The celebrity gossip mill went into overdrive Sunday night over Zendaya's appearance at the Golden Globes—while wearing a diamond ring on that finger. Now TMZ reports its sources confirm the actor is engaged to fellow thespian Tom Holland. Those sources say he asked her to marry him between Christmas and New Year's at one her family homes in the US in a "very romantic and intimate" proposal involving just the two of them. The two have been dating since 2021, after initially dating in 2017, reports Page Six; the two met on the set of Spider-Man: Homecoming.
The Los Angeles Times suspected as much, reporting the lefthand ring "was noticeably not highlighted" in a Bvlgari press release that detailed the rest of the jewelry Zendaya was wearing, including a ring on her right ring finger. Further, a recently engaged Times reporter recounted this interaction: She held up her own left ring finger and pointed at it, and Zendaya raised her own left hand in response. The reporter then asked if she was engaged. Zendaya "kept showing her ring, smiled coyly, and shrugged her shoulders mysteriously." (More celebrity engagements stories.)