NBC News

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Jon Stewart Slams NBC, CNN for Guest Obstruction

Pundit says that news groups aren't letting their reporters on his podcast

(Newser) - On the latest episode of Jon Stewart's Weekly Podcast, the comedic pundit got meta, questioning why certain media outlets aren't permitting their reporters on his show, nor explaining why. Per The Hollywood Reporter , Stewart took NBC News and CNN to task in particular, blasting the news groups for...

RNC Looking at Punishing NBC for McDaniel Mess

Sources say network's access to Republican National Convention could be limited

(Newser) - The Republican National Committee has warned NBC News could pay for its dramatic firing of former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel at the Republican National Convention in July. The network is already facing anger from Republicans, including some sources, upset by the decision to fire McDaniel as a contributor after intense...

Trump Gloats Over Ronna McDaniel's Firing

Former president claims she was ousted at NBC despite saying 'what they wanted to hear'

(Newser) - Donald Trump took shots at former Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel on Tuesday, hours after she was canned from NBC News after only four days. "Wow! Ronna McDaniel got fired by Fake News NBC. She only lasted two days, and this after McDaniel went out of her way...

Ronna McDaniel's Days May Be Numbered at NBC
Dan Rather on McDaniel Flap:
What Was NBC Thinking?
the rundown

Dan Rather on McDaniel Flap: What Was NBC Thinking?

Backlash grows, with at least one report suggesting she will be out soon

(Newser) - The Ronna McDaniel controversy at NBC News isn't going away. Meet the Press host Chuck Todd was the first to criticize his bosses on the air for hiring the former head of the Republican National Committee as a paid contributor. Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski followed on Morning Joe...

McDaniel NBC Backlash May Be 'Seminal Moment'
NBC Backlash
May Be 'Seminal
the rundown

McDaniel NBC Backlash May Be 'Seminal Moment'

Anchors rebuke hiring of former RNC chief, but it exposes a 'toxic' strategy of cable news

(Newser) - On Sunday, NBC's Chuck Todd rebuked his network bosses on Meet the Press for hiring former Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel. "Many of our professional dealings with the RNC over the last six years have been met with gaslighting," he said. On Monday, Joe Scarborough and...

New NBC Colleagues Give McDaniel a Rough Reception

Flop on election fraud doesn't convince 'Meet the Press' panelists

(Newser) - Inside and outside the network, objections were raised immediately when NBC News hired a Republican Party boss who's slammed the news media and supported Donald Trump's efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. On Sunday, Ronna McDaniel was confronted with those criticisms, live, in her...

Say Hello to NBC News' Latest Political Analyst

Former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel will offer her takes on MSNBC as well

(Newser) - If Ronna McDaniel needed a long vacation after stepping down from her seven-year role as the head of the Republican National Committee, she's putting that break off till later. The 51-year-old is starting a new gig as political analyst for both NBC News and MSNBC, with her first appearance...

Anne Heche Didn't Deserve 'Vitriol' for Drug Abuse
Anne Heche
May Not Have
Had a 'Choice'
on Drug Abuse

Anne Heche May Not Have Had a 'Choice' on Drug Abuse

Writing for NBC, Elizabeth Grey slams lack of compassion for those suffering from addiction

(Newser) - On Sunday, Anne Heche's death was confirmed after the actor was taken off life support , just days after the 53-year-old's fiery car crash in Los Angeles. "I wonder whether it’s enough to satisfy those who have been calling for her head," Elizabeth Grey writes in...

Richard Engel's 'Beloved Son' Dies at 6

Henry Engel had a rare genetic neurological disorder

(Newser) - Richard Engel, chief foreign correspondent for NBC News, made a devastating announcement on Twitter Thursday: His "beloved son" died Aug. 9 at age 6. Henry Engel had been diagnosed with Rett Syndrome, a rare genetic neurological disorder, in 2017. "He had the softest blue eyes, an easy smile...

NBC Mainstay Who Covered Supreme Court to Retire

Pete Williams was Pentagon spokesperson before joining the network in 1993

(Newser) - Pete Williams, an NBC News correspondent for 29 years who regularly appeared on camera quickly to report on major US Supreme Court decisions, is retiring from the network. "For generations of NBC News reporters, working alongside Pete has been a daily masterclass in journalism," NBC News President Noah...

New HBO Program 'Special, in Every Sense of the Word'

NBC's Ani Bundel reviews spoken-word adaptation of Ta-Nehisi Coates' 'Between the World and Me'

(Newser) - A new streaming special is definitely "a special, in every sense of the word. Special enough that HBO is working to make sure it reaches as wide an audience as possible." So writes cultural critic Ani Bundel for NBC News of Between the World and Me , a "...

He Wore Gap Khakis On the Air. Now Everyone Wants Them

MSNBC correspondent Steve Kornacki's election week outfit is driving online sales

(Newser) - They call him the "Map Daddy," but Steve Kornacki may soon see his nickname change to the "Gap Daddy." The MSNBC political correspondent went viral in some circles during election week not only with his nerdy explainers on electoral math, but also with an outfit that...

People Are Furious With NBC Over Trump Town Hall

Network is being criticized, even by its own

(Newser) - NBC News' decision to host President Trump's town hall Thursday night—which will air on the network at the same time ABC News is airing Joe Biden's competing event—is not going over well in some circles. The Los Angeles Times reports #BoycottNBC is trending on Twitter, and...

Biden, Trump to Hold Dueling Town Halls

NBC News announces it will host the president's event, prompting instant online backlash

(Newser) - After it was announced that the second debate between President Trump and Joe Biden, originally set for Thursday, was canceled due to Trump refusing a virtual format, Biden decided to do his own town hall that night in Philly instead, to air on ABC News. Now, NBC News reports that...

Kevin Hart Calls Out NBC on Usain Bolt Mix-Up: 'Disrespectful'

'All you can do is laugh. Maybe the Covid 19 shrunk his legs & torso'

(Newser) - In reporting on Usain Bolt's positive coronavirus test, an NBC News Facebook alert featured a picture of comedian Kevin Hart instead of the Olympic gold medalist. Hart did not let it slide, the Los Angeles Times reports. "I must of gotten really fast & tall overnight....I want...

After DNC Speech, AOC Slams NBC for 'Malicious' Tweet

Yes, she seconded nomination for Bernie Sanders, as per procedure. Also yes: She's voting for Biden.

(Newser) - During the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez delivered a symbolic speech (transcript here ) in which she seconded a nomination for Sen. Bernie Sanders during the roll call. It's routine procedure: Each presidential candidate who brings delegates to the convention has to be formally nominated, per...

NBC Exec Comes Out Fighting After Farrow Accusations

Network's president says ex-employee has 'an ax to grind'

(Newser) - Ronan Farrow's name is spread across headlines Tuesday as his new expose hits bookshelves. From Catch and Kill, CNN pulls the claim that National Enquirer Editor-in-Chief Dylan Howard directed staffers to shred "a Trump-related document" held in a safe as reporters investigated the tabloid's "catch and...

Lauer's Accuser Responds to His 1,400-Word Letter

'A case study in victim blaming,' says Brooke Nevils

(Newser) - Brooke Nevils says Matt Lauer's lengthy response to her going public with the rape allegation that led to his ouster from the Today show in 2017 was an attempt "to bully a former colleague into silence," but "I am not afraid of him now." In...

After Rape Claim, Lauer Releases 1,400-Word Letter

Brooke Nevils sat for interview with Ronan Farrow, provided full account of her allegations

(Newser) - Ronan Farrow's new book drops Tuesday, but an explosive allegation is out now. Variety obtained a copy of Catch and Kill and reports that in it, Farrow reveals the identity of the woman whose allegations against Matt Lauer led to his 2017 ouster from the Today show. Her name...

Explosion Kills US Media Driver in Syria
NBC News Suffers
a Casualty in Syria

NBC News Suffers a Casualty in Syria

The Syrian may have died in a 'booby-trapped' house

(Newser) - Dust was settling on the latest victory over Islamic State forces Saturday when a local driver working for NBC News got killed in an explosion. Most media are scant on details, but the AP says the unidentified driver was in a house that doubled as a Syrian Democratic Forces command...

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