
6 Stories

What Clinton Called a 'Con' in Commencement Speech

The new Trump budget, Hillary said at alma mater Wellesley

(Newser) - Nearly 50 years ago this month, a young Hillary Rodham delivered Wellesley College's student commencement speech . On Friday, Hillary Rodham (now with a "Clinton" tagged onto the end) addressed graduating students there for the third time—she also spoke at commencement in 1992, when she was first lady,...

Middle School Mosque Field Trip Sparks Outrage

Video shows kids participating in prayers

(Newser) - A Massachusetts school district apologized today, after a video surfaced showing students praying during a class field trip to the Islamic Society of Community Center. The video was shot in May by a parent chaperoning the trip, and then handed over to a group that has long been critical of...

West Point Tops Best Colleges List

(Newser) - The US Military Academy tops the new Forbes list of top colleges, leapfrogging five places to bump Princeton out of the top spot. In the second annual ranking, another service academy, the Air Force's, lands in seventh place on a list that places schools according to "the quality of...

America's 20 Smartest Small Towns
America's 20 Smartest
Small Towns


America's 20 Smartest Small Towns

Where brains and high property values meet

(Newser) - America's brainiest small towns boast high property values and high culture. Forbes lists the nation's smartest:
  1. Bethesda, Md.: Nearby Georgetown and the National Institutes of Health draw brainy folk to Bethesda, which has a rate of advanced degrees five times higher than the nation's.
  2. Wellesley, Mass.: Home to two private

'Sisters' Colleges Recruit in Middle East

Single-sex education remains strong in region

(Newser) - Facing fewer applicants than comparable co-ed institutions around the US, representatives of top women’s colleges toured the Middle East this spring on a recruiting mission, the New York Times reports. While women’s colleges have become a niche market for US applicants, single-sex education remains widespread in the Middle...

'Smash Highest Glass Ceiling,' Hillary Urges

Wellesley students give alum a rock-star welcome

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton may have taken a beating in the candidate debates this week, but the Wellesley College alum was hailed as a rock star when she returned to the all-women's campus to urge students to "shatter that highest glass ceiling." As students roared in approval, Clinton proclaimed: "...

6 Stories
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