gay rights

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Gay-Friendly Boy Scouts Alternative Growing Quickly

Navigators doubles its membership in about a year

(Newser) - The Navigators is a tiny group compared to the Boy Scouts, but Mother Jones reports that its gay-tolerant creed has helped it more than double its chapters to 45 in about a year. A former Boy Scout troop leader in Harlem formed the Navigators in 2003, fed up with the...

Gay Sex No Longer a Crime in Montana

Governor signs bill ending ban

(Newser) - Montana has been a little slow to decriminalize gay sex—but a law banning it was finally wiped from the books after Gov. Steve Bullock signed a bill yesterday. Activists had been fighting the ban for decades; the state Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional 16 years ago, the AP notes,...

NZ Parliament Busts Out in Song on Gay Marriage

Lawmakers, observers join in after vote to legalize

(Newser) - An unusual thing happened today in the New Zealand parliament after lawmakers legalized gay marriage : Pretty much everybody started singing, lawmakers and observers alike. Slate has the video and identifies the tune as "Pokarekare Ana," a Maori love song. Gawker , meanwhile, loves this clip of MP Maurice Williamson...

France One Step Closer to Gay Marriage

Measure poised to be law by summer

(Newser) - Gay marriage could be legal in France as soon as this summer. France's Senate has passed a bill to allow same-sex marriage as well as adoptions by gay couples, the AP reports. The country has faced widespread protest against gay marriage, already allowed in several other European countries. Today'...

NHL Takes Step to Welcome Gay Players

Hockey league teams up with 'You Can Play' advocacy group

(Newser) - The NHL has taken the biggest step yet of any major sport to welcome gay players, reports the New York Times and Reuters . The league has teamed up with the You Can Play Project , a year-old advocacy group, to educate teams and players and generally raise awareness about homophobia. A...

California Democrats Want Scouts to Pay for Gay Stance

Lawmakers push bill that could revoke group's tax-exempt status

(Newser) - California Democrats are out to make the Boy Scouts pay for their refusal to accept openly gay members. The state's Senate Governance and Finance Committee passed a bill yesterday revoking tax-exempt status from any nonprofit that discriminates based on sexual orientation, gender, or religious affiliation, the LA Times reports....

Hopkins Doc Ditches Grad Speech in Gay Marriage Storm

Bestiality comparison enraged students

(Newser) - Neurosurgeon and rising conservative star Ben Carson is following through with his offer to step down as commencement speaker at Johns Hopkins medical school, where he works. Students launched a petition after Carson's comments regarding gay marriage, bestiality, and pedophilia. "Given all the national media surrounding my statements...

No. 51: Florida Sen. Nelson Backs Gay Marriage

Democrat's reversal means a majority in Senate now supports it

(Newser) - It's not a huge surprise , but Florida Democrat Bill Nelson has reversed position to declare his support for gay marriage, reports the Tampa Bay Times . "If we are endowed by our Creator with rights, then why shouldn't those be attainable by gays and lesbians?" he wrote in...

Arizona City Flaunts State, OKs Same-Sex Civil Unions

Bisbee threatened with legal action

(Newser) - Local bumper stickers hail Bisbee, Arizona, as a "liberal oasis in a conservative desert," and the small city made good on that reputation last night: Despite warnings from the state's attorney general, it became the first in the state to legalize same-sex civil unions. After three hours...

Ariz. Rep: My Son Is Gay, But I Oppose Gay Marriage

Meanwhile, Bob Casey comes out in favor

(Newser) - Matt Salmon is no Rob Portman. The Arizona congressman made some waves this weekend, when he told AZ Family that he doesn't support "the gay marriage," even though his son is openly gay. "I’m just not there as far as believing in my heart that...

Cardinal Dolan: Church Needs Better Gay Outreach

Defense of marriage shouldn't be 'reduced to attack on gay people'

(Newser) - As Pope Francis celebrated his first Easter today, Cardinal Timothy Dolan was singing his praises on ABC's This Week, calling the new pope "a real shot in the arm for us as Catholics"—and calling for a more inclusive approach toward gay Catholics. "The first thing...

Conservative Star Apologizes for Remarks on Gay Marriage

Ben Carson made reference to bestiality

(Newser) - Dr. Ben Carson is a renowned neurosurgeon fast becoming a favorite in conservative political circles, and with that higher profile comes extra scrutiny. Exhibit A: Carson yesterday offered to bow out as commencement speaker in May at Johns Hopkins after a brouhaha erupted over his comments on gay marriage. While...

Rush Limbaugh on Gay Marriage: 'We Lost’

Host says conservatives let liberals redefine word 'marriage'

(Newser) - Add Rush Limbaugh to the growing list of conservatives who think gay marriage will eventually win the day in America, reports the Washington Post . "I don't care what the Supreme Court does. This is now inevitable," he said yesterday on his radio show, and he asserted that...

2nd GOP Senator Might Embrace Gay Marriage

Lisa Murkowski says her views 'evolving'

(Newser) - Plenty of Senate Democrats have announced their support of gay marriage in recent weeks, but so far only Rob Portman has done so on the Republican side. That might soon change: Alaska's Lisa Murkowski tells the Chugiak-Eagle River Star that her view is "evolving." Murkowski has voted...

DOMA Plaintiff: 'Spectacular' Day for Me

Edith Windsor, 83, thinks things went well in court

(Newser) - The 83-year-old woman at the center of today's arguments about gay marriage before the Supreme Court offered a more human side to the debate in comments afterward. Edith Windsor recalled suffering from "broken heart syndrome" when her longtime partner died, reports the Huffington Post . She also called marriage...

Don&#39;t Call Me a Bigot for Opposing Gay Marriage
Don't Call Me a Bigot
for Opposing Gay Marriage

Don't Call Me a Bigot for Opposing Gay Marriage

John Kass asks for tolerance of his religious views

(Newser) - John Kass embraces civil unions but opposes gay marriage as a Christian. For those who disagree, he knows what you're thinking: He must be a bigot, right? "If I hold to my faith and resist applauding the changes, I'm easily cast as some drooling white cartoon bigot...

Red Symbol of Gay Support on Facebook Is Awesome
Red Symbol of Gay Support on Facebook Is Awesome

Red Symbol of Gay Support on Facebook Is Awesome

Mary Elizabeth Williams: Critics who say it's a meaningless gesture are wrong

(Newser) - Those red equal signs popping up all over Facebook and Twitter in support of gay rights have their share of critics—"meaningless gesture that accomplishes nothing" is a common theme —but Mary Elizabeth Williams at Salon says those critics are missing the point. True, the logo, which is...

On Today&#39;s Docket: DOMA
 On Today's Docket: DOMA 

On Today's Docket: DOMA

Supreme Court hears second gay rights case

(Newser) - The Supreme Court heard arguments on California's Prop 8 yesterday; today, the federal Defense of Marriage Act is on the docket. What to expect:
  • What is today's case about? DOMA defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman, meaning that gay couples who legally wed

Nate Silver: We'll Have Gay Marriage Before 2020

Support has been rising steadily for 9 years, he finds

(Newser) - The second of two landmark gay rights cases is before the Supreme Court today, but supporters of marriage equality can take heart even if the decisions don't go their way, says New York Times stats whiz Nate Silver. Support for gay marriage hasn't surged recently, he finds, but...

Listen to Court's Audio in Gay Marriage Case

Supreme Court releases recording, transcript

(Newser) - Analysts are in overdrive trying to predict what the Supreme Court may or may not do in terms of gay marriage, but if you want to listen to today's arguments for yourself, Slate provides a link to the audio here . The same link brings up the full transcript. The...

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