
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

The 12 Things Nearly All Americans Agree On
The 12 Things Nearly All Americans Agree On
surveys say

The 12 Things Nearly All Americans Agree On

Surveys show most of us believe in God, are OK with birth control

(Newser) - What can nine out of 10 Americans agree on? Survey says: not much. That's partly because the big polls such as Pew, Gallup, and the General Social Survey are designed to explore differences, not to document what unites the United States. Still, a few questions discover 90% agreement, or...

Judge on Morning-After Pill: No One Needs Prescription

Directs FDA to sell over-the-counter, even to teens

(Newser) - The FDA must make the morning-after pill available over-the-counter to women of all ages, a federal judge has ruled. It's currently stocked behind the counter, and those under 17 need a prescription. The federal government has debated with itself over the morning-after pill in the past, with the FDA...

Boston College: Students Can't Give Out Condoms

Catholic university threatens disciplinary action

(Newser) - Attending a Catholic university and distributing condoms on campus apparently don't mix. Boston College is threatening disciplinary action against a group of students who are giving away more than 1,000 condoms a semester, the Boston Globe reports. BC says the student-run "Safe Sites" program is violating the...

11% of Women Who Have Sex Used Morning-After Pill
11% of Women Who Have
Sex Used Morning-After Pill
new report

11% of Women Who Have Sex Used Morning-After Pill

5.8M have taken pill at least once: federal analysis

(Newser) - The use of so-called morning-after pills in the US is on the rise, a new report finds, with 11% of sexually active women between 15 and 44 saying they've used such a pill at least once. That's 5.8 million women, USA Today reports. And the New York ...

Catholic Bishops on New Contraception Deal: Still No

But they take a more moderate tone on proffered compromise

(Newser) - With Catholic bishops opposed to an ObamaCare mandate on contraception, the White House recently moved to change the rule —but the new package hasn't satisfied the religious leaders, the New York Times reports. The deal would allow women employed by a religiously-affiliated employer, such as a Catholic hospital,...

White House Revamps Contraception Rules

But rules out a broader exemption

(Newser) - The Obama administration today officially issued a proposed change to its rule mandating that employers offer their female employees insurance that includes copay-free access to contraception. Under the new rule, women who work for a religiously-affiliated employer, such as a Catholic hospital, will still get free access to contraceptives, but...

ObamaCare Contraception Suits Pile Up

Get ready, Supreme Court

(Newser) - The lawsuits over ObamaCare's contraception mandate are appearing almost weekly in federal courts, and it's just a matter of time before the Supreme Court addresses the issue, experts tell the New York Times . It's not just religious groups that are suing: Private companies like Hobby Lobby have...

Virginia AG: Let's 'Go to Jail' Over Contraception Mandate

Ken Cuccinelli slams ObamaCare on Iowa radio

(Newser) - Virginia's attorney general says it's time to take a stand against ObamaCare's contraception mandate—even if it means a little civil disobedience, Politico reports. Speaking on nationally syndicated radio in Iowa, Ken Cuccinelli, the state's likely Republican gubernatorial nominee, discussed his bishop's words on the...

Jindal: Birth Control Should Be Over-the-Counter
Jindal: Birth Control
Should Be Over-the-Counter

Jindal: Birth Control Should Be Over-the-Counter

Louisiana governor blames 'big government' for state of affairs

(Newser) - Bobby Jindal has people talking today, thanks to an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal in which he endorses making birth control available over-the-counter to anyone 18 or older. "We have been stupid to let the Democrats demagogue the contraceptives issue and pretend … that Republicans are somehow against...

Supreme Court Orders New Review of ObamaCare Suit

Lawsuit claims violation of religious freedoms

(Newser) - The court cases continue for ObamaCare, with the Supreme Court today ordering a Virginia appeals court to review a lawsuit over the law's provisions regarding reproductive rights. Virginia's evangelical Liberty University had filed an earlier lawsuit arguing that the individual mandate meant taxpayer dollars would fund abortions and...

US Abortions Fall 5%, Biggest Drop in a Decade

Researchers think recession played a role

(Newser) - US abortions fell 5% during the recession and its aftermath in the biggest one-year decrease in at least a decade, perhaps because women are more careful to use birth control when times are tough, researchers say. The decline, detailed today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, came in...

Sorry, Hobby Lobby, You're No Religious Organization

Judge denies company's request to skirt birth control requirement

(Newser) - Hobby Lobby asked a judge to release it from the ObamaCare requirement that will force it to provide insurance coverage for the morning-after pill, but there's just one problem: Hobby Lobby isn't a religious organization, the judge pointed out yesterday when denying the chain's request. The arts...

NYC Schools Giving Students Morning-After Pill

Pilot program offers first hormonal birth control to kids in nation

(Newser) - New York City is handing out birth control including the morning-after pill to students at some of its schools under the auspices of a burgeoning health initiative called Connecting Adolescents To Comprehensive Health. The, er, catch? Students don't have to tell parents, notes the New York Post , unless parents...

Court: Illinois Can't Force Sale of 'Morning After' Pill

Pharmacists who object on moral grounds can bow out

(Newser) - Illinois pharmacists who don't want to sell the "morning after" contraceptive pill on religious grounds now have the green light to pull it from their shelves. An Illinois appeals court ruled that the state can't force pharmacists to sell the pill, sold under the brand name Plan...

Free Birth Control Rule Kicks In Today

Health plans must now cover women's preventative care

(Newser) - Good news, ladies: Starting today, most insurance plans must cover a range of women's preventative health services, including domestic violence screenings, "well woman visits," and, most controversially, no-cost birth control. Don't run to your gynecologist right away though—the rules will apply to all new plans,...

Bishop: US Nuns Making Up New Theology

Church needs obedience, not debate, says Toledo bishop

(Newser) - Church doctrine is for obeying, not so much debating, says the bishop who oversaw the report that condemned the Leadership Conference of Women Religious , a group that includes some 80% of American nuns. By promoting positions contrary to Vatican teachings, the LCWR is creating "a new kind of theology,...

Gene Discovery May Yield Men's Birth Control Pill

Fertility gene plays a big role in sperm production

(Newser) - Scientists could be a big step closer to inventing a birth control pill for men. New research at the University of Edinburgh has pinpointed a gene called Katnal 1 that manages the final stages of sperm development, reports the Daily Telegraph . In theory, the work could lead to a new...

Catholics File Flood of Birth-Control Lawsuits

Bishops turn to the courts to fight health care law

(Newser) - Notre Dame's lawsuit yesterday was just the beginning, because America's Catholic bishops have turned en masse to the courts in an attempt to ensure that employees of Catholic institutions do not have health plans that cover birth control. Some 43 Catholic dioceses, schools, social service agencies, and...

Notre Dame Sues Over Obama Birth Control Mandate

Nation's most prominent Roman Catholic school says it violates constitution

(Newser) - More trouble for the Obama administration's mandate requiring most employers to cover birth control: Now the University of Notre Dame is suing, the AP reports, claiming that the mandate violates religious freedom. Observers had been waiting to see what step Notre Dame would take as the US' most prominent...

Catholic School Yanks Student Health Plan

Ohio university doesn't want to have to cover contraception

(Newser) - The Franciscan University of Steubenville has decided to discontinue its entire student health insurance plan as a way to duck the Obama administration's contraceptives mandate . While a number of Catholic institutions have protested the mandate , the Ohio school is the first to actually drop its coverage, the Huffington Post...

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