
Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>

If We Can't Solve This Problem, Our Species 'Disappears'

Experts predict crash in births will force societal overhaul

(Newser) - Experts say we'll need to "reorganize societies" to respond to a "jaw-dropping" decrease in the number of Earthlings being born. To keep a steady population, a woman needs to have 2.1 children on average so as to account for infant mortality and childless women. Women were...

You Can Open This Window and Still Block the Noise
Bothered by Street Noise?
Open Up This Window

Bothered by Street Noise? Open Up This Window

But it could be years before the Anti-Noise Control Window is available for sale

(Newser) - City dwellers know just how irritating a jackhammer can be. Now there's a way to drone out the racket without closing your window. Scientists have developed a window system that's a gift for your ears, even if it is a bit of an eyesore. Described in Scientific Reports...

Moon May Be Younger Than We Thought
Researchers Revise
Age of the Moon
new study

Researchers Revise Age of the Moon

Study takes 85M years off its age

(Newser) - It's not such a huge change in the cosmic scheme of things, but researchers say the moon is millions of years younger than we thought. Specifically, a new model laid out in Science Advances pegs its creation at 4.425 billion years ago instead of the generally accepted figure...

So Far, Researchers Can't Link Protests to Rise in COVID Cases

Even if infections increased, other people staying home might have balanced things out

(Newser) - It's possible that the recent protests caused an increase in the spread of the coronavirus. But researchers haven't seen it yet, NBC reports. A study published Wednesday by the National Bureau of Economic Research considered data from 281 cities that have had protests and 34 that have not....

Young Men Are Having Much Less Sex
Why Young Men
Are Having
Less Sex
in case you missed it

Why Young Men Are Having Less Sex

Researchers see a startling decline

(Newser) - Hey young guys, it might be time to go off the grid. A new study finds that heterosexual young men are having far less sex than they were 20 years ago, USA Today reports. Looking at data on nearly 10,000 men and women aged 18 to 44, researchers say...

Scientists: We&#39;ve Found a Lifesaving COVID Treatment
Scientists: We've Found a
Lifesaving COVID Treatment

Scientists: We've Found a Lifesaving COVID Treatment

Dexamethasone found to reduce death rates by 1/3 for patients on ventilators

(Newser) - Researchers running the largest randomized, controlled trial of coronavirus treatments are heralding a "major breakthrough": the first drug shown to reduce deaths from COVID-19. Dexamethasone isn't new. Rather, it's a generic steroid widely used to reduce inflammation. But it's "the only drug that's so...

Staying at Home May Have Kept Virus at Bay for 60M Americans

In China, that number is estimated at 285M, per new research

(Newser) - It's been a frustrating time for millions around the world during stay-at-home orders as a result of COVID-19. But a new study suggests this wasn't all for naught, offering "fresh evidence that aggressive and unprecedented shutdowns ... were necessary to halt the exponential spread" of the virus, despite...

It Was a Major COVID Study. Was the Data a Sham?
It Was a Major COVID Study.
Now, Something Fishy?

It Was a Major COVID Study. Now, Something Fishy?

The 'Guardian' calls into question the data supplied by Surgisphere

(Newser) - The US-based company Surgisphere touts that it aggregates and analyzes health records from hospitals around the world—including, apparently, significant amounts of coronavirus-related data. This though it apparently has "a science fiction writer and an adult-content model" on its small roster of employees. So reports the Guardian , which dug...

We&#39;ve Never Seen a Dino Stomach Preserved Like This
Dinosaur's Last Meal
Preserved Down to the Cells

Dinosaur's Last Meal Preserved Down to the Cells

Researchers 'could see the different layers of cells in a leaf fragment'

(Newser) - Scientists say they've uncovered the "best-preserved dinosaur stomach ever found to date," offering an unprecedented look at a 110-million-year-old chewed salad. It's extremely rare to find a preserved dinosaur stomach, and even rarer to find one with much evidence of diet. But the soccer-ball-size stomach of...

6th Mass Extinction Is Speeding Along. It's 'Entirely Our Fault'

Humanity is 'sawing off the limb on which it is sitting'

(Newser) - Biodiversity is critical for human life, which makes the latest study on it especially troubling. In research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on the sixth mass extinction we're currently undergoing, scientists looked at threatened-species data from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature,...

Some Dinosaurs Resorted to Cannibalism
Rare Paleo Find Suggests
Gruesome Dino Dinners

Rare Paleo Find Suggests Gruesome Dino Dinners

Researchers say bite marks on carnivore bones in Colorado indicate dinosaur cannibalism

(Newser) - Bite marks on dinosaur bones aren't often found—but they recently turned up in multitudes at the Mygatt-Moore Quarry in Colorado, and researchers say the find could indicate certain carnivorous dinos were cannibals. According to a study published in PLOS One Wednesday, scientists found that, of the 2,368...

Scientists Suggest &#39;50/30&#39; Approach to Reopening
Scientists Suggest '50/30'
Approach to Reopening
new study

Scientists Suggest '50/30' Approach to Reopening

As in 50 days of lockdown, followed by 30 days of easing, in a continuous cycle

(Newser) - As the world tries to figure out the right balance of safety vs. normalcy in reopening after the pandemic, a team of international researchers is suggesting a model: 50 days of strict lockdown, followed by 30 days of easing, in a continuous loop. This turned out to be the best...

Why Living With an 8-Month-Old Dog Can Be Rough
Why Living With an
8-Month-Old Dog
Can Be Rough
new study

Why Living With an 8-Month-Old Dog Can Be Rough

In a word: puberty

(Newser) - It turns out living with a dog that's going through puberty might not be much fun, either. Research out of England has found parallels between human teens and their parents and adolescent dogs and their owners when it comes to an uptick in conflict. It's potentially something dog...

Discovery Alters Notions About Early Humans&#39; Travel
Discovery Alters Notions
About Early Humans' Travel
new study

Discovery Alters Notions About Early Humans' Travel

It appears they reached Europe earlier than thought, hung out with Neanderthals

(Newser) - Human bones from a Bulgarian cave suggest our species arrived in Europe thousands of years earlier than previously thought and shared the continent longer than realized with Neanderthals, per the AP . Scientists found four bone fragments and a tooth that detailed radiocarbon and DNA tests show are from four Homo...

Frogs Hopped Around Ancient Antarctica
A Supercontinent Split.
The Frogs Ended Up Here

A Supercontinent Split. The Frogs Ended Up Here

Fossils in Antarctica are evidence of the breakup of Gondwana

(Newser) - "Frogs, nowadays, are known on all six other continents. Now we know they were also present on the seventh." That's according to Swedish scientist Thomas Mors, whose discovery of 40-million-year-old ancient horned frog fossils in Antarctica suggests frogs were transported around the globe by the breakup of...

Too Much Rain May Have Triggered Kilauea Eruption
Scientists: We Know Why
Kilauea Got Triggered
in case you missed it

Scientists: We Know Why Kilauea Got Triggered

Theory suggests heavy rain increased pore pressure, but other scientists are doubtful

(Newser) - Climate change could usher in more volcanic eruptions, according to new research focusing on the 2018 Kilauea eruptions in Hawaii. The research published Wednesday in Nature suggests the Kilauea eruptions were triggered by months of extreme rainfall, which included a 24-hour period that set a US record. The idea is...

Love Your French Press? Your Heart Might Not
Don't Make Coffee This Way
if You Have High Cholesterol
in case you missed it

Don't Make Coffee This Way if You Have High Cholesterol

Researchers say filtered coffee fares better for longevity than boiled or press-style varieties

(Newser) - A Swedish study billing itself as the first to look at the tie between the way we brew our coffee and the risk of heart attacks and premature death says one type of brewing method appears healthier than the rest. The research published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology ...

Troubling Signs in 2 Drugs Touted by Trump for Virus

Heart problems linked to both in patients with coronavirus

(Newser) - Two drugs that have been promoted by President Trump for use in treating the coronavirus are being linked to heart problems in international research. The Hill reports that a review by France's drug safety regulator turned up 43 "cardiac adverse effects" in COVID-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine, typically...

Standing 6 Feet Away? That&#39;s Not Enough
Home Isolation
'Might Not Be'
Right for

new study

Home Isolation 'Might Not Be' Right for Everyone

Study also says coronavirus droplets can really fly

(Newser) - The six-foot distance rule might not be enough after all. A new study out of China suggests we could all step back an extra seven feet to avoid coronavirus droplets that hang in the air for hours, AFP reports. Led by researchers from the Academy of Military Medical Sciences in...

Whale Sharks&#39; Age Revealed Thanks to Atomic Blasts
Whale Sharks' Age Revealed
Thanks to Atomic Blasts
new study

Whale Sharks' Age Revealed Thanks to Atomic Blasts

World's biggest fish might live a century or more, as carbon-14 dating suggests

(Newser) - Scientists have figured out that the world's biggest fish lives for a surprisingly long time, and the discovery comes courtesy of atomic bomb tests from decades ago. The fish is the enormous whale shark, and the study in Frontiers in Marine Science suggests they can live a century or...

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>