
Stories 21 - 39 | << Prev 

Leo, Oprah Voted Greenest Celebs
 Leo, Oprah Voted 
 Greenest Celebs 
earth day

Leo, Oprah Voted Greenest Celebs

Mariah, Travolta not so much

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey was voted the greenest female celebrity in an Earth Day poll, the New York Daily News reports. Leonardo DiCaprio beat out Brad Pitt and Bono for the No. 1 male spot in the survey by and On the other hand, Mariah Carey is least...

9 Ways to Go Green and Save Green

(Newser) - Being sensitive to the environment doesn't have to cost a fortune. In fact, the green option is often the most cost-effective one. Scientific American spotlights nine ways of cutting your bills as you save the Earth:
  • Shrink your living space. Prefab homes and plans for dwellings as small as 65

RIP: Obits for Our Culture
 RIP: Obits for Our Culture 

RIP: Obits for Our Culture

(Newser) - Dying is a bit of a buzzkill, but all things must come to an end. AJ Jacobs of Esquire  writes obituaries for music, his manhood, and various other cultural remnants:
  • Romantic Comedy, age 81: On life support long ago—finally dead after someone pitched Kate Hudson a film about a

Snowboard Makers Going Green

Manufacturers offer eco-friendly option

(Newser) - Snowboarders have a vested interest in stopping global warming, and the industry's gear is getting greener by the year, the New York Times reports. “To snowboard, we need snow,” said Bob Carlson, co-founder of Arbor, which has been using renewable materials for their snowboards since 1995. More and...

Gimmicky Green Authors Wouldn't Impress Thoreau
Gimmicky Green Authors
Wouldn't Impress Thoreau

Gimmicky Green Authors Wouldn't Impress Thoreau

Writers often more into self promotion than self denial

(Newser) - Modern-day Henry David Thoreaus don't need to move to the woods for life to land a book deal. The push for green living has given us, unfortunately, no small number of gimmicky books on the subject, laments Michael Agger in Mother Jones. Temporarily living without plastic, eating only locally grown...

Green Font Cuts Ink Costs
 Green Font Cuts Ink Costs 

Green Font Cuts Ink Costs

'Ecofont' has holes in the letters to save ink

(Newser) - A new font designed to cut printing costs saves ink by not completely filling in the letters, the AP reports. The “Ecofont,” designed by Dutch firm Spranq, has small holes in the middle of the letters that cut ink usage by 15%. The font is free on Spranq’...

Charles, Near 60, May Yet Put Green Stamp on Monarchy

Heir apparent to Queen Elizabeth has built an empire of charity

(Newser) - Prince Charles, who turns 60 on Nov. 14, has used his position as heir apparent to advocate tirelessly for the environment and the disadvantaged, writes JM Ledgard on More Intelligent Life. There’s still time for him to ascend to the British throne, where (after taking the title of George...

Cloth or Plastic: Greenies Debate the Diaper

Cotton's footprint not that much better than disposables'

(Newser) - For green parents, the choice between disposables or cloth diapers may seem like a catch-22. Silvia Spring weighs the issue in the Boston Globe, but finds no easy answer. While disposables produce up to 70 times more waste than cloth, the latest study concluded that disposable diapers have the same...

Reusable Bags: A Tricky Shade of Green

Thicker plastic requires more energy to produce, decomposes slower

(Newser) - Reusable shopping bags are this year's “it” giveaway, but they may not be as green as their feel-good slogans—like “Save the world” and "I used to be a plastic bag"—claim. The problem is that old habits die hard—many people simply forget to reuse...

Water-Neutral Campaign Is Nothing but Eco-Guilt
Water-Neutral Campaign
Is Nothing but Eco-Guilt

Water-Neutral Campaign Is Nothing but Eco-Guilt

If rich countries were really water-neutral, we'd all be dead

(Newser) - A new UK campaign urging people to be more “water wise” lays bare a flaw in the environmental movement, Brendan O’Neill writes in Spiked. The campaign urges people to be conscious of the “virtual water” used on their behalf to carry out tasks like growing coffee beans...

NYC's Taxi Fleets in Race for Hybrids

Fall mandate means a rush to replace 3,000 taxis a year.

(Newser) - The Big Apple's unprecedented plan to turn its famous yellow cabs green could run into an old-fashioned supply-and-demand problem this fall, USA Today reports. Starting in October, the city is requiring that any new replacement cabs be hybrids. But the transition may be difficult because gas prices have triggered a...

Not So Easy to Green a Dem Convention

Organizer can't find hats that are organic and union

(Newser) - You can pledge to make your Dem convention “the greenest…in the history of the planet” (as Denver’s mayor recently did), you can hire a Director of Greening—but it’s still no small task to throw a sustainable presidential nominating conference. That's what the Journal discovered in...

McMansions Make Way for Green Pads
McMansions Make Way for Green Pads

McMansions Make Way for Green Pads

Smaller homes built to strict LEED specs are all the rage

(Newser) - When it comes to building green, a LEED rating is the ultimate cachet-- but they're tough to get, the New York Times reports. And homes approved by the Leadership in Energy and Evironmental Design council tend to be small and pricey, with one platinum-certified four-bedroom house in California on the...

Summer Tips for Greener Kids
 Summer Tips
 for Greener Kids 

Summer Tips for Greener Kids

Going outside would be a good first step

(Newser) - Summer is the perfect season to turn your rugrats into ecomaniacs, as warm weather and school vacations collide. Grist lists some basic steps to green up your family’s summer:
  1. Get outside: The best way to commune with nature is to experience it first-hand, but the time kids spend outdoors

Sundance Abuzz With Bug Porn
 Abuzz With
 Bug Porn 

Sundance Abuzz With Bug Porn

Rossellini stars in Sundance Channel's take on mating practices of bugs

(Newser) - For those unclear about the birds and the bees (the actual ones), the Sundance Channel is screening “green porno videos” on its website, reports Mother Jones blogger Jen Phillips. The series features Isabella Rossellini, breaking out of her usual indie cocoon, carrying out the mating rituals of the snail,...

Greenies Can RIP With Eco-Friendly Funerals

Cardboard caskets, natural burial sites catch on in US

(Newser) - Greenies who bought organic in life can become more organic in death, the AP reports. Brits have enjoyed the eco-friendly funeral for years, but now cardboard coffins and natural fibers for corpses are catching on Stateside. "People are trying to think about what's the best way to live and...

EcoMoms Talk and Shop for Green Cause

9,000-strong alliance boosts 'local lifestyle activism'

(Newser) - A gathering of women may look like a book club, sewing circle, or Tupperware party these days—but is just as likely to be part of the 9,000-strong EcoMom Alliance, where mothers talk fluorescent lightbulbs, waste-free school lunches, and local produce. Long essential to America's green movement, young women...

Arabs Building First Green City
Arabs Building First Green City

Arabs Building First Green City

Run on solar power, Masdar City will cost $22 billion and take 8 years to construct

(Newser) - Earth's first carbon-free city is being built in the United Arab Emirates and will take 8 years and $22 billion to complete, the BBC reports. Called Masdar City, it will run on solar power and shuttle residents on travel pods via magnetic tracks. But critics say the $22 billion project,...

Cisco Goes Green with Energy Gauging
Cisco Goes Green with Energy Gauging

Cisco Goes Green with Energy Gauging

Networking company to measure power use from data centers

(Newser) - Green-minded Cisco Systems is looking to improve energy efficiency by monitoring power consumption, operating temperature, and more from its enterprise data network. With energy costs and global warming worries escalating, Cisco plans to expand beyond communications and use its data network to help companies manage their power use and prevent...

Stories 21 - 39 | << Prev