Republican presidential primaries

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Gallup Poll Shows Herman Cain Passing Rick Perry, Nearly Tying Mitt Romney for October
 Cain Leaps Past 
 Perry, Nearly 
 Ties Romney 
Poll Numbers

Cain Leaps Past Perry, Nearly Ties Romney

Gallup poll shows Romney at 20%, Cain at 18%, Perry at 15%

(Newser) - It’s not a hoax or a dream: Herman Cain really has surged to the upper echelon in GOP primary polls. Cain more than tripled his support in Gallup’s October poll , jumping from 5% in September to 18%, just a hair behind Mitt Romney’s 20%. Rick Perry, meanwhile,...

South Carolina Sets Primary for January 21

Which means Iowa and New Hampshire will be even earlier

(Newser) - The dominos are toppling from Florida’s decision to hold its primary on Jan. 31 . South Carolina will today announce that it’s holding its vote on Jan. 21, in an effort to put some distance between itself and Florida, a pair of GOP sources tell CNN . “Last Friday,...

Cain: Perry Camp Name &#39;Vile&#39;
 Cain: Perry Camp Name 'Vile' 

Cain: Perry Camp Name 'Vile'

(Newser) - Rick Perry is bashing today's incendiary Washington Post story that his family's longtime hunting camp was long known as "n-----head," but Herman Cain is having none of it. Asked on Fox News Sunday about the story, Cain called it "extremely insensitive," reports Politico . "...

Florida Pushes Primary to January

Iowa and company may move even earlier

(Newser) - It’s official: Florida has, as expected , pushed its primary to Jan. 31, throwing the GOP nominating calendar into disarray. Florida’s primary committee announced the move today, arguing that important battleground states like Florida should be earlier in the process, the St. Petersburg Times reports. “This is about...

Florida Likely to Hold January Primary: Report

Move throws Republican calendar into disarray

(Newser) - Florida officials have all but decided to hold their presidential primary at the end of January, essentially shredding the carefully orchestrated Republican nominating calendar, Florida House Speaker Dean Cannon tells CNN . "We are expecting to meet on Friday, and I expect that they will pick January 31 as Florida'...

Herman Cain Might Actually Deliver

 Herman Cain  
 Might Actually  
Dana Milbank

Herman Cain Might Actually Deliver

Are straw polls that different from primaries?

(Newser) - It’s getting tough to “separate fact from farce” in the GOP presidential debate, writes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post . Former Godfather’s Pizza CEO Herman Cain, for instance, recently said he might actually use the goofy “I will deliver” motto SNL made up for him. So...

Perry Camp: We Won&#39;t Change a Thing
Perry Camp:
We Won't Change a Thing

Perry Camp: We Won't Change a Thing

Staffers shrug off criticism, say they'll just hit Romney harder

(Newser) - Problem? What problem? Rick Perry’s campaign doesn’t see one, despite the drubbing he’s been taking for his lackluster debate and his grisly Florida straw poll defeat . “We’re not going to change what we’re doing,” a Perry spokesman tells Politico , dismissing judgments from “...

Palin: There's Still Time to Get in the Race

Still not declaring, and still dropping hints

(Newser) - Don't write off Sarah Palin for the 2012 race—yet. That's not to say she has declared she's running, but Palin is still teasing the public ... and leaving the door open. “There is still time, and I think on both sides of the aisle I think...

Mitt Romney's Tortoise Act Beats Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann in Debate
 Slow, Steady Mitt 
 Winning the Race 

Slow, Steady Mitt Winning the Race

Defensive posture serving Romney well, Aaron Blake writes

(Newser) - Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann have shot out of the gate in the GOP nomination contest, but “sometimes it’s slow-and-steady that gets it done,” writes Aaron Blake of the Washington Post , and if there’s one thing Mitt Romney’s proven so far, it’s that he’...

Consensus Say Michele Bachmann Got Her Mojo Back

 Michele Got Her 
 Mojo Back 
Consensus Says:

Michele Got Her Mojo Back

Bachmann's HPV attack on Perry turned heads

(Newser) - Pundits seemed to all agree that Michele Bachmann was on the ropes heading into last night’s Tea Party debate—and now they all seem to agree that she fought her way back in with her scathing indictment of Rick Perry’s HPV vaccination program. Here’s what people are...

Tim Pawlenty Quit Republican Primaries Because He Was Broke

 Pawlenty Quit  
 Because He 
 Was Broke 

Pawlenty Quit Because He Was Broke

One source says he may owe $500K. others say that's exaggerated

(Newser) - Word was that Tim Pawlenty pulled out of the Republican presidential contest because he finished a weak third in Iowa's Ames Straw Poll two weeks ago. That's true, Republican sources tell the Huffington Post , but Pawlenty's campaign was also broke from spending heavily on Ames in hope...

Primaries May Start Before Christmas
Primaries May Start Before Christmas

Primaries May Start Before Christmas

Arizona considering January primary, pushing up Iowa, NH

(Newser) - There’s a distinct possibility the 2012 presidential primaries could start in 2011. Jan Brewer is considering holding Arizona’s primary as early as Jan. 31, the Arizona Republic explains, and if she goes through with it, New Hampshire and Iowa are likely to bump their contests to December to...

Buddy Roemer to Join GOP Field

Former Louisiana governor to launch his campaign on Thursday

(Newser) - Another contender is set to shake up the GOP field, and we won’t blame you if your reaction is "Who?" Former Louisiana Gov. Buddy Roemer will formally announce his candidacy on Thursday, Politico reports. "We’re ready to move forward," Roemer’s campaign director confirms. "...

Giuliani Expects More GOP Candidates

...But didn't say if he'd be one of them

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani says it's not too late to join the Republican presidential race. The former New York City mayor is predicting that two or three more candidates probably will jump into the race. While he won't say whether he might be one of them, he expects to decide...

Bachmann's Iowa Lead Bigger Than It Looks

But race could still be upended by Rick Perry

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann’s 4-point lead over Mitt Romney in the latest Iowa poll might be even bigger than it looked at first. Dig deeper into the poll, and you’ll find that among the voters labeled “most attentive,” Bachmann is leading by a whopping 32% to 18%, Aaron...

Hermain Cain, Gospel Singer
 Hermain Cain, 
 Gospel Singer 

Hermain Cain, Gospel Singer

Yes, he actually has an album from 15 years ago

(Newser) - Just when you thought the Republican presidential contest couldn’t get any stranger, we have breaking news: Herman Cain has a gospel album. That’s right, the Daily Caller today discovered an album online bearing the GOP hopeful's distinctive baritone. Cain's camp hasn’t commented, but Dave Weigel...

The GOP Now a &#39;Political Cult&#39;
 The GOP Now a 'Political Cult' 
Richard Cohen

The GOP Now a 'Political Cult'

Anyone who thinks for themselves need not apply: Richard Cohen

(Newser) - Someone needs to study the Republican Party, and not a political scientist, but “a mental health professional,” writes Richard Cohen of the Washington Post . “The GOP needs an intervention. It has become a cult.” To get into the cult, one must not just “mouth banalities...

Budget Cuts May Kill SC Primary

Gov. Haley expected to veto state funding for GOP contest

(Newser) - South Carolina's first-in-the-South Republican primary may no longer be first in the South or even a primary next year thanks to money troubles. GOP Gov. Nikki Haley is expected to veto a budget proposal that provides state funding for the primary, the State reports. The move could force the...

Jon Huntsman on High Road to Nowhere
 Jon Huntsman  
 on High Road  
 to Nowhere 
Dana Milbank

Jon Huntsman on High Road to Nowhere

Playing nice doesn't win elections, Dana Milbank warns

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman’s campaign did not get off to an auspicious start yesterday. Before his announcement speech , staffers were passing out materials that misspelled his name (“John” instead of “Jon”), notes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post , and when the actual speech kicked off, all the major...

Woman Faints at Santorum's Kickoff

2012 hopeful interrupts speech after fan swoons

(Newser) - Polls show that Republican voters aren't exactly swooning over Rick Santorum's White House run, but one woman was overcome during his big announcement yesterday . The former senator interrupted his speech after a woman fainted, apparently from the heat, Vanity Fair reports. Santorum walked offstage to help the woman...

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