faith based initiatives

6 Stories

Stimulus Gave $140M to Faith-Based Groups

It's one of the quieter aspects of the federal package

(Newser) - Conservatives slammed it as “anti-religious”—but in fact, some $140 million from President Obama’s stimulus package has gone to faith-based organizations. The money “kind of fell from the sky, and it was unbelievable,” says the head of a church-backed nonprofit. But the matter has gone...

Cutbacks Hit Faith-Based Charities as Need Rises

Slashed state budgets leave programs with reduced funding

(Newser) - The recession has hit faith-based charities hard, threatening to cut off vital services for the sick, poor, and elderly, the Washington Post reports. With state and local budgets strapped for cash, contracts and grants for the groups—including the Salvation Army and Catholic Charities—have been slashed or delayed across...

Obama Widens Faith-Based Initiative

Softens campaign trail stance

(Newser) - Barack Obama announced his new-look faith-based initiative at the National Prayer Breakfast this morning, promising a program that won’t favor any particular religious group, or even religious groups over secular groups, the AP reports. “Far too often, we’ve seen faith wielded as a tool to divide us,...

His 'Bedrock Decency' Will Be Missed
 His 'Bedrock Decency' 
 Will Be Missed 

His 'Bedrock Decency' Will Be Missed

(Newser) - George W. Bush may not be judged kindly by history, but he was faithful, consistent, and above all compassionate, writes former White House official Jim Towey in the Wall Street Journal. It was “little acts behind the curtain” that “inspired intense loyalty by staff members." To those...

Obama Calls for Faith-Based Aid Expansion

Patriotism tour continues with outreach to religious voters

(Newser) - Barack Obama today called for even more federal dollars for President Bush’s initiative funding faith-based social service groups, the AP reports. His plan will let the groups hire and fire based on religion, a controversial move that's part of an organized effort to court evangelical voters. The candidate says...

Still a Believer in Faith-Based Solutions

Bush's former faith czar has hopes set on Dems this time

(Newser) - The Economist catches up with John DiIulio, the Democrat who was Bush's “faith czar” for just 7 months in his first term, to re-examine the viability of what the magazine calls "compassionate centrism." With "faith-based" now unfortunately associated more with political zeal—faith-based wars, faith-based science—...

6 Stories
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