Swift Boating

9 Stories

Obama Campaign: GOP Using 'Swift Boat' Tactics

New attack is a smear campaign, Obama team says

(Newser) - We've arrived at this election's "Swift Boat" moment, at least according to President Obama's re-election campaign. A group of former US intelligence and Special Forces operatives launched a harsh media campaign against Obama yesterday, claiming Obama should not take credit for killing Osama bin Laden and...

Ex-CEO, Swift-Boaters Lead Attack on Health Reform

Rick Scott ties Democrats' plans to Canadian, British systems

(Newser) - As leading Democrats prepare for a health care overhaul, the loudest opposition isn’t coming from GOP leaders—it’s coming from investor and former hospital CEO Rick Scott, with the help of the team that “Swift-boated” John Kerry, the Washington Post reports. Scott is spending $5 million of...

Obama Launches Corsi Counterstrike
Obama Launches Corsi Counterstrike

Obama Launches Corsi Counterstrike

Candidate hits back at Obama Nation with detailed rebuttal

(Newser) - Barack Obama is launching an aggressive counterattack on Obama Nation, the Jerome Corsi book aimed to derail his reputation, Talking Points Memo reports. In sharp contrast to John Kerry's "don't dignify that with a response" approach to Corsi's book demolishing the decorated veteran's Swift Boat record, the Obama campaign...

Obama Nation Author Has Made Career of Wild Claims

Here's a look at some of his most outlandish

(Newser) - Author Jerome Corsi, he of the Kerry Swift Boat book and the new attack tome on Barack Obama, has a long history of, um, provocative theories. For instance: The world's oil supplies are nearly infinite because oil constantly replenishes itself. Politico takes a look at some of his more outlandish...

Kerry Fights Back on Obama 'Swift Boating'

Launches site to refute Corsi book, urges prompt rebuttal

(Newser) - Jerome Corsi is back, and this time John Kerry wants to confront him head on. Kerry has launched a website to refute the attacks in Corsi’s new book, Obama Nation, which aims to dismantle Obama's reputation the same way 2004’s Unfit for Command helped destroy Kerry’s. “...

Swift Boat Author Aims to Sink Obama

Attack book portrays candidate as having secret radical agenda

(Newser) - The author who helped torpedo John Kerry's White House bid is aiming to make it two for two, the New York Times reports. Jerome Corsi's Unfit for Command launched the Swift Boat controversy. His new book, Obama Nation, portrays Barack Obama as a radical liberal with strong ties to Islam,...

Swift Boat Vets Want Their Name Back

Vietnam servicemen bemoan association with Kerry attack ad

(Newser) - These days, the phrase "Swift boat" has come to mean a vicious political attack of the kind suffered by John Kerry in the 2004 election. While the term has gained such currency that it's now used as a verb, one group is seriously miffed: the Navy veterans who, like...

GOP Sees Pastor as Route to Nov. Win

'It’s not the Obama you thought,' strategist says of tie to vocal Wright

(Newser) - After scrounging for ways to combat Barack Obama's appeal, Republican strategists now believe Rev. Jeremiah Wright is the perfect play to drag the Democrat through the mud in the general election. Said one of the inflammatory Wright clips making the rounds, “You start getting some sense of who he...

Clinton Wins 'Comeback,' But No Slack

Next few primaries favor Obama; race moves to superdelegates

(Newser) - With Barack Obama still very much in the race after Super Tuesday, Hillary Clinton turned away from her rival momentarily to take aim at the Republicans last night. "I won't let anyone Swift Boat this country's future," Clinton announced to followers. But she can't afford to take the...

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