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Mayor Weiner? He Spends $100K on Pollster

Money suggests ex-congressman is getting back into politics

(Newser) - Anthony Weiner isn't saying anything publicly, but his wallet suggests he's serious about getting back into politics soon. The former congressman spent more than $100,000 on consulting and polling this month, reports the New York Post , setting off all kinds of renewed speculation that he plans to...

'Odd' Views Persist on Obama's Religion: Poll

'Makes it difficult to trust the results': blogger

(Newser) - The AP released a shocking poll this week showing that racism is up across America and could cost Obama 5 points—but that poll also contains some weird numbers, blogs mollie at Patheos . First, the less weird: Only 10% think he's Muslim—down from 17% in 2010—while about...

I&#39;m Addicted to Polls
 I'm Addicted to Polls 
david brooks

I'm Addicted to Polls

But, writes David Brooks, he really shouldn't be

(Newser) - David Brooks has a confession to make: "Hello, my name is David, and I’m a pollaholic," he writes in the New York Times , revealing that he's spent hundreds of hours over the past few months obsessing over any and every election poll he can find, checking...

Romney Pulls Even With Debate Bounce
 Romney Pulls Even 
 With Debate Bounce 
gallup polling

Romney Pulls Even With Debate Bounce

Post-Wednesday tracking shows Romney narrows the gap

(Newser) - President Obama had the edge in Gallup polling immediately prior to last week's debate—but that changed after Mitt Romney walked away with Wednesday's debate. Registered voters are now evenly split, 47% for Romney and 47% for Obama, Gallup's daily tracking shows. Gallup's most recent poll,...

Obama Leading —a Bit—in Slew of New Polls

But Romney not far behind as first debate looms

(Newser) - In the final hours before the first presidential debate of the 2012 election, a host of new polls to consider:
  • President Obama has a significant lead in the battleground state of Ohio, 51% to Mitt Romney's 43%, according to an NBC News /Wall Street Journal poll. That's been

Number of Blacks Who Support Romney: 0%

Romney ticket 4 points behind Obama's heading to convention

(Newser) - Ever wonder how many black voters support Mitt Romney? The simple answer is: 0% . A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll has found that 94% of blacks back President Obama, compared to zilch for Romney. The poll also found that Obama is doing better among Latinos, voters under 35, and women....

God&#39;s Approval Rating: 52%
 God's Approval Rating: 52% 

God's Approval Rating: 52%

Almighty gets high marks for creation, but loses points on natural disasters

(Newser) - Forget presidential and congressional approval polls. The left-leaning Public Policy Polling has finally asked the big question : "If God exists, do you approve or disapprove of its performance?" Some 52% approve of the job God is doing; 9% disapprove; and 40% are unsure, reports the Atlantic Wire . By comparison,...

2010's Best, Worst Pollsters: Nate Silver
 Come 2012, 
 Follow These Polls 
nate silver

Come 2012, Follow These Polls

Quinnipiac, SurveyUSA tops for accuracy, finds Nate Silver

(Newser) - Now that the dust has settled, whose polls were the best predictors of the actual midterm results? Nate Silver ranks them by accuracy and party bias over the last 21 days of the election cycle. The most accurate, according to his calculations: Quinnipiac, which “showed little bias,” he...

How Dems Could Keep the House
 How Dems Could 
 Keep the House 
nate silver

How Dems Could Keep the House

Polling inaccuracies might surprise us today

(Newser) - We keep hearing doom and gloom for the Democrats, and there’s a good chance that’s accurate, writes Nate Silver in the New York Times . But thanks to a few potential polling flaws, things could turn out differently; the Dems might even hang onto the House. Here’s why:...

No Way to Predict Size of GOP Gains
 No Way to 
 Predict Size of 
 GOP Gains 
nate silver

No Way to Predict Size of GOP Gains

'Strange election' offers wide range of outcomes, says Nate Silver

(Newser) - Polls are showing a huge range of possible results for tomorrow, with generic ballots suggesting anything from a 15-point Republican lead to a 3-point Democratic lead. “The fact is that there’s not really any way to say who’s right,” writes FiveThirtyEight polling guru Nate Silver in...

Tea Party Support Slips

Poll shows young voters, white Southerners less happy

(Newser) - A new poll from the Washington Post and ABC shows that support for the tea party movement appears to be slipping, reports the Right Now blog :
  • The percentage who hold an unfavorable view of the movement rose from 39% in March to 50%.
  • The decline is particularly sharp among 18-

Don't Trust Any Poll That Omits Cellphones
Don't Trust Any Poll That Omits Cellphones
Nate Silver

Don't Trust Any Poll That Omits Cellphones

They're ignoring 25% of the populace

(Newser) - Yeah, it's expensive, but pollsters need to start calling cellphones. According to the latest CDC data, 23% of US adults, or 25% of US households are cellphone-only, writes Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight.com . Add in “cellphone-mostly” households and that jumps to 40%—and it could be even higher by...

Why Post Poll Matters &mdash;and Why It Doesn't
 Why Post Poll Matters 
 —and Why It Doesn't 
pundit roundup

Why Post Poll Matters —and Why It Doesn't

New survey shows more support for public option

(Newser) - A new Washington Post/ABC poll showing an uptick in support for the public option—it stands at 57%—has pundits weighing in on the impact:
  • George Stephanopoulos, ABC: It's likely "those numbers aren't strong enough—at least not yet—to shake enough swing senators off their opposition to the

Fear, Not Fraud, May Have Won Iranian Election

(Newser) - A pre-election poll of Iranian voters favoring Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been held up as proof that the election was fair. Not so, writes Nate Silver on FiveThirtyEight.com. The poll, conducted by Terror Free Tomorrow, found that 33.8% of respondents intended to vote for Ahmadinejad, versus 13.6% for...

Poll: US on 'Right Track' for First Time in 5 Years

48% are optimistic, up eight points in two months

(Newser) - For the first time in years, more Americans than not say the country is headed in the right direction, according to an AP poll. The percentage of Americans saying the country is headed in the right direction rose to 48%, up eight points from February, while 44% say the nation...

Sexting 'Craze' May Really Be Skewed Polling

'Internet cowboys and cowgirls' twist results of online surveys

(Newser) - One in five teenagers have shared naughty pictures of themselves over the phone or online—at least according to reports of the “sexting epidemic” that’s been causing hysteria lately. But the figure might be bogus, the Wall Street Journal reports, because it’s based on a voluntary online...

Obama Polling Machine Kicks Into Gear
 Obama Polling Machine 
 Kicks Into Gear 

Obama Polling Machine Kicks Into Gear

White House relies on public opinion data to push agenda

(Newser) - President Obama is increasingly reliant on polling data as he fine-tunes his budget pitch, relying on Washington outsiders in an operation more involved than his predecessor’s but less comprehensive than President Clinton’s. The process, sources tell Politico, is almost completely focused on pushing policy and not on measuring...

Dem Strategists Hatched Plan to Target Limbaugh

Carville, Greenberg conspire to shine spotlight on Rush

(Newser) - Democrats think the hubbub surrounding Rush Limbaugh is solid political gold, and they didn’t strike it by accident. When operatives James Carville and Stanley Greenberg tossed Limbaugh’s name onto a poll last fall, they discovered that Americans can’t stand the conservative talk icon, reports Jonathan Martin in...

Don't Say 'Recession,' Say 'Recovery'

Obama uses focus groups, polls to sell stimulus package

(Newser) - It’s not “infrastructure,” it’s an “investment.” It’s not a “recession,” it’s a “recovery.” Such are the pearls of wisdom Team Obama is spreading to congressional allies, Bloomberg reports. Gleaned from focus-group research and polling, these linguistic tweaks are...

Polls: Obama Widens National Lead

Democrat opens up 5.8 point lead over John McCain

(Newser) - In the final hours, Barack Obama's national lead in the polls is still inching up, writes Nate Silver at Fivethirtyeight.com, to 5.8 points by late last night from 5.4 earlier in the afternoon. Silver's analysis of the latest polls also predicts that Obama stands to win more...

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