Lifestyle / uplifting news A Husband's Sweet Gesture: 5 Most Uplifting Stories Including a loyal dog out to find its owner By Newser Editors Posted Feb 15, 2015 5:17 AM CST Copied A red rose is placed between black roses. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner) Four decades of daily love notes and a Fashion Week milestone make the list this week: Man Pens Love Note to Wife Every Day for 40 Years: For Bill Bresnan, it's not so much Valentine's Day as Valentine's Decades. He has penned a love note to his wife nearly every day since 1974. And yes, she still has them all, each with an appropriate symbol by his signature. Dog 'On a Mission' Finds Owner in Hospital: A miniature Schnauzer in Iowa went missing, only to turn up hours later about 20 blocks from home—entering a hospital where its owner was recuperating from surgery. The family's best guess is that Sissy remembered the route from a car ride—and, yes, owner and pooch were allowed a visit. Fashion Week Milestone: Model With Down Syndrome: Visitors to New York Fashion Week got to see a first this week: a model with Down syndrome walking the runway. Actress Jamie Brewer, best known for her work on American Horror Story, did the honors, wearing an original by designer Carrie Hammer. Theme: Being a role model, not a runway model. Visit to Dentist May Have Saved Girl's Life: Sometimes, that trip to the dentist pays off in unexpected ways. When 11-year-old Journee Woodard went in for her checkup in Edmond, Okla., a hygienist noticed that her eyes looked yellow. A subsequent trip to the doctor revealed the reason: Journee had a mass on her liver and pancreas, and she's now recuperating. Australia's Oldest Guy Knits Sweaters—for Penguins: "Alfie" Date is 109 and thus the oldest Aussie alive. He also knows how to knit and is a self-described "sucker," which goes a long way toward explaining why he keeps busy knitting sweaters for penguins. They're not just for show, though. Click for more uplifting news stories. (More uplifting news stories.) Report an error