the Jewish vote

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Trump: Jews 'Would Have a Lot to Do' With It If He Loses

Ex-president says Jewish Americans who vote for Harris over him 'should have their head examined'

(Newser) - On Thursday, Donald Trump appeared at two different events to speak on antisemitism and shore up Jewish support for his reelection campaign, vowing at one event in front of Jewish donors to be "the best friend Jewish Americans have ever had in the White House," per the AP...

He May Be the First 'Squad' Member Voted Out
He May Be the First
'Squad' Member Voted Out
the rundown

He May Be the First 'Squad' Member Voted Out

House Democrat Jamaal Bowman of New York has alienated his Jewish constituency

(Newser) - Out West, Lauren Boebert's GOP primary contest on Tuesday is the main focus . On the East Coast, the big race is out of New York and among Democrats. Progressive Rep. Jamaal Bowman is at real risk at being the first member of the informal group known as "the...

Romney Heads to Israel, Poised for Big Gains

He's on track to fare better with Jewish vote than any recent Republican

(Newser) - Mitt Romney arrives in Israel today, and his visit promises to be a lot more rewarding than his stop in London for the Olympics. The trip is important, writes Eli Lake at the Daily Beast , because Romney is poised to make inroads among Jewish voters in the US as no...

Jewish Donors Think Bachmann Is ... Jewish

And that's bad news for Mitt Romney's quest for cash

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann likes to talk to crowds about "the creator of the universe, our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ." Yet for some reason, some Jewish donors think she's ... Jewish. And what may be good for her campaign coffers is bad news for Romney's, according to the...

Israeli Pundits Pan Netanyahu's US Trip

Meanwhile, Obama loses top Jewish donor

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu got plenty of standing ovations in Washington, but back home the “nearly unanimous assessment” is that he’s badly damaged the peace process and fueled Palestine’s push for a UN resolution recognizing its statehood, the New York Times reports. “Those who are scared of peace...

Obama's Next Problem: Jewish Voters
Obama's Next Problem:
Jewish Voters

Obama's Next Problem: Jewish Voters

They're abandoning the White House, poll suggests

(Newser) - That same poll showing lots of Americans think President Obama is Muslim has another troubling nugget for the White House, writes Charles Blow: A sizable number of Jewish voters seem to be abandoning President Obama. In the Pew poll, 33% of Jews describe themselves as Republican or independent—up by...

Can You Blame the Jews for Hating Palin?
Can You Blame the Jews for Hating Palin?

Can You Blame the Jews for Hating Palin?

Columnists debate causes of coolness toward hockey mom

(Newser) - Why do the Jews hate Sarah Palin? Conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin posed that leading question in the most recent issue of Commentary and her answer has provoked a backlash from other Jewish writers from both ends of the political spectrum. Rubin argued that, politics aside, Jews have a "palpable...

Hey, Jews Should Be Conservatives, Not Liberals: Podhoretz

Following 'false messiah' Obama is bad politics, bad religion: Podhoretz

(Newser) - Jewish voters backed Barack Obama over John McCain last year by a staggering 57 points—the most resounding mandate from any group other than African Americans. That bewilders neocon Norman Podhoretz, who argues in the Wall Street Journal that both Judaism and the Jewish experience endorse "the infinitely precious...

Obama Hasn't Turned on Israel...Yet
Obama Hasn't Turned on Israel...Yet

Obama Hasn't Turned on Israel...Yet

Tougher settlement stance doesn't hurt the security of Jewish state

(Newser) - Jewish Americans voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama, convinced he was a supporter of Israel. Now, they “suspect they may have been victims of a bait and switch,” writes Alan Dershowitz of the Wall Street Journal. Obama’s rhetoric has certainly been harsher than it was during the campaign,...

Jewish Leaders Blast Clinton for Israel Criticism

Secretary of state tells Jerusalem to stop blocking aid for Gaza

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has sent sharply worded messages to Israel over the past week, lambasting Jerusalem for throwing obstacles in the way of humanitarian aid to Gaza, reports Haaretz. The move isn't sitting well with Jewish leaders back home, notes CBS News. “I liked her a lot more as a...

'First Jewish President' Delights Chicago Faithful

Obama understands community's issues 'better than most of us'

(Newser) - Though there was doubt during the campaign of broad Jewish support for Barack Obama, the Chicago Jewish community didn't share it, Haaretz reports. “I said with a smile that he will be the first Jewish president,” said one community leader and who traveled with Obama to Israel in...

Jews Favor Obama, Survey Says, But ...

... by a thinner margin than they supported fellow Dem Kerry in '04

(Newser) - Barack Obama has a big lead among Jewish voters, according to a survey by the American Jewish Committee. But his 57% support, to 30% for John McCain and 13% undecided, is “a bit lower than one would expect,” a group exec tells VOA News. At this time in...

GOP Email Compares Obama to Nazis

Message to 75,000 Jews unauthorized, Pa. party says

(Newser) - The Pennsylvania GOP has disavowed an email that went out last week to 75,000 Jewish voters comparing a vote for Barack Obama to support for the Third Reich. The message, sent out by a consultant charged with securing the Jewish vote, warns that "Jewish Americans cannot afford to...

Israelis Favor Mac; US Jews Like Obama

Israelis wonder about Obama; former Bush aide campaigns among American Jews

(Newser) - Barack Obama may be surging at home, but Israelis prefer John McCain to the unfamiliar Democrat by a 12-point margin, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Israelis perceive Obama as dovish, and less likely to give Israel the green light on military action. “McCain is seen as a safe bet,...

Sarah Silverman, You Don't Get Jewish Voters
Sarah Silverman, You Don't Get Jewish Voters

Sarah Silverman, You Don't Get Jewish Voters

Bubbie is uneasy over Obama's stance on Israel

(Newser) - Sarah Silverman may be urging young Jews to persuade their bubbies in Florida to vote for Barack Obama, but older Jews are right to be uneasy with the Democrat, writes Anat Hakim in the Los Angeles Times. Much of Obama’s history has Jews feeling that “something is just...

Young Jews Lobby Vital Fla. Voters: Nana and Bubbeh

Silverman urges 'Great Schlep' for Obama

(Newser) - The 2008 election is so important that some Jewish kids may actually visit their grandparents voluntarily. That's the theory behind “The Great Schlep,” an initiative urging young Jews to fly to Florida over Columbus Day weekend and lobby their relatives for Barack Obama. The sponsor is a pro-Obama...

Poll Asks Jews Loaded Questions About Obama

Republican group does "message testing" on Dem's weak points

(Newser) - A Republican group has taken credit for a new poll that asks loaded questions about Barack Obama and has caused a ruckus in the Jewish community, reports Politico. The poll seeks responses to provocative statements linking Obama with various groups and people hostile to Israel. While most of the statements...

Clinton Cancels Event After Palin Invited, Too

Hillary calls off appearance at Jewish rally outside UN

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has canceled an appearance at a New York rally next week after organizers blindsided her by also inviting Sarah Palin. Several American Jewish groups are planning a major demonstration outside the United Nations on Sept. 22 to protest against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Clinton aides were furious that...

Jews Like Obama Far Better Than Lieberman, McCain

It's not even close

(Newser) - Despite Barack Obama’s much debated Jewish problems—and Joe Lieberman’s place of pride as unofficial Jewish spokesman—the Dem is viewed favorably by 60% of American Jews and unfavorably by only 34%, while the Independent scores 37% and 48% (McCain comes in at 34% and 57%). The numbers...

Bloomberg Defends Obama Before Jewish Audience

NYC mayos asks Floridians to be vigilant against false rumors

(Newser) - NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg today urged Jewish voters in Florida to denounce and speak out against false rumors that paint Barack Obama as a secret Muslim, the AP reports. Bloomberg—mentioned as a potential VP for both White House contenders—spoke out against the campaign that plays off "fears...

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