Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Who Will Carry the GOP Flag?

The candidates with hats in or near the ring

(Newser) - No one has emerged as a clear-cut favorite to chair the Republican National Committee, writes Chris Cillizza in the Washington Post, but plenty of politicians are interested. Here’s a rundown on who has a hat in—or near—the ring:
  • Mike Duncan: Many dismiss the current chairman’s re-election

GOP Lawsuits Aim to Undo McCain-Feingold Reforms

Party challenges limits on 'soft money' donations, coordination with candidate

(Newser) - The Republican Party, smarting over its defeat at the hands of Barack Obama’s fundraising machine, is suing to defang the campaign-finance bill John McCain sponsored, the Washington Times reports. Two suits to be filed today will challenge the legislation’s limits on so-called “soft money” and the parties’...

Best, Worst Financial Decisions of Candidates

Candidates have spent a bundle on campaign, but didn't always do it wisely

(Newser) - The next president faces the daunting task of fixing a crippled economy—all the more reason to look at the candidates' best and worst financial decisions during the campaigns. Politico's Jeanne Cummings does the tally:
  • Obama's Best: His decision to hire Facebook's founder, whose interactive Internet fundraising included billboards in

Religious Right Plots Takeover of GOP

Moderates have pushed party out of power, some argue

(Newser) - Social conservatives are wrangling with moderates for control of the GOP, plotting a January takeover of the Republican National Committee even if John McCain wins, the Los Angeles Times reports. Moderates like Colin Powell say the party has alienated voters—especially minorities—by narrowing its focus, but “moderating our...

Finger-Pointing Begins for GOP
 Finger-Pointing Begins for GOP 

Finger-Pointing Begins for GOP

Republicans try to distance themselves from McCain's campaign strategy

(Newser) - Republicans inside John McCain’s campaign and out are pointing fingers at one another, striking a surprisingly past-tense tone about their efforts, Politico reports. The recriminations go to the top: senior Bush advisers criticized McCain for a poorly run campaign on the heels of an interview in which the candidate...

Robocall Master Bought Palin's Fancy Clothes
Robocall Master Bought Palin's Fancy Clothes

Robocall Master Bought Palin's Fancy Clothes

Jeff Larson helped savage McCain in ugly 2000 SC primary

(Newser) - The Republican National Committee’s $150,000 spree on Sarah Palin’s wardrobe is so last news cycle, but, in the Atlantic, Joshua Green notes that the man swiping the credit card is GOP operative Jeff Larson. Larson is most notable for his role as a partner in the robocalling...

What Happens If One Kicks Before Election Day?
What Happens If One Kicks Before Election Day?

What Happens If One Kicks Before Election Day?

Plans for window before Jan. 20 also diverge

(Newser) - With the VP hopefuls girding for tonight's debate, it's natural to wonder what would become of their respective tickets should either presidential candidate die or otherwise become incapacitated before Nov. 4. Each party has its own protocol, explains Nina Shen Rastogi, writing for Slate, but in neither case does the...

GOP Has Twice as Much Cash as Dems

McCain Plus RNC Currently Double the Cash of Obama Plus DNC

(Newser) - Coming into the home stretch, the Republicans have about twice as much campaign money on hand as the Democrats, reports Bloomberg—about $200 million to $95 million. Though Barack Obama has raised record sums, the Democratic National Committee’s current $17.5 million lags far behind the GOP’s $76...

Cooperation at Center of McCain Speech

New setup will put Mac among GOP delegates as he accepts nom

(Newser) - John McCain will reinforce his “maverick” image and encourage bipartisan cooperation when he addresses the Republican convention tonight, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. The speech will describe “where, how and why he wants to lead the country," his speechwriter said. The arena setup has been reconfigured for...

McCain Cancels Most Events on RNC's Day 1

But GOP eyes Gustav as opportunity for Katrina redemption

(Newser) - As Hurricane Gustav bore down on the Gulf Coast today, John McCain announced a drastically curtailed schedule for the opening day of the convention that will anoint him his party's presidential nominee, CNN reports. But as organizers stripped a grandiose event down to the bare minimum, Politico reports that Republicans...

Bush to Skip RNC for Gustav Trip

President to visit evacuees and workers in Texas

(Newser) - President George W. Bush will skip the Republican National Convention tomorrow and travel instead to Texas to meet with emergency workers and people who evacuated the Gulf Coast as Hurricane Gustav bore down. He will hold off traveling to Louisiana, however, because he does not want to get in the...

Errant Email Offers Insight in Dirty Politics
Errant Email Offers Insight
in Dirty Politics

Errant Email Offers Insight in Dirty Politics

Crude Limbaugh remarks have 'good YouTube potential'

(Newser) - An errant email from a Republican party staffer about a few Rush Limbaugh remarks shows how sleazy campaigning can be, Andrew Zajac blogs for the Chicago Tribune. On his radio show, Limbaugh imagined Obama asking Palin, "When you found out your baby would be born with Down syndrome, did...

Dems Plan to Crash GOP Convention, Too

Campaign lays out anti-RNC programs

(Newser) - All's fair in the war between conventions, and the Democrats are readying their spoiling machine ahead of the GOP gathering next week, the Swamp reports. An Obama campaign operative’s email lays out the attack Dems will launch from their war room literally across the street from the RNC:
  • A

Tire Gauge Joke Is on GOP, Not Obama
Tire Gauge Joke Is on GOP,
Not Obama

Tire Gauge Joke Is on GOP, Not Obama

Gag ignores hard facts of energy dependence, vehicle maintenance

(Newser) - Republicans are laughing at Barack Obama’s suggestion that if Americans drove on properly inflated tires and had their vehicles tuned up regularly, they could save as much gas as offshore drilling would produce. The RNC is distributing tire gauges labeled “Barack Obama’s Energy Plan” and cackling with...

Mac 'Celebrity' Attack Ad Signals New Battle Stage

Tactics echo Bush re-election strategy

(Newser) - John McCain's latest attack on Barack Obama as a self-absorbed "celebrity" candidate out of touch with ordinary Americans marks a new aggressive stage of his campaign, reports the New York Times. The "star power" offensive against Obama, sharper than earlier efforts, comes as key players in President Bush's...

Virginia Is Not for Gilmore Lovers
Virginia Is Not for Gilmore Lovers

Virginia Is Not for Gilmore Lovers

Despite GOP strength, broke ex-gov's Senate bid a 'laughingstock'

(Newser) - Jim Gilmore may be a former governor, RNC chair, and presidential candidate running for Senate in a historically red state, but the Virginian has become Campaign 2008’s “laughingstock,” Politico reports. Virginia is regularly ranked first among Senate seats likely to flip this November, as Gilmore trails hugely...

Obama Raises $25M in a Single Day
Obama Raises $25M
in a Single Day

Obama Raises $25M in a Single Day

Candidates' financial strategies illustrate different approaches

(Newser) - Barack Obama brought in more donations on the last day of June than John McCain did in the entire month, Politico reports. The unprecedented $25 million day accounted for nearly half of Obama’s $54 million total. It was one of five days on which the campaign brought in more...

McCain's $22M June Is Best Month to Date

Mac, RNC have $95M on hand

(Newser) - June was John McCain's best fundraising month yet, the AP reports, with the Republican bringing in $22 million; the perennially poorer candidate now has $27 million on hand. The Republican National Committee also had a good month, bringing in $26 million; the two camps together have $95 million in the...

Party Conventions: the Last Loophole for Big Donors

Issue may test McCain and Obama on their zeal to stop influence of big money

(Newser) - Big donors are pumping big money into both party's conventions, one of the last remaining loopholes in the rules governing so-called soft money contributions, the New York Times reports. And while it's all perfectly legal, the issue may test the conviction of both Barack Obama and John McCain on their...

McCain to Rely on RNC Money
McCain to Rely on RNC Money

McCain to Rely on RNC Money

Lacking Obama's fundraising machine, eyes 'unprecedented' cash from party

(Newser) - Lagging behind Barack Obama's fundraising juggernaut, John McCain is planning to rely heavily on the Republican National Committee for general-election cash, the New York Times reports. The RNC has $40 million in the bank, compared with McCain’s $21 million, and has big-gun fundraisers like President Bush lining its coffers....

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>