Anne Frank

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Anne Frank Charity Battles ... Anne Frank Charity

Group compares rivals to Nazis

(Newser) - Two organizations bearing Anne Frank's name are in a bitter dispute over the possession of the Frank family archive, in an echo of a court battle they fought in the 1990s over which one had the right to trademark the Holocaust victim's name. The conflict between the Basel,...

Middle School Mom: Censor 'Pornographic' Anne Frank

Gail Horalek not happy with discussion of sex organs in book

(Newser) - A Michigan mom is upset over the "pornographic" material her 7th-grade daughter was assigned to read: The Diary of Anne Frank. Gail Horalek made the porn comparison because, in the full and unedited version of the book, Frank writes about her genitalia, the Christian Post explains. Horalek filed a...

Bieber Gets Support From ... Anne Frank's Stepsister

'She probably would have been a fan,' says Eva Schloss

(Newser) - First the Anne Frank museum came to Justin Bieber's defense after he speculated that the iconic Holocaust diarist might have been a Belieber ; now Frank's own stepsister says she's on Bieber's side, too. "She probably would have been a fan. Why not?" says Eva Schloss,...

Anne Frank Museum Flies to Bieber's Defense

Hey, consider what else he could have been doing in Amsterdam

(Newser) - You may have been wildly offended when Justin Bieber expressed his hope that Anne Frank would have been a "Belieber," but the Anne Frank museum was not. In response to the controversy that erupted over Bieber's note in its guestbook, the museum today insisted that we're...

Bieber Makes Tasteless Anne Frank Comment

Pop star drops by museum, scribbles stupidity in guestbook

(Newser) - Justin Bieber spent another day on planet Earth yesterday, so inevitably something jaw - dropping ensued : It seems the Bieb decided to play tourist while in Amsterdam, and dropped by the Anne Frank House, entourage in tow and legions of screaming fans left bereft outside. Innocuous enough, even admirable. The...

Anne Frank's Beloved Tree to Live On in US

Saplings from beloved chestnut tree to be planted in 11 US locations

(Newser) - Saplings from the chestnut tree that stood as a symbol of hope for Anne Frank as she hid from the Nazis for two years in Amsterdam are being distributed to 11 locations in the United States as part of a project that aims to preserve her legacy and promote tolerance....

Madame Tussauds Unveils Wax Anne Frank

She's depicted smiling, and writing in her diary

(Newser) - Normally, the artists at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum like to meet the people they're making sculptures of, but that wasn't possible with their latest creation. The museum unveiled a likeness of Anne Frank today, Der Spiegel reports, and it relies heavily on her famous diary for its details...

Mormons Baptize Anne Frank
 Mormons Baptize Anne Frank 

Mormons Baptize Anne Frank

Member of church conducts ritual in Dominican Republic

(Newser) - The Mormon Church last weekend appears to have once again baptized Anne Frank, defying an agreement with Jewish leaders to refrain from posthumously baptizing Jews in general and Holocaust figures in particular. Former Mormon Church member Helen Radkey discovered the baptism on a Mormons-only database used to chart genealogy and...

Anne Frank's Beloved Tree Falls

Chestnut she watched from attic window is no more

(Newser) - A tree beloved by Anne Frank is gone, toppled by a storm today in Amsterdam. The chestnut tree stood outside the window of the attic where Frank hid, and she often wrote about it in her diaries. In the years since her death, the 150-year-old “Anne Frank Tree” became...

Holocaust Writer Defends Anne Frank Story

Story is possible, but 'unverifiable,' experts say

(Newser) - The author of a new book called Life After Anne Frank is defending her account of meeting Frank at Bergen-Belsen, despite skepticism from historians and friends of the famous diarist. In the memoir, to be published in Dutch this month, Berthe Meijer, 71, recalls Anne telling children fairy tales in...

New Details Emerge From Anne Frank's Last Weeks

Told fairy tales to smaller children at Bergen Belsen

(Newser) - Anne Frank spent the final weeks of her life distracting younger children from the horrors of the Nazi concentration camp in which she ultimately died by telling them fairy tales, says a Dutch woman who as a six-year-old was interned with her at the Bergen Belsen camp. In a new...

Last of Anne Frank's Guardians Dead at 100

Miep Gies kept girl's papers, helped father assemble diary

(Newser) - The last surviving member of the Dutch group that protected famed diarist Anne Frank and her family in Amsterdam during World War II died today at 100. Miep Gies assembled Anne’s papers after she and her family were discovered by the Nazis in 1944 and, because they were Jewish,...

Only Footage of Anne Frank Hits YouTube

Film of neighbor's wedding in 1941 was given to Holocaust victim's family in the 50s

(Newser) - The Anne Frank House has posted the only surviving video of the young diarist and Holocaust victim on YouTube. “The footage is very moving and very unique because these are the only moving images of Anne Frank,” a museum representative tells the Guardian. The film, of an Amsterdam...

Most Hypocritical Book Bannings

(Newser) - Banning a book is a move laden with ironies that can make the banner seem dull-witted in the long run. For National Banned Books Week, lists "the most hypocritical, ignorant, and, based on the content of the books, ironic" bans:
  • Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury: The sci-fi

Mamet to Write, Direct Anne Frank Film for Disney

(Newser) - Disney has bought the rights to film a new adaptation of The Diary of Anne Frank, Variety reports. The diary of a young girl who hid from the Nazis was first filmed 50 years ago. Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright David Mamet will be writing and directing the movie, and Andrew Braunsberg,...

Museum Shooter Charged With Murder
Museum Shooter Charged With Murder

Museum Shooter Charged With Murder

Slain guard opened door as courtesy to von Brunn, 88

(Newser) - The suspect in yesterday’s Holocaust Museum shooting has been charged with murder, the AP reports, and could face the death penalty; hate-crime charges are also possible. Slain security guard Stephen Johns was opening the door for James von Brunn when the 88-year-old fatally shot him, CNN adds; guards fired...

Anne Frank Postcard Found
 Anne Frank Postcard Found 

Anne Frank Postcard Found

Dutch teacher discovers holiday greeting from young Holocaust victim

(Newser) - A postcard sent by Nazi victim Anne Frank to one of her best friends has been found in a Dutch antique shop, the BBC reports. The card, sent by the 8-year-old Anne in 1937, shows a Christmas bell in a snowy field and wishes her friend good luck for the...

Anne Frank's Lost Love Revealed
Anne Frank's Lost Love Revealed

Anne Frank's Lost Love Revealed

Childhood friend of diarist's darling 'Petel' donates photo

(Newser) - Anne Frank's sweetheart now has a face to go along with his pet name. A photo of 12-year-old Lutz Peter Schiff, or Petel, as she sometimes called him, has been donated to the Anne Frank House by a childhood friend, reports ABC News. Frank wrote that she loved so strongly...

'French Anne Frank' Diaries a Hit
'French Anne Frank' Diaries a Hit

'French Anne Frank' Diaries a Hit

Account of life in Nazi-occupied Paris only now available

(Newser) - Often called France’s Anne Frank, Helene Berr was a young Jewish student living in Nazi-occupied Paris who, like Frank, kept a diary detailing the journey from her privileged life to the reality of her fate. Just published for the first time, the diary has become a literary phenomenon, selling...

Curtain Rising on Anne Frank, the Musical

Creator compares teen's life to tragic opera

(Newser) - A first-of-its-kind musical adaptation of The Diary of Anne Frank will take the stage in Madrid next month, the Guardian reports. The Spanish-language play gained the approval of the Anne Frank Foundation, which closely guards the rights to the story of the doomed Jewish teenager; a spokesman says the work...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev