
Stories 821 - 840 | << Prev   Next >>

Pope: Gay Marriage 'Insidious, Dangerous'

Benedict puts abuse scandals on back burner

(Newser) - Pope Benedict seized an opportunity following a massive Mass in Portugal yesterday to slam abortion and gay marriage as among the "most insidious and dangerous challenges that today confront the common good." Some 500,000 people turned out to participate in the Mass at one of Catholicism's holiest...

Laura Bush: I'm Pro-Choice, Pro-Gay Marriage

But she never fights with George about either issue

(Newser) - Laura Bush may be married to one George W., but that doesn’t mean she agrees with him on everything—including thorny issues like abortion and gay marriage. “When couples are committed to each other and love each other, they ought to have the same sort of rights that...

Kagan Pushed to Ban Late-Term Abortions in '97

Told Clinton that otherwise he risked GOP veto

(Newser) - As a White House adviser in 1997, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan urged then-President Bill Clinton to support a ban on late-term abortions, a political compromise that put the administration at odds with abortion rights groups, according to documents reviewed by the AP. Kagan told Clinton that if he didn't...

Kathleen Parker - Women should be informed before they abort
Ultrasounds Before
Abortions Aren't 'Sinister'
Kathleen Parker

Ultrasounds Before Abortions Aren't 'Sinister'

It's all about 'informed choice'

(Newser) - Kathleen Parker agrees with Bill Clinton that abortions should be "safe, legal, and rare." Toward the latter point, she comes down in favor of the recent spate of laws requiring women who are considering abortion to get an ultrasound and at least listen to a description of it....

Baby Survives Abortion for 2 Days

Italian docs may face charges for leaving baby to die

(Newser) - Italian police are considering bringing homicide charges against doctors who left an aborted baby boy to die. The boy, aborted at 22 weeks, was found breathing almost a full day after the operation by a priest who had gone to pray beside the body. The infant was taken to a...

Strict Anti-Abortion Bills Become Law in Oklahoma

Senate overrides governor's vetoes

(Newser) - The Oklahoma Senate today overrode Gov. Brad Henry's vetoes and put into law two restrictive measures on abortion. One of the laws requires women to undergo an ultrasound and listen to a detailed description of the fetus before getting an abortion. An anti-abortion group called it one of the most...

UK to Pope: Uh, Sorry About the Abortion Joke

Brit memo suggested pontiff should open clinic on visit

(Newser) - Pope Benedict is headed to the UK in the fall, and while there he's slated to ... open an abortion clinic? Unveil a line of papal-branded condoms? Let loose and sing a duet with the queen? This according to a cheeky memo circulated in Britain's Foreign Office, and obtained by the...

Oklahoma Governor Vetoes 2 Strict Abortion Bills

Calls forced ultrasound test unconstitutional

(Newser) - Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry vetoed two abortion bills that he said are an unconstitutional attempt to insert government into the private lives and decisions of citizens. One measure would have required women to undergo an intrusive ultrasound and listen to a detailed description of the fetus before getting an abortion....

Now Oklahoma's Cracking Down on Abortion

State senate approves tough abortion restrictions

(Newser) - A bill that would require women to have an ultrasound scan less than an hour before having an abortion is among 5 tough new anti-abortion measures passed by Oklahoma's GOP-dominated Senate this week. The bill, which will hit the governor's desk later this week, also requires a doctor to describe...

Abortion Fight Erupts Over Pregnant Girl, 10

Raped Mexican girl wasn't told she could abort

(Newser) - An abortion rights battle is heating up in Mexico, with activists claiming officials didn't tell a 10-year-old girl raped by her stepfather that she could abort her fetus. In the girl's state of Quintana Roo, abortion is only legal in cases of rape, and only during the first 3 months...

Doc Who Aborted Wrong Fetus Loses License

Ob-gyn terminated healthy twin in first attempt at procedure

(Newser) - It sounds too awful to be true: A mom who had undergone in vitro fertilization learns that one of the twins she's carrying has congenital defects, and opts to abort it. Her doctor performs the procedure—but aborts the wrong fetus. So goes the case of Sarasota doctor Matthew Kachinas,...

Stupak Won't Rule Out Retirement

He's reportedly exhausted, and Democrats are worried

(Newser) - Democratic leaders are said to be in a full-court press on Bart Stupak again, this time trying to convince him not to retire from Congress. After MSNBC's First Read blog reported this morning that Stupak is "exhausted" after the abortion/health care fight, his office did little to squelch the...

Roeder Gets Life Sentence in Abortion Slaying
 Roeder Gets 
 Life Sentence 
 in Abortion Slaying 
no parole chance for 50 years

Roeder Gets Life Sentence in Abortion Slaying

Anti-abortion activist murdered Dr. George Tiller

(Newser) - An anti-abortion zealot convicted of murdering a prominent Kansas abortion doctor was sentenced today to life in prison and won't be eligible for parole for 50 years—the maximum allowed by law. Scott Roeder, 52, faced a mandatory life prison term for gunning down Dr. George Tiller in the back...

Stupak: Why I Voted Yes; Parker: Why He's Wrong
 Stupak: Why I Voted Yes; 
 Parker: Why He's Wrong 
opposing views

Stupak: Why I Voted Yes; Parker: Why He's Wrong

She thinks we can expect taxpayer dollars to fund abortions

(Newser) - Bart Stupak and Kathleen Parker take the fight over abortion funding to the op-ed pages of the Washington Post today.
  • In his column , Stupak takes exception to Parker calling him a "backstabber" in a previous column and insists that President Obama's executive order is an "ironclad" guarantee that

Stupak Abortion 'Compromise' a Lie

 Stupak Abortion 
 a Lie 
Kathleen Parker

Stupak Abortion 'Compromise' a Lie

Democrats resorted to political flim-flam to pass health care bill

(Newser) - Bart Stupak tried to be a hero for social conservatives everywhere in the health care debate, but when “all the power of the moment was in his frail human hands, he dropped the baby,” writes Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post . The deal Stupak struck with Barack Obama...

Texas Rep: I Shouted 'Baby Killer'
 Texas Rep: 
 I Shouted 
 'Baby Killer' 

Texas Rep: I Shouted 'Baby Killer'

Randy Neugebauer of Texas says he wasn't talking about Bart Stupak

(Newser) - A Republican Congressman from Texas came forward this afternoon and copped to yelling "baby killer" on the floor of the House last night—but says he wasn't talking about Bart Stupak. "In the heat and emotion of the debate, I exclaimed the phrase 'it's a baby killer' in...

Agreement in Abortion Debate: Stupak Deal Stinks

Executive order inflames one side; 'yea' votes enrage the other

(Newser) - Activists on both sides of the abortion issue slammed a deal crucial to the passage of health care reform in the House. President Obama agreed to trade a reaffirmation of the ban on federal funding for abortion for the support of key House Democrats, led by Bart Stupak of Michigan....

House Passes Health Reform
 House Passes Health Reform 

House Passes Health Reform

Historic measure advances after late deal-making

(Newser) - Cheers erupted on the floor of the chamber as the House passed the Senate health care reform bill tonight, 219-212, after a late compromise on abortion funding gave Democrats the votes they needed to advance the historic measure. The vote followed 9½ hours of contentious debate that wrapped up with...

Stupak Agreement Makes Passage All But Certain
 Stupak Agreement Makes 
 Passage All But Certain  
health care reform

Stupak Agreement Makes Passage All But Certain

Obama will issue executive order reiterating Hyde Amendment

(Newser) - President Obama will sign an executive order forbidding the use of federal funding for abortion, and Bart Stupak and his anti-abortion allies will vote to pass health care reform, the Michigan Democrat announced this afternoon. The shift means the measure is almost certain to pass when it's voted on tonight....

Stupak: No Deal Yet on Health Bill
 No Deal Yet 
 on Health Bill 

Stupak: No Deal Yet on Health Bill

Rep reportedly has deal with White House to secure his vote

(Newser) - The health reform bill still doesn't contain abortion language Bart Stupak is comfortable with, and he's still negotiating with the White House, the Michigan Democrat said this afternoon. "There is no agreement, so until there's agreement I'm a no vote," Stupak told Talking Points Memo . Earlier reports suggested...

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