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Trump Critic in the GOP Makes Surprise July 4 Announcement

Rep. Justin Amash is leaving his party

(Newser) - He'd already quit a Republican caucus ; now Justin Amash is abandoning the GOP altogether. In a Fourth of July surprise, the Michigan congressman, who's made recent headlines for being the "lone-wolf GOP Trump critic," made a big announcement in the Washington Post : "Today, I am...

Lawmaker's Use of This Term Drew Hisses, Outrage

Barry Hovis brought up 'consensual rape' on Mo. House floor during arguments on new abortion bill

(Newser) - As pushback continues against strict abortion laws showing up in states around the country, including Georgia and Alabama , news out of the Show-Me State offers fresh controversy. On Friday, Missouri passed a ban against abortion at eight weeks, and during arguments on the state House floor about the measure, which...

GOP Operative Handled Ballots Illegally: NC Elections Chief

Congressional contest between Mark Harris and Democrat Dan McCready hangs in the balance

(Newser) - A Republican operative, who last year rounded up votes for a GOP candidate running for Congress, conducted an illegal and well-funded ballot-harvesting operation, North Carolina's elections director said Monday. The director's testimony came on the first day of a hearing into whether mail-in ballots were tampered with in...

GOP Candidate Accused of Anti-Semitism Over This Mailer

Connecticut Republican chair says it's 'false outrage' by Dems over Ed Charamut's ad

(Newser) - Just days after the slaying of 11 Jewish congregants at a Pittsburgh synagogue, a GOP candidate for a state Senate seat in Connecticut is accused of sending a mailer using an "age-old anti-Semitic trope." The ad sent out by Ed Charamut includes what the Washington Post calls a...

Ex-Democratic Staffer Allegedly Doxxed GOP Senators

Jackson Cosko charged with posting addresses online

(Newser) - A former member of Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan's staff was caught inside Hassan's Capitol Hill office Tuesday night and ultimately arrested Wednesday on charges that he "doxxed" GOP senators. Jackson A. Cosko, 27, is accused of posting "private, identifying information," including addresses, online, Politico reports....

GOP Congressman Makes 'Inappropriate' Joke About RBG, Lincoln

SC rep Ralph Norman's 'groping' humor isn't going over well

(Newser) - "Scattered nervous laughter" was the first response to a joke a GOP congressman made during an election debate in South Carolina on Thursday, notes Roll Call . But disgust and "condemnation" took over afterward toward what some called an "inappropriate" reference to sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court...

Wrestler on Lawmaker's Denial He Knew of Abuse: 'Hurtful'

Rep. Jim Jordan says he didn't know of molestation by Dr. Richard Strauss at Ohio State

(Newser) - The number of Ohio State wrestlers who've come forward to say Rep. Jim Jordan knew about abuse at the hands of their team doctor is rising, despite Jordan's adamant denials. After an initial report on three former wrestlers, NBC News interviews a fourth accuser, Shawn Dailey, who says...

Conservative George Will's Push: Vote Dems in Midterms

Columnist rips on Paul Ryan, 'louts' Stephen Miller and Corey Lewandowski

(Newser) - George Will quit the Republican Party two years ago due to Donald Trump's candidacy. Now the conservative columnist is pushing a new strategy: to topple the GOP in the midterms. In a Washington Post op-ed with the explicit title "Vote Against the GOP in November," Will cites...

With Ryan&#39;s Exit, His Seat Isn&#39;t &#39;Solid R&#39; Anymore
With Ryan Out,
Things Looking Up
for the 'Iron Stache'
the rundown

With Ryan Out, Things Looking Up for the 'Iron Stache'

And more on what Ryan's retirement means

(Newser) - In explaining why he would not seek re-election in November, Paul Ryan on Wednesday used the phrase "weekend dad" at least three times. The House speaker noted that if he remained in Congress his three kids would "only know me as a weekend dad. That's it right...

A Repeal of 2nd Amendment? Trump Weighs In

'NEVER,' president tweets after suggestion from retired Supreme Court justice

(Newser) - President Trump tweeted Wednesday there's no chance the Second Amendment will ever be repealed and called on voters to elect more Republicans in this fall's congressional elections so the GOP can retain control of the Supreme Court. Trump's statements came a day after retired Supreme Court Justice...

State Lawmaker Earns Dubious Honor With a #MeToo Burn

Arizona Rep. Don Shooter may be first state lawmaker to be voted out for sex misconduct

(Newser) - The Arizona House voted Thursday to expel a Republican lawmaker after a report ordered by legislative leaders of his own party showed he engaged in a pattern of sexual harassment toward women. Rep. Don Shooter of Yuma is believed to be the first state lawmaker in the US to be...

Lawmakers OK After Train's Fatal Collision With Truck

Republican members of Congress were on their way to West Virginia; person in truck is dead

(Newser) - A train carrying Republican members of Congress to a retreat in West Virginia struck a garbage truck on Wednesday. One person aboard the truck is dead and another seriously injured, reports NBC Washington . No lawmakers were believed to be seriously hurt, though one was taken to the hospital, according to...

GOP's Darrell Issa Won't Run for Re-Election

Republican firebrand's decision gives Democrats a chance to pick up seat

(Newser) - Republican Rep. Darrell Issa of California says he won't seek re-election after serving out his ninth term in Congress. Issa's decision continues a string of GOP lawmakers who've decided to retire rather than take on what would be a difficult re-election battle. Democrats had made defeating Issa...

Trump's Been Calling for New Clinton Probes. Now, DOJ Acts

FBI reportedly conducting interviews and re-examining email, foundation cases

(Newser) - There's a case brewing in DC, and the DOJ is on it. Actually, it's an old case being given new life, seeking potential illegal activities tied to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. The Hill first reported Thursday on the reinvigorated inquiry, with a...

Newt Gingrich Predicts 'Political Surprise' for 2018

He says Republicans will win big in next year's elections

(Newser) - One common sentiment among political pundits is that Democrats are on track to deliver a political shellacking to Republicans in the 2018 elections. At Fox News , however, Newt Gingrich is predicting the "great political surprise" of the new year: Republicans will not only win, they'll win big. "...

GOP Senator: We&#39;ve Got the Votes to Pass Tax Bill
McConnell on Tax Bill:
We've Got 50 Votes

McConnell on Tax Bill: We've Got 50 Votes

Senate majority leader says GOP leaders convinced enough holdouts

(Newser) - "We have the votes." So declared Mitch McConnell Friday on the GOP's bid to push a $1.4 trillion tax bill through the Senate. The final vote in the chamber is expected to come later Friday. The Senate majority leader's comment came soon after the No....

Trump Sets His Sights on 'Failing' NYT

Brands it 'the pipe organ for the Democrat Party'

(Newser) - President Trump's morning consisted in part of a now familiar ritual: tweeting about the media , with the New York Times being Thursday's focus. "The Failing @nytimes, the pipe organ for the Democrat Party, has become a virtual lobbyist for them with regard to our massive Tax Cut...

Roy Moore Taunts McConnell in Tweet, Promptly Gets Served

As the GOP considers how to deal with the situation

(Newser) - A sixth accuser stepped forward on Wednesday to say that Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore once grabbed her buttocks . And the fact that he is still a Senate candidate is causing no shortage of hand-wringing among Republicans. As BuzzFeed reports, senators have called for him to leave the race and...

With Super PAC Entrance, GOP Infighting Hits New Level
Super PAC
Declares War
on Bannon

Super PAC Declares War on Bannon

Group allied with Mitch McConnell hopes to thwart his plans

(Newser) - Steve Bannon's campaign to replace mainstream Republicans in Congress with individuals adhering to his anti-establishment message won't go unimpeded. Per the Washington Post , a super PAC aligned with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has "declared open warfare" against the former White House chief strategist, who's reportedly...

Kasich: I'm in a 'Struggle for the Soul' of the GOP

And if Ohio governor can't find it, he hints he may leave the party

(Newser) - John Kasich revealed over the weekend he's been doing some soul-searching, but it's not his own soul he's scrutinizing. The Ohio governor chatted with Jake Tapper Sunday morning on CNN's State of the Union, and he had harsh words for both major political parties. He admitted...

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