Blue Origin launched its massive new rocket on its first test flight on Thursday, sending up a prototype satellite to orbit thousands of miles above Earth. Named after John Glenn, the first American to orbit Earth, the New Glenn rocket blasted off from Florida, soaring from the same pad used to launch NASA's Mariner and Pioneer spacecraft a half-century ago. Years in the making with heavy funding by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, the 320-foot rocket carried an experimental platform designed to host satellites or release them into their proper orbits.
- All seven main engines fired at liftoff as the rocket blazed through the predawn sky, and company employees erupted in cheers and applause once the craft successfully reached orbit 13 minutes later, per the AP. Bezos took part in the action from Mission Control, standing with crossed arms as he watched New Glenn soar. "We did it! Orbital. Great night for Team Blue," Blue Origin CEO Dave Limp posted on X.