Janet Napolitano

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Napolitano: The Border Is More Secure Than Ever

And crime is down in border states, too

(Newser) - Janet Napolitano pushed back against immigration alarmists yesterday, even as she touted the the White House's latest efforts to secure the border. The Obama administration will deploy an unmanned aerial drone in Texas, and allow local police communities to temporarily “deploy” to assist the National Guard along the border,...

Obama Deploys Top Aides to Gulf

EPA's Jackson, Salazar, Napolitano will monitor response

(Newser) - Three top Obama administration officials are returning to the Gulf Coast to monitor the massive oil spill that seems to have no end in sight, as frustration with the response to the spill threatens to boil over. Environmental Protection Agency chief Lisa Jackson was headed today to Louisiana, where she...

Obama Team Afraid to Mention 'Radical Islam'
Obama Team Afraid to Mention 'Radical Islam'

Obama Team Afraid to Mention 'Radical Islam'

They keep downplaying terrorists' jihadist connections

(Newser) - The Weekly Standard rips into the Obama administration's anti-terror record in a scathing new essay. Stephen F. Hayes and Thomas Joscelyn accuse the administration of failing to detect three plots beforehand (Times Square, the Christmas Day attempt, and Fort Hood), taking credit for dumb luck when two of the attempts...

Holder: Shahzad Charged in 'Terrorist Plot'

Times Square suspect due in court today

(Newser) - Eric Holder officially announced the arrest of suspected would-be Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad today, saying he'd be charged with “an act of terrorism transcending national borders” and “attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction” among other things. He described the incident as “terrorist plot aimed...

Napolitano: We Were on Oil Spill 'From Day 1'
 We Were 
 on Oil Spill 
 'From Day 1' 

Napolitano: We Were on Oil Spill 'From Day 1'

Heads off criticism of White House's reaction

(Newser) - Some Sundays you might as well sleep in, but the talk shows today were abuzz with the Gulf oil spill, Times Square car bomb, and Arizona's immigration shenanigans. Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano had her fingers in each pie, and headed up a list of White House honchos storming the...

Dear Arizona Leaders: You Screwed Up
Dear Arizona Leaders: You Screwed Up

Dear Arizona Leaders: You Screwed Up

Republic lambastes Brewer, McCain, Kyl for immigration fiasco

(Newser) - Newspaper decline or not, today's Arizona Republic would have had the paper boys of yore shouting "Extra! Extra!": In a virtually unheard-of front-page editorial, the paper calls out by name almost every state leader for "pandering to public fear" on immigration policy and "allowing the debate...

Feds Press BP on Funding Gulf Cleanup

Homeland Security, Interior secretaries tour oil spill area

(Newser) - BP is not doing enough to remedy the effects of the oil spill created when one of its offshore drilling facilities exploded, and the federal government plans to pressure the company to fund and complete the cleanup of the crude-choked Gulf of Mexico. "We cannot rest and will not...

Oil Spill Endangers Obama's Drilling Plans

Growing slick expected to reach land tomorrow

(Newser) - The feds are ramping up efforts to contain the widening oil spill near Louisiana, with Janet Napolitano designating it an event of "national significance." For President Obama, it's also an event of political significance. With oil pouring into the Gulf, the environmental mess is already causing trouble for...

Supreme Court Short List Looks Like America

It includes the first black female chief justice in US history

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton may not be on Supreme Court short list—assuming Robert Gibbs isn't fibbing—but those who are make up a diverse bunch. Of the eight names offered by the White House, maybe four are serious candidates (Elena Kagan, Diane Wood, Merrick Garland, and probably newcomer Sidney Thomas), with...

Obama Halts Work on 'Virtual Border Fence'

Funds diverted to 'cost effective' methods

(Newser) - President Obama has stopped work on a controversial high-tech "virtual border fence" between the US and Mexico, and will divert some of the $50 million in stimulus funds planned for the system to other border security equipment. The move likely signals the death of a 5-year Secure Border Initiative...

Helen Thomas Only One to Ask Real Question

What motivates terrorists? Brennan dodges and patronizes

(Newser) - It's a simple question, really: What motivates terrorists to keep coming after the US? It deserves an honest answer, writes Glenn Greenwald. But when Helen Thomas pressed security chief John Brennan on it yesterday, he resorted to the "cartoon idiocy" that al-Qaeda members are simply evil murderers. She kept...

Obama Loves Brainy Women
 Obama Loves Brainy Women 
Maureen Dowd

Obama Loves Brainy Women

And unlike Bill, he's not looking over their shoulders for bimbos

(Newser) - Unlike the Clinton White House, which courted Hollywood, Obama hasn't had movie stars in the Lincoln bedroom—he's the star, Maureen Dowd says in a chat with movie columnist Patrick Goldstein. Dowd says Obama reminds her of a gorgeous actress who insists on being taken seriously for her brains, not...

WH Terror Counsel: 'System Didn't Work'
 WH Terror 
 Didn't Work' 

WH Terror Counsel: 'System Didn't Work'

Napolitano's comment haunts your Sunday dial this week, too

(Newser) - Forget Janet Napolitano, the system that let a would-be Nigerian suicide bomber aboard a Detroit-bound flight didn't work, White House Counterterrorism Adviser John Brennan told State of the Union today—though "every other day the system has worked this year." "There was no smoking gun. There was...

Obama's Terror Critics 'Hysterical' or Dead-On?
Obama's Terror Critics 'Hysterical' or Dead-On?
brooks vs. krauthammer

Obama's Terror Critics 'Hysterical' or Dead-On?

NYT, Post scribes have very different views on terror response

(Newser) - If only we lived in a "mature nation," writes David Brooks in the New York Times . That way, President Obama could have gone on TV after the Detroit terror scare and said, “Listen, we’re doing the best we can, but some terrorists are bound to get...

Where's Our Brave New Technology, Brave New President?

Obama's response to Flight 253 smacks of Spock

(Newser) - The attempted Christmas terror attack leaves Maureen Dowd feeling that we're pathetically behind the curve on security—"patting down grannies and 5-year-olds, confiscating snow globes and lip glosses"—and the president's "listless" response didn't make her feel any safer. Obama once seemed like a leap into the...

Napolitano Backtracks, Says System Failed

Homeland Security chief changes stance; visa oversight probed

(Newser) - Facing a storm of criticism for saying "the system worked" in the attempted bombing of Northwest Airlines Flight 253, Janet Napolitano reversed course today. "Our system did not work in this instance," the Homeland Security secretary said. She added, "No one is happy or satisfied with...

Napolitano: 'The System Worked'
 'The System 

Napolitano: 'The System Worked'

GOP piles on White House over near-bombing on Detroit flight

(Newser) - The Detroit terror incident took center stage on the Sunday talk show circuit today, with Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano coming out swinging as the GOP blamed the White House for the lapse. "The system worked," she told State of the Union, and there was "no...

7 Women Who Might Beat Palin to the White House

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's resignation has fueled talk of a presidential bid, but the first female occupant of the Oval Office may yet be a Democrat, the Washington Post surmises. Here are some of the leading possibilities.
  • Kirsten Gillibrand: the New York senator has impressive fundraising chops and a killer instinct—her

Feds Review Terror Alert System

(Newser) - The Homeland Security Department will review the multicolored terror alert system created in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has created a task force to determine in 60 days how effective the current system is. The system could get an overhaul—or could be...

DHS Report on Target: Domestic Nuts on Rise

(Newser) - Today's shooting at the Holocaust museum, on the heels of the murder of an abortion provider, is bringing renewed attention to a Homeland Security report issued in April that warned of a rise in exactly these kinds of attacks, Politico reports. At the time, critics including Rush Limbaugh blasted the...

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