure from moderate Democrats to bring it up for a vote immediately. Sources tell the Hill that during a call with House Democrats on Wednesday, Pelosi said she was sticking to her...

Senate Launches 'Vote-a-Rama' on $3.5T Budget Blueprint

Amendment against defunding police passes 99-0

(Newser) - Democrats pushed their expansive $3.5 trillion framework for bolstering family services, health, and environment programs toward Senate passage Tuesday, as Republicans unleashed an avalanche of amendments aimed at making their rivals pay a price in next year’s elections. Congressional approval of the budget resolution, which seems assured, would...

Senate Passes Massive Infrastructure Bill, 69-30

It's seen as a bipartisan win for President Biden

(Newser) - With a robust vote after weeks of fits and starts, the Senate approved a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure plan on Tuesday, a rare coalition of Democrats and Republicans joining to overcome skeptics and deliver a cornerstone of President Biden's agenda, per the AP . The 69-30 tally provides momentum for...

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