Muslim Brotherhood

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Morsi: I'll Rethink Israel Peace, Build Iran Ties

Military, secularists involved in behind-scenes deal making

(Newser) - Mohammed Morsi's government will "reconsider the Camp David Accord," the 1979 treaty declaring peace between Egypt and Israel, the newly-elected president told Iran's state-run Fars News Agency today. Morsi was also quoted as saying that he wanted to build closer ties with Iran to "create...

New Egyptian Prez: I Will 'Preserve' Military

Mohammed Morsi speaks, reportedly leaves Muslim Brotherhood

(Newser) - Egypt's new Muslim Brotherhood-backed president addressed the people in a televised speech tonight as tens of thousands gathered in Tahrir Square, Al Jazeera reports. "I have no rights, only responsibilities," said Mohammed Morsi, who won today's election with nearly 52% of the vote. "If I...

Islamist Morsi Wins Egypt Election

Results announced by election commission give win to Muslim Brotherhood-backed candidate

(Newser) - Islamist Mohamed Morsi has won Egypt's closely contested presidential runoff election, the country's election commission said today in a protracted announcement that held an entire nation mesmerized, reports al-Jazeera . Morsi triumphed over Hosni Mubarak's last prime minister, Ahmed Shafiq, garnering almost 52% of the vote, reports the...

Egypt on High Alert Ahead of Vote Results

Both candidates' supporters flood streets, fears of violence grow

(Newser) - Authorities deployed extra security forces in Cairo streets and near key state institutions and police were ordered to "confront with firmness" any violation of the law just hours ahead of the official announcement of Egypt's highly disputed presidential election results. The June 16-17 runoff vote between the Muslim...

Egyptians Again Pack Tahrir Square

Protest against military rule

(Newser) - Once again, thousands of Egyptians are protesting in Tahrir Square, this time against the military's power grab following the country's first free presidential election. Muslim Brotherhood members and supporters chanted, "Down with military rule," and are expected to be joined by secular groups later today. But...

Egypt Delays Election Result
 Egypt Delays Election Result 

Egypt Delays Election Result

Officials: We need time to probe violation reports

(Newser) - Egypt's election authority is delaying releasing the results of the presidential election—probably for "a day or two"—while it investigates hundreds of complaints of electoral violations made by rival candidates Mohamed Morsi and Ahmed Shafiq. Muslim Brotherhood candidate Morsi, and Shafiq, ousted leader Hosni Mubarak's...

Mubarak Declared &#39;Clinically Dead&#39;
 Mubarak on Life Support 

Mubarak on Life Support

Military denies ex-leader is 'clinically dead' as both candidates declare victory

(Newser) - Egypt's Hosni Mubarak is being kept alive by life support after he was rushed from prison to a military hospital in a rapidly worsening condition, officials said. The state news agency MENA said Mubarak was "clinically dead" when he arrived at the hospital, and that doctors used a...

Muslim Brotherhood Confronts Military, Demands Power

Meanwhile, Ahmed Shafiq claiming he won election

(Newser) - The Muslim Brotherhood isn't taking the Egyptian military's power grab lying down. Today, it called for a "million-man march" to protest the new constitution, and said it would attempt to convene parliament, defying the Supreme Constitutional Court ruling dissolving it, the BBC reports. That could set up...

Egypt's Military Grabs Power After Election

As election results come in, military takes power from presidency

(Newser) - Egypt was thrown into turmoil yesterday, after Egypt's military issued a decree taking most powers away from the country's newly elected president. Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi claimed victory over Ahmed Shafiq, Hosni Mubarak's last prime minister, in the country's first free presidential election, but just...

Egypt Votes Amid Turmoil
 Egypt Votes Amid Turmoil 

Egypt Votes Amid Turmoil

Nation electing a president after military power play

(Newser) - Egyptians began voting today to determine who will be the first president in the post-Mubarak era, but the mood is anything but celebratory. This week's stunning move by military leaders to dissolve parliament and essentially consolidate power has overshadowed the race between the two candidates, which is in itself...

Egypt Election Winner? Looks Like a Runoff

Mohamed Morsi likely to face Ahmed Shafiq, but others claim victory, too

(Newser) - Egypt's presidential race is almost certainly heading toward a runoff vote, according to unofficial results so far. The consensus is that Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi was the top vote-getter in the first round, with 30.8% of votes counted so far, but who he'll be facing is...

Protests Rock Egypt; Military Promises to Reshuffle Cabinet

One protester dead as cops, soldiers ignore street battle

(Newser) - Egypt's military leaders are promising to reshuffle their Cabinet after an angry parliament suspended sessions today, calling for the government to be sacked entirely, the AP reports. Despite the standoff, parliament Speaker Saad el-Katatni said the military council's concession restored "dignity" to the nation's Islamist-dominated, 3-month...

Egypt Bars 10 Hopefuls From Presidential Election

Mubarak-era strongman Omar Suleiman given the boot

(Newser) - Egypt's election commission disqualified 10 presidential hopefuls, including Hosni Mubarak's former spy chief and fundamentalist Islamists, from running today in a surprise decision that left a field of moderates in the race for the country's first post-revolutionary leader. The elimination of the three most powerful and controversial...

Muslim Brotherhood Runs Millionaire for Egypt Presidency

Candidate reverses promise not to participate in presidency

(Newser) - The Muslim Brotherhood had insisted it would not run a candidate in Egypt's presidential elections, but growing conflicts with military rulers have spurred the Brotherhood to reverse course and nominate a candidate, reports al-Jazeera . The move is expected not only to increase tensions with the military, but also with...

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood to Hamas, Fatah: Work It Out

Moderate shift seen to strengthen Palestinian position

(Newser) - As the Muslim Brotherhood takes power in Egypt, it is already exerting its influence by pressuring Hamas, the militant group that controls Gaza, to compromise with Fatah, the Western-backed party that runs the West Bank, reports the New York Times . The Brotherhood had previously had a close relationship with Hamas,...

Muslim Brotherhood to Egypt Military: Time to Go

Islamist group now refuses to wait until planned June deadline

(Newser) - Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood had planned to wait until June for the military to hand over power—but now it says that's not soon enough. The Islamist group now says the military must let Parliament—led by the Brotherhood—form a coalition government, thus replacing the current prime minister...

Islamists Win Final Vote in Egypt

Muslim Brotherhood garners nearly half of vote

(Newser) - Final results today showed that Islamist parties won nearly three-quarters of the seats in parliament in Egypt's first elections since the ouster of authoritarian president Hosni Mubarak, according to election officials and political groups. The Islamist domination of Egypt's parliament has worried liberals and even some conservatives about...

Muslim Brotherhood Backs Egypt's Military—for Now

Islamist group won't call for immediate handover: interview

(Newser) - Instead of moving to quash Egypt's temporary military leadership, the Muslim Brotherhood is getting behind it, the head of the Islamist group's political party tells the New York Times . The military aims to maintain its appointed prime minister and Cabinet until the presidential election in June, but the...

Egypt: Protesters Want to &#39;Destroy State&#39;

 Egypt: Protesters 
 Want to 'Destroy State' 

Egypt: Protesters Want to 'Destroy State'

Civilian groups unify, call for military to relinquish power

(Newser) - Violent unrest continued in Egypt for a fifth day, as the military launched a pre-dawn raid on protesters in Tahrir Square, eliciting renewed criticism from domestic political leaders, the United States, and United Nations, reports the New York Times . The harshness of the military crackdown appears to be re-uniting...

Muslim Brotherhood: We Won 40% in Latest Vote

Egyptian party worries final tally won't be accurate

(Newser) - The Muslim Brotherhood says it fared even better in the second round of Egyptian voting than the first. The Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party, which bagged 37% in the first round , claimed today it secured about 40% of votes in the second. The party, shortened as FJP, also said...

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