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Dems Demand Probe Over CIA Tapes
Dems Demand Probe Over
CIA Tapes

Dems Demand Probe Over CIA Tapes

Kennedy draws Nixon comparison; others see obstruction of justice

(Newser) - Democrats accused the CIA of a cover-up today in the wake of the revelation that the agency destroyed interrogation tapes and called for the attorney general to investigate. Ted Kennedy rejected the agency's excuse that it scrubbed the tapes to protect interrogators and suggested the censors merely knew how “...

CIA Destroyed Videos of Interrogations

Move could raise obstruction-of-justice issues for agency

(Newser) - The CIA destroyed in 2005 videotapes showing the harsh interrogation of at least two terrorism suspects, the New York Times reports. The destruction could raise serious legal issues if the CIA is shown to have withheld tapes from federal prosecutors and the 9/11 commission. The tapes included the 2002 questioning...

Iran Flip Shows US Intelligence Turnaround

Tougher procedures born of Iraq failure result in nuke reversal

(Newser) - In reversing its 2005 finding that Iran was pursuing nuclear weapons, the US intelligence community is putting into practice changes adopted after crucial failures in the run-up to the Iraq war. The original used weak sourcing and less than rigorous fact-gathering, critics say. “I think people should take comfort...

CIA Uses Jordan to Detain, Interrogate Prisoners

At least 12 terror suspects have been held, possibly tortured

(Newser) - The CIA has been using the Jordanian spy agency to secretly hold, interrogate, and possibly torture terrorism suspects, reports the Washington Post. At least 12 suspects have been detained near Amman before being shipped to Guantanamo and other prisons, says the report, based on interviews with former prisoners and human...

National Book Awards Go to Spook Stories

History of CIA and Vietnam novel win

(Newser) - Spy stories took National Book Awards last night, as a history of the CIA by New York Times reporter Tim Weiner took non-fiction honors and Denis Johnson's Tree of Smoke, a sprawling thriller about a CIA agent in Vietnam, led the the winners. Joan Didion accepted a medal for distinguished...

Anthrax Probe Finds US ‘Poorly Prepared’

Security firm says new vaccine, better detection needed

(Newser) - The US is ill equipped to deal with anthrax threats, a consulting firm said today, and must improve vaccines, drugs for victims of exposure and detection methods. The group, which includes a former CIA director, used several outbreak scenarios—in subways, movie theaters, theme parks and the Oscars—to illustrate...

CIA Sat on Tapes of Al Qaeda Questionings

Agency told court no recordings existed during trial of Moussaoui

(Newser) - Though it twice declared otherwise in court, the CIA has three video and audio recordings of high-level al Qaeda interrogations, federal prosecutors revealed yesterday. The defense team for convicted terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui requested the tapes, but the CIA denied their existence. The tapes probably won’t undo Moussaoui’s conviction—...

Former FBI, CIA Agent Had Hezbollah Ties

Lebanese immigrant scammed entry, snooped in FBI files

(Newser) - Lebanese native Nada Nadim Prouty overstayed her student visa, obtained US citizenship through a sham marriage, waitressed at a Detroit restaurant suspected of laundering money for Hezbollah, and became a CIA agent with access to sensitive intelligence. The case of Prouty, who tapped into government computers to obtain information about...

Judge Orders Bush: Save Emails
Judge Orders Bush: Save Emails

Judge Orders Bush: Save Emails

Ruling comes in answer to lawsuits which claims millions are missing

(Newser) - A federal judge ruled against Bush today and ordered the White House to save all emails from now on, the AP reports. US District Judge Henry Kennedy's ruling came in answer to suits which claim that 5 million White House emails have already vanished—an issue that arose during the...

Iraq: US Stalling on 3 Executions
Iraq: US Stalling on 3 Executions

Iraq: US Stalling on 3 Executions

Says 'Chemical Ali', 2 others should be handed over to hang

(Newser) - US forces have yet to hand over three prominent figures in Saddam Hussein's regime sentenced to death in September, and Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki is accusing the US of dragging its feet—not to mention violating the constitution.  Though "Chemical Ali" is the star of the three, the...

Outed Spy Runs Media Gauntlet for New Book

Wilson jabs at Bush administration, talks of death threats

(Newser) - Valerie Plame Wilson has begun the media blitz to promote her memoirs, and her return to the public eye is provoking the expected responses—angry from the left and belittling from the right, the New York Times says. For her part, the outed CIA spy told The Today Show the...

FBI Probes Terror Cases Muddied by CIA

Data culled by torture may be tossed out of court, feds fear

(Newser) - The FBI is probing Guantanamo Bay cases that the CIA has muddied by using torture, the Los Angeles Times reports. Up to 300 FBI agents are now interviewing Al Qaeda chiefs, including mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, seeking data that's admissable in court. Says one expert, "I think there's no...

UK Probes Charges That CIA Used Brit Prison for Torture

(Newser) - British officials will investigate persistent claims that the CIA secretly interrogated terrorism suspects at a UK prison in the Indian Ocean, the Guardian reports. Authorities have repeatedly questioned American officials, who deny the reports. But an organization representing detainees insists the claims are true, adding that the British may be...

Mukasey Silent on Torture, Vocal on Spying

AG nominee's testimony a "massive hedge," says Democratic senator

(Newser) - Michael Mukasey remained mum today on whether interrogation methods such as waterboarding constitute torture. But the president’s nominee for attorney general spoke out in favor of the White House’s eavesdropping program, the NY Times reports, frustrating and confusing Democrats on the second day of his confirmation hearings. Mukasey...

Senate Brokers Truce With Bush on Domestic Spying

Includes immunity for phone companies

(Newser) - Senate Democrats and Republicans have brokered a deal on legislation regarding the White House domestic spying and wiretapping program—including a highly controversial grant of immunity to telecommunication companies that co-operated with warrantless wiretaps. The deal marks a victory for the White House because Democrats had to kill a House...

Book Details How a Curveball Spun Into a War

Iraqi defector lied on WMDs, but CIA was a willing dupe

(Newser) - An Iraqi defector codenamed Curveball, a primary source behind the WMD intelligence that inspired the invasion, is the subject of a new book that bears his handle, but  the CIA is the most guilty party in author Bob Drogin's account.  Analysts “twisted” and “magnified” the low-level engineer's...

US Halts Hanging of Convicted Saddam Chief

Official says his work 'saved American lives'

(Newser) - The US stopped Saddam's defense chief from hanging last month, claiming Iraqi outrage inspired the pardon — but insiders say that Sultan Hashem earned his reprieve by thwarting Iraqi attacks during the 2003 US-led invasion. Officials tell Time that Hashem’s execution would be a “gross miscarriage of justice”...

CIA Probes Its Own Watchdog
CIA Probes Its Own Watchdog

CIA Probes Its Own Watchdog

Agency chief moves to 'call off the dogs' with investigation into secret prisons findings

(Newser) - In an unprecedented move, the director of the CIA is challenging the agency's own inspector general by ordering an internal investigation of his investigation, reports the Los Angeles Times. CIA Inspector General John Helgerson has issued a series of scathing reports about the agency; now director Michael Hayden has ordered...

Supremes Won’t Hear CIA Torture Suit

Earlier dismissals rested on concerns about national security

(Newser) - The Supreme Court declined today without comment to hear the case of a German citizen who claims he was kidnapped and tortured by the CIA. Lower courts had dismissed Khaled el-Masri's case on the grounds that a trial would expose state secrets. German authorities have said the US acknowledged abducting...

WWII Vets Slam US 'Torture' Techniques

Vet says chess, ping-pong were old grilling tricks

(Newser) - Silent for 60 years, a handful of WWII vets are admitting their old interrogation tricks — and slamming alleged torture techniques used by the US today. Almost two dozen ex-fighters met for a ceremony by the Potomac yesterday, the Washington Post reports, but one refused the award, protesting the Iraq...

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