Technology / iPhone 10 Years Ago: 'We Predict the iPhone Will Bomb' Apple's star celebrates an anniversary By Newser Editors Posted Jan 9, 2017 11:37 AM CST Copied The iPhone is 10 years old now. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File) Apple unveiled a new gadget exactly 10 years ago, and things have gone pretty well for it since then. Some anniversary coverage about the iPhone: Re-watch the very first ad here. "These are not three separate devices, this is one device, and we are calling it iPhone." See Steve Jobs unveil the iPhone here. (Skip to the 21:40 mark.) Digg looks back at what reviewers said of the new gizmo, ranging from "We Predict The iPhone Will Bomb" to "the iPhone will change the way mobile devices are designed." Read it here. The Verge presents a visual history of the evolving iPhone here. In one early prototype, the iPhone looked much different, more like an iPod, as this piece at the Sonny Dickson blog shows. CNET predicts that the phone itself will continue to be refined and simplified over the next 10 years, but the "bigger focus will be everything else that surrounds the iPhone, like virtual reality and smart home." Read it here. "Apple is facing a turning point, and once again the iPhone is the reason—but not in a good way this time around. The smartphone market is saturated. Rivals, especially Google, are building hardware that truly rivals the iPhone. After 10 years, the iPhone can no longer serve as Apple’s growth engine." See Wired. Apple, however, promises the "best is yet to come" here. (More iPhone stories.) Report an error